The loop in my R function appears to be running twice - r

I need to add rows to a data frame. I have many files with many rows so I have converted the code to a function. When I go through each element of the code it works fine. When I wrap everything in a function each row from my first loop gets added twice.
My code looks for a string (xx or x). If xx is present is replaces the xx with numbers 00-99 (one row for each number) and 0-9. If x is present it replaces it with number 0-9.
Create DF
a <- c("1.x", "2.xx", "3.1")
b <- c("single", "double", "nothing")
df <- data.frame(a, b, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) <- c("code", "desc")
My dataframe
code desc
1 1.x single
2 2.xx double
3 3.1 nothing
My function
newdf <- function(df){
# If I run through my code chunk by chunk it works as I want it.
df$expanded <- 0 # a variable to let me know if the loop was run on the row
emp <- function(){ # This function creates empty vectors for my loop
assign("codes", c(), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("desc", c(), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("expanded", c(), envir = .GlobalEnv)
# I want to expand xx with numbers 00 - 99 and 0 - 9.
#Note: 2.0 is different than 2.00
# Identifies the rows to be expanded
xd <- grep("xx", df$code)
# I used chr vs. numeric so I wouldn't lose the trailing zero
# Create a vector to loop through
tens <- formatC(c(0:99)); tens <- tens[11:100]
ones <- c("00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09")
single <- as.character(c(0:9))
exp <- c(single, ones, tens)
# This loop appears to run twice when I run the function: newdf(df)
# Each row is there twice: 2.00, 2.00, 2.01 2.01...
# It runs as I want it to if I just highlight the code.
for (i in xd){
for (n in exp) {
codes <- c(codes, gsub("xx", n, df$code[i])) #expanding the number
desc <- c(desc, df$desc[i]) # repeating the description
expanded <- c(expanded, 1) # assigning 1 to indicated the row has been expanded
# Binds the df with the new expansion
df <- df[-xd, ]
df <- rbind(as.matrix(df),cbind(codes,desc,expanded))
df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Empties the vector to begin another expansion
xs <- grep("x", df$code) # This is for the single digit expansion
# Expands the single digits. This part of the code works fine inside the function.
for (i in xs){
for (n in 0:9) {
codes <- c(codes, gsub("x", n, df$code[i]))
desc <- c(desc, df$desc[i])
expanded <- c(expanded, 1)
df <- df[-xs,]
df <- rbind(as.matrix(df), cbind(codes,desc,expanded))
df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
assign("out", df, envir = .GlobalEnv) # This is how I view my dataframe after I run the function.
Calling my function


How to order multiple dataframes in Global Environment R

I'm trying to Run a simulation but I'm having trouble storing multiple dataframes called "data_i" in a list ordering by i. I start with a df called "data_", which has data from 1901 to 2032 (132 rows). I apply a loop to create one dataframe per row called data_1, data_2,data_3,...,data_132 (row of 2032 is stored in data_132). Finally, I store all this dataframes in a list and use lapply to create a column in each dataframe. Here is a reproducible example:
#Main dataframe
time <- 1901:2032
b <- 1:132
data_ <- data.frame(time,b)
#Loop for creating data_i where i goes from 1 to 132
simulations <- 10000
for (i in 1:132) {
assign(paste("data_",i, sep = ""), sapply(data_[i,], function(n) rep(n,simulations)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
#Store all dataframes in list (**I THINK THE PROBLEM IS HERE**)
data_names<-str_extract(ls(), '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$')[!, '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$'))]
dataframes<-lapply(data_names, function(x)get(x))
#Create a new column in each dataframe
new_list <- lapply(dataframes, function(x) cbind(x, production = as.numeric(runif(simulations, min = 50, max = 100))))
#Create data_newi in environnment
list2env(setNames(new_list,paste0("data_new", seq_along(dataframes))),
envir = parent.frame())
The code runs but the problem is that the order of the dataframes is not data_1, data_2,data_3,...,data_132 but data_1,data_10,data_100,data_101...This generates that data_names stores this values in that order. This will lead to, for example, 2032 not being in data_new132 as I would want it to be.
Does anybody knows how to solve this? Thanks in advance!
Andres, See if this helps. I added a pad of '0' for the max number of characters (e.g. 132 = 3 characters wide):
#Main dataframe
time <- 1901:2032
b <- 1:132
data_ <- data.frame(time,b)
#Loop for creating data_i where i goes from 1 to 132
simulations <- 10000
for (i in 1:132) {
assign(paste("data_",str_pad(i,nchar(max(b)),pad="0"), sep = ""), sapply(data_[i,], function(n) rep(n,simulations)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
#Store all dataframes in list (**I THINK THE PROBLEM IS HERE**)
data_names<-str_extract(ls(), '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$')[!, '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$'))]
dataframes<-lapply(data_names, function(x)get(x))
#Create a new column in each dataframe
new_list <- lapply(dataframes, function(x) cbind(x, production = as.numeric(runif(simulations, min = 50, max = 100))))
#Create data_newi in environnment
list2env(setNames(new_list,paste0("data_new", paste(str_pad(seq_along(dataframes),nchar(max(seq_along(dataframes))),pad="0"),sep=""))),
envir = parent.frame())
1) Use mixedsort in gtools:
for(i in c(2, 10)) assign(paste0("data", i), i)
ls(pattern = "^data")
## [1] "data10" "data2"
mixedsort(ls(pattern = "^data"))
## [1] "data2" "data10"
2) or ensure that the names are the same length using leading 0's in which case ls() will sort them appropriately:
for(i in c(2, 10)) assign(sprintf("data%03d", i), i)
ls(pattern = "^data")
## [1] "data002" "data010"
3) Normally one does not assign such objects directly into the global environment but puts them into a list. One can refer to elements using L[[1]], etc.
L <- list()
# for(i in 1:3) L[[i]] <- i
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2
## [[3]]
## [1] 3
3a) or in one line:
L <- lapply(1:3, function(i) i)

Keep last n characters of cells in a function in R

Consider the following data.frame:
df <- setNames(data.frame(rep("text_2010"),rep(1,5)), c("id", "value"))
I only want to keep the 4 last characters of the cells in the column "id". Therefore, I can use the following code:
df$id <- substr(df$id,nchar(df$id)-3,nchar(df$id))
However, I want to create a function that does the same. Therefore, I create the following function and apply it:
testfunction <- function(x) {
x$id <- substr(x$id,nchar(x$id)-3,nchar(x$id))
df <- testfunction(df)
But I do not get the same result. Why is that?
Add return(x) in your function to return the changed object.
testfunction <- function(x) {
x$id <- substr(x$id,nchar(x$id)-3,nchar(x$id))
df <- testfunction(df)
However, you don't need an explicit return statement always (although it is better to have one). R by default returns the last line in your function so here you can also do
testfunction <- function(x) {
transform(x, id = substring(id, nchar(id)-3))
df <- testfunction(df)
which should work the same.
We can also create a function that takes an argument n (otherwise, the function would be static for the n and only useful as a dynamic function for different data) and constructs a regex pattern to be used with sub
testfunction <- function(x, n) {
pat <- sprintf(".*(%s)$", strrep(".", n))
x$id <- sub(pat, "\\1", x$id)
testfunction(df, n = 4)
# id value
#1 2010 1
#2 2010 1
#3 2010 1
#4 2010 1
#5 2010 1
Base R solution attempting to mirror Excel's RIGHT() function:
# Function to extract the right n characters from each element of a provided vector:
right <- function(char_vec, n = 1){
# Check if vector provided isn't of type character:
# Coerce it, if not: char_vec => character vector
char_vec <- vapply(char_vec, as.character, "character")
# Store the number of characters in each element of the provided vector:
# num_chars => integer vector
num_chars <- nchar(char_vec)
# Return the right hand n characters of the string: character vector => Global Env()
return(substr(char_vec, (num_chars + 1) - n, num_chars))
# Application:
right(df$id, 4)
df <- setNames(data.frame(rep("text_2010"),rep(1,5)), c("id", "value"))

How to use grep function in for loop

I have troubles using the grep function within a for loop.
In my data set, I have several columns where only the last 5-6 letters change. With the loop I want to use the same functions for all 16 situations.
Here is my code:
situations <- c("KKKTS", "KKKNL", "KKDTS", "KKDNL", "NkKKTS", "NkKKNL", "NkKDTS", "NkKDNL", "KTKTS", "KTKNL", "KTDTS", "KTDNL", "NkTKTS", "NkTKNL", "NkTDTS", "NkTDNL")
for (i in situations[1:16]) {
## Trust Skala
a <- vector("numeric", length = 1L)
b <- vector("numeric", length = 1L)
a <- grep("Tru_1_[i]", colnames(cleandata))
b <- grep("Tru_5_[i]", colnames(cleandata))
cleandata[, c(a:b)] <- 8-cleandata[, c(a:b)]
cleandata$scale_tru_[i] <- (Tru_1_[i] + Tru_2_[i] + Tru_3_[i] + Tru_4_[i] + Tru_5_[i])/5
With the grep function I first want to finde the column number of e.g. Tru_1_KKKTS and Tru_5_KKKTS. Then I want to reverse code the items of the specific column numbers. The last part worked without the loop when I manually used grep for every single situation.
Here ist the manual version:
grep("Tru_1_KKKTS", colnames(cleandata)) #29 -> find the index of respective column
grep("Tru_5_KKKTS", colnames(cleandata)) #33
cleandata[,c(29:33)] <- 8-cleandata[c(29:33)] # trust scale ranges from 1 to 7 [8-1/2/3/4/5/6/7 = 7/6/5/4/3/2/1]
cleandata$scale_tru_KKKTS <- (Tru_1_KKKTS + Tru_2_KKKTS + Tru_3_KKKTS + Tru_4_KKKTS + Tru_5_KKKTS)/5
You can do:
Mean5 <- function(sit) {
cnames <- paste0("Tru_", 1:5, "_", sit)
cleandata[, paste0("scale_tru_", situations)] <- sapply(situations, FUN=Mean5)
how about something like this. It's a bit more compact and you don't have to use attach..
situations <- c("KKKTS", "KKKNL", "KKDTS", "KKDNL", "NkKKTS", "NkKKNL", "NkKDTS", "NkKDNL", "KTKTS", "KTKNL", "KTDTS", "KTDNL", "NkTKTS", "NkTKNL", "NkTDTS", "NkTDNL")
for (i in situations[1:16]) {
cols <- paste("Tru", 1:5, i, sep = "_")
result <- paste("scale_tru" , i, sep = "_")
cleandata[cols] <- 8 - cleandata[cols]
cleandata[result] <- rowMeans(cleandata[cols])
I took for granted that when you write a:b you mean all the columns between those, which I assumed were named from 2 to 4
situations <- c("KKKTS", "KKKNL", "KKDTS", "KKDNL", "NkKKTS", "NkKKNL", "NkKDTS", "NkKDNL", "KTKTS", "KTKNL", "KTDTS", "KTDNL", "NkTKTS", "NkTKNL", "NkTDTS", "NkTDNL")
# constructor for column names
get_col_names <- function(part) paste("Tru", 1:5, part, sep="_")
for (situation in situtations) {
# revert the values in the columns in situ
cleandata[, get_col_names(situation)] <- 8 - cleandata[, get_col_names(situtation)]
# and calculate the average
subdf <- cleandata[, get_col_names(situation)]
cleandata[, paste0("scale_tru_", situation)] <- rowSums(subdf)/ncol(subdf)
By the way, you call it "scale" but your code shows an average/mean calculation.
(Scale without centering).

subsetting a data.frame using a for loop

I have a data.frame, and I want to subset it every 10 rows and then applied a function to the subset, save the object, and remove the previous object. Here is what I got so far
L3 <- LETTERS[1:20]
df <- data.frame(1:391, "col", sample(L3, 391, replace = TRUE))
names(df) <- c("a", "b", "c")
b <- seq(from=1, to=391, by=10)
nsamp <- 0
for(i in seq_along(b)){
a <- i+1
nsamp <- nsamp+1
df_10 <- df[b[nsamp]:b[a], ]
res <- lapply(seq_along(df_10$b), function(x){...}
saveRDS(res, file="res.rds")
My problem is the for loop crashes when reaching the last element of my sequence b
When partitioning data, split is your friend. It will create a list with each data subset as an item which is then easy to iterate over.
dfs = split(df, 1:nrow(df) %/% 10)
Then your for loop can be simplified to something like this (untested... I'm not exactly sure what you're doing because example data seems to switch from df to sc2_10 and I only hope your column named b is different from your vector named b):
for(i in seq_along(dfs)){
res <- lapply(seq_along(dfs[[i]]$b), function(x){...}
saveRDS(res, file = sprintf("res_%s.rds", i))
I also modified your save file name so that you aren't overwriting the same file every time.

Passing list element names as a variable to functions within lapply

I have a named list of data and a custom function I want to apply to the data:
#Some example data
d.list <- list(a = c(1,2,3), b = c(4,5,6), c = c(7,8,9))
#A simple function to process some data, write an output graph, and return an output
myfun <- function(data, {
y <- list()
y[1] <- data[1] + data[2] + data[3]
y[2] <- data[3] - data[1]/ data[2]
y[3] <- data[2] * data[3] - data[1]
svg(filename =, width = 7, height = 5, pointsize = 12)
plot(data, y)
I now want to iterate this over my list using sapply and get a saved image file for each iteration, with the file name set as the list element name (e.g. a.svg, b.svg, c.svg in the example above), along with the data frame containing results of the calculations. When I run this:
#Iterate over the example data using sapply
res <- t(sapply(d.list, function(x) myfun(data=x,, ".svg", sep = ""))))
I get the expected data frame:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
a 6 2.500 5
b 15 5.200 26
c 24 8.125 65
but I only end up with one file in the target directory: "a.svg"
How can I pass the list element names through correctly as a parameter to the function I'm calling in sapply?
If you need to iterate over two vectors at the same time (both your data and the file names), use mapply (or Map)
res <- t(mapply(myfun, d.list, paste0(names(d.list), ".svg")))
In the OP's post, it looped through each element of the 'd.list', but called names(d.list) in each of the loop i.e. calling a vector (c("a", "b", "c")). We need to loop by the names of the 'd.list'. In that way, we can get the individual names as well as the list elements by subsetting.
lapply(names(d.list), function(x) paste0(x, ".svg"))
If we are using the OP's function
lapply(names(d.list), function(x) myfun(data= d.list[[x]], = paste0(x, ".svg")))
