Is it Ok to call cy.server() twice in same test in Cypress - automated-tests

it('Some Test', () => {
cy.route('POST', 'my/api1').as('myApi');
cy.route('POST', 'my/api2').as('myApi');
Is this code ok, like is there any problem if we are calling cy.server() twice in the same test?in Cypress

I did code as above to see if there is any repercussion, however, couldn't get any!
Basically I wanted to abstract it away in a function like this
Cypress.Commands.add('listenRoute', (type, url, alias) => {
method: type,
So I got tests successfully passing without any errors or warning, and thus am concluding, that it is OK

The second cy.server(); call is not required as you are waiting cy.wait('#myApi'); for the previous call to complete. Also, the second route is the same as the first, therefore no need to set again if server() is not re-instantiated.
Outstanding requests are automatically aborted between tests
Therefore you need to either wait for previous to complete, or initiate a second server to run concurrently.
it('Some Test', () => {
cy.route('POST', 'my/api').as('myApi');


Ways to test if my app is making the correct amount of api calls

I'm testing a react app with cypress, and cypress is really good at checking if atleast n many are calls are made on load, and not so good at checking if only those calls were made. The app itself is a pretty standard react app that uses window.fetch for api calls. Is there another service, like cypress something similar, that's got the ability to test that in an automated fashion?
For instance, if you visit the site logged in we have three config calls. If a developer commits code that accidentally calls one of those twice, ideally I'd like an automated test to catch that.
I don't want to do it in Cypress because it seems like that's not what the product is really intended to do unless you hack it with an undocumented solution.
Seems like you need a hard wait to ensure you check after all calls have been issued.
Also recommend stubbing so that there's no latency waiting for server response.
it('check for excess calls', () => {
cy.intercept('', {}).as('fetch')
cy.visit('/').then(() => {
// wait for expected calls
cy.get('#fetch.all') // check the call count
.should(calls => {
expect(calls).to.have.length(3) // no extra calls
Tested with this app HTML
You may want to burn-test to get the right wait time, see Burning Tests with cypress-grep
Alternatively you can wait four times and catch the error
it('check for excess calls', () => {
cy.intercept('', {}).as('fetch')
cy.visit('html/call-limit.html').then(() => {
Cypress.once('fail', (error) => {
// catch ignore failure on 4th cy.wait('#fetch')
if (error.message.includes('No request ever occurred')) {
throw error // rethrow to fail for another reason
cy.wait('#fetch') // should fail and trigger listener above
.should(calls => {

Firebase function return value while async action is ongoing [duplicate]

I'm using Firebase Functions with https triggers, and I was wondering how long after sending the response to the client, the functions keeps executing. I want to send a response to the client and then perform another operation (send a mail).
Currently I'm doing this as following:
module.exports.doSomeJob = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
The above code is working for me, but I'm suspecting that the code only works because sending the mail has finished before the res.send has completed, so I was wondering how exactly the termination process is working to make sure the code will not break.
You should expect that the HTTP function terminates the moment after you send the response. Any other behavior is some combination of luck or a race condition. Don't write code that depends on luck.
If you need to send a response to the client before the work is fully complete, you will need to kick off a second function to continue where the HTTP function left off. It's common to use a pub/sub function to do with. Have the HTTP function send a pub/sub message to another function, then terminate the HTTP function (by sending a response) only after the message is sent.
If the expected response is not pegged to the outcome of the execution, then you can use
module.exports.doSomeJob = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
return doSomeAsyncJob()
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
This sends back a response a soon as a request is received, but keeps the function running until res.end() is called
Your client can end the connection as soon as a response is received back, but the cloud function will keep running in the background
Not sure if this helps, but it might be a workaround where the client needs a response within a very limited time, considering that executing pub/sub requires some extra processing on its own and takes time to execute
While https functions will terminate shortly after res.send(), it is not guaranteed that 0 lines of code after res.send() will be executed.
I think a fuller answer has 2 components:
as Doug pointed out, do not put any additional code you expect to be executed after res.send()
cloud functions will terminate shortly after res.send(), but don't expect that exactly 0 lines of code will be executed
I ran into a situation where for a db maintenance script, if no records met my criteria, I said goodbye with res.send() and had additional logic after it. I was expecting that piece not to be run, since I've already terminated the request.
Example producing unexpected results:
exports.someFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (exitCriteria === true) {
// we can exit the function, nothing to do
console.log('Exit criteria met')
// code to handle if someCriteria was falsy
console.log('Exit criteria not met, continue executing code')
In the above example, I was expecting res.send() to terminate the function immediately - this is not so, the second console.log may also be hit - along with any other code you may have. This is not guaranteed, however, so execution may abruptly stop at some point.
Example producing correct results:
exports.someFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (exitCriteria === true) {
// we can exit the function, nothing to do
console.log('Exit criteria met')
else {
// code to handle if someCriteria was falsy
console.log('Exit criteria not met, continue executing code')
In this version, you will see exactly 1 line of console.logs - as I was originally intending.

Firebase callable functions with background tasks [duplicate]

I'm using Firebase Functions with https triggers, and I was wondering how long after sending the response to the client, the functions keeps executing. I want to send a response to the client and then perform another operation (send a mail).
Currently I'm doing this as following:
module.exports.doSomeJob = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
The above code is working for me, but I'm suspecting that the code only works because sending the mail has finished before the res.send has completed, so I was wondering how exactly the termination process is working to make sure the code will not break.
You should expect that the HTTP function terminates the moment after you send the response. Any other behavior is some combination of luck or a race condition. Don't write code that depends on luck.
If you need to send a response to the client before the work is fully complete, you will need to kick off a second function to continue where the HTTP function left off. It's common to use a pub/sub function to do with. Have the HTTP function send a pub/sub message to another function, then terminate the HTTP function (by sending a response) only after the message is sent.
If the expected response is not pegged to the outcome of the execution, then you can use
module.exports.doSomeJob = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
return doSomeAsyncJob()
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
This sends back a response a soon as a request is received, but keeps the function running until res.end() is called
Your client can end the connection as soon as a response is received back, but the cloud function will keep running in the background
Not sure if this helps, but it might be a workaround where the client needs a response within a very limited time, considering that executing pub/sub requires some extra processing on its own and takes time to execute
While https functions will terminate shortly after res.send(), it is not guaranteed that 0 lines of code after res.send() will be executed.
I think a fuller answer has 2 components:
as Doug pointed out, do not put any additional code you expect to be executed after res.send()
cloud functions will terminate shortly after res.send(), but don't expect that exactly 0 lines of code will be executed
I ran into a situation where for a db maintenance script, if no records met my criteria, I said goodbye with res.send() and had additional logic after it. I was expecting that piece not to be run, since I've already terminated the request.
Example producing unexpected results:
exports.someFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (exitCriteria === true) {
// we can exit the function, nothing to do
console.log('Exit criteria met')
// code to handle if someCriteria was falsy
console.log('Exit criteria not met, continue executing code')
In the above example, I was expecting res.send() to terminate the function immediately - this is not so, the second console.log may also be hit - along with any other code you may have. This is not guaranteed, however, so execution may abruptly stop at some point.
Example producing correct results:
exports.someFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (exitCriteria === true) {
// we can exit the function, nothing to do
console.log('Exit criteria met')
else {
// code to handle if someCriteria was falsy
console.log('Exit criteria not met, continue executing code')
In this version, you will see exactly 1 line of console.logs - as I was originally intending.

Run parallel saga effects without cancelling any of them

I'd like to run parallel effects with redux-saga, without throwing if an error happens.
Using the all effect from redux-saga, if:
One of the Effects was rejected before all the effects complete: throws the rejection error inside the Generator.
Basically, I want to wait for all effects to finish to trigger an action. I want to do something like this, but replacing all by something else:
export function* getSaga() {
yield put(request());
try {
yield all([fetchItems1, fetchItems2, fetchItems3]);
// Wait for all to resolve or get rejected, then dispatch succeed.
yield put(actions.succeeded());
} catch (e) {
// This should never happen.
I tried to use fork but it does cancel all other tasks if one failed. And I tried to use spawn but it doesn't wait for the tasks to finish to dispatch succeeded.
Using regular JS, there is a pattern called reflect which I'd like to apply with saga.
How can we achieve that?
Following the answer from the linked stackoverflow issue you can just as easily create a reflect saga and use it in the same way:
function* reflect(saga) {
try {
return { v: yield call(saga), status: 'fulfilled' }
} catch (err) {
return { e: err, status: 'rejected' }
yield all([fetchItems1, fetchItems2, fetchItems3].map(reflect));
Working example:

Continue execution after sending response (Cloud Functions for Firebase)

I'm using Firebase Functions with https triggers, and I was wondering how long after sending the response to the client, the functions keeps executing. I want to send a response to the client and then perform another operation (send a mail).
Currently I'm doing this as following:
module.exports.doSomeJob = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
The above code is working for me, but I'm suspecting that the code only works because sending the mail has finished before the res.send has completed, so I was wondering how exactly the termination process is working to make sure the code will not break.
You should expect that the HTTP function terminates the moment after you send the response. Any other behavior is some combination of luck or a race condition. Don't write code that depends on luck.
If you need to send a response to the client before the work is fully complete, you will need to kick off a second function to continue where the HTTP function left off. It's common to use a pub/sub function to do with. Have the HTTP function send a pub/sub message to another function, then terminate the HTTP function (by sending a response) only after the message is sent.
If the expected response is not pegged to the outcome of the execution, then you can use
module.exports.doSomeJob = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
return doSomeAsyncJob()
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
This sends back a response a soon as a request is received, but keeps the function running until res.end() is called
Your client can end the connection as soon as a response is received back, but the cloud function will keep running in the background
Not sure if this helps, but it might be a workaround where the client needs a response within a very limited time, considering that executing pub/sub requires some extra processing on its own and takes time to execute
While https functions will terminate shortly after res.send(), it is not guaranteed that 0 lines of code after res.send() will be executed.
I think a fuller answer has 2 components:
as Doug pointed out, do not put any additional code you expect to be executed after res.send()
cloud functions will terminate shortly after res.send(), but don't expect that exactly 0 lines of code will be executed
I ran into a situation where for a db maintenance script, if no records met my criteria, I said goodbye with res.send() and had additional logic after it. I was expecting that piece not to be run, since I've already terminated the request.
Example producing unexpected results:
exports.someFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (exitCriteria === true) {
// we can exit the function, nothing to do
console.log('Exit criteria met')
// code to handle if someCriteria was falsy
console.log('Exit criteria not met, continue executing code')
In the above example, I was expecting res.send() to terminate the function immediately - this is not so, the second console.log may also be hit - along with any other code you may have. This is not guaranteed, however, so execution may abruptly stop at some point.
Example producing correct results:
exports.someFunction = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
if (exitCriteria === true) {
// we can exit the function, nothing to do
console.log('Exit criteria met')
else {
// code to handle if someCriteria was falsy
console.log('Exit criteria not met, continue executing code')
In this version, you will see exactly 1 line of console.logs - as I was originally intending.
