Analytics new view in existing property not showing real-time data - google-analytics

A few days ago I created a new view under the same property i´ve been using for years on my website. The property is correctly implemented through GTM and the rest of the views have been registering data without any issue, but this new view is not tracking anything. I also cannot see anything under the real time report. No filters have been added yet to the new view.
Any clues of what can be causing this issue?

User ID Tracking was activated. Created a new view without that option enabled and now it´s tracking fine. Note that the activation of the User ID Tracking cannot be reversed.


Google Analytics subdirectory filter not working

I've created a Google Analytics view to track all visits to*
This is the filter:
However, this view shows no traffic after a week.
If I look at the default view that doesn't have this filter, there are visits to the /wordpress/ subdirectory included in the stats.
What is wrong with my filter please?
Thanks, Steve
Based on comments on the main post, especially where you say It says: User-ID Reports: Disabled, I think the problem is that you are using a User-ID view.
So create a new view from the dedicated button '+ Create View':
And then apply the filter you have already created to this new view.
Note: a new views may need a few time to work properly so if you don't see the data immediately, wait from a few minutes to a few hours.

Track behavioral flow from google tag manager event

I want to see which pages a visitor went through, when filling in a contact form. To track the submitting of the form, I setup google tag manager with google analytics.
So now when submitted I see an event "FormSubmitted" in Analytics.
Only now I can't get to figure out, how I can check the behavior flow of only the user which submitted the form.
Is anyone known with this, and knows how to filter that specific usertype out? Tried some filters in the behavior flow section, but couldn't get the right one.
Hope to get a solution here!
Only now I can't get to figure out, how I can check the behavior flow of only the user which submitted the form.
Create a segment with conditions for example "Sessions includes event category = ...".
And apply it on report "Behavior Flow".
Ussually to track steps of form filling it's better to set it before. You need to set sending virtual pages in GTM for each step you want and then create goal in GA type Destination and add steps there. After successful setup you'll see funnel in report 'Funnel Visualization'.

GTM & Contact Form 7 - goals not being logged

Much the same as this user, I've got a WordPress website with multiple forms often on the same page. My forms are created using Contact Form 7.
For example, when the 'Request a Call' form is completed, a data layer is sent using:
on_sent_ok: "dataLayer.push({'event':'formSubmit-RequestACall'});"
In GTM, I have a custom trigger set up as follows:
Here are the Tag settings:
Meanwhile, over in GA, I've set up the following Goal:
However, if I submit the request a call form and look at Real-Time goal completions in GA, nothing is showing. Is anyone able to advise where I'm going wrong please?
Thanks in advance.
Update: My Preview summary says the tag isn't firing. There's one tag firing, which is the one I'm using to measure overall traffic.
The DataLayer feedback is as follows:
Crikey! I've finally got to grips with it. In the hope of saving someone else the best part of a day, here are my settings, which work for me.
dataLayer.push (under 'Additional Settings' in Contact Form 7)
on_sent_ok: "dataLayer.push({'event':'formSubmit-RequestACall'});"
Google Tag Manager - Trigger
Google Tag Manager - Tag
Google Analytics - Goal
The verification as you can see in the last photo says it would expect 0% conversion based on last 7 days data. This is despite the goal registering in the Real-Time (last 30 mins) data, so I expect it needs 24 hours to register the goal properly.
No variable settings necessary. I now just need to repeat for the other forms, changing the event name for each (i.e. instead of formSubmit-RequestACall) to something unique.
Good luck!

Not able to group Google Analytics custom events by page

I have custom events being successfully tracked in Google Analytics.
However, when adding a secondary dimension of page, or when creating a custom report to group custom events by page, my numbers go way off. The total events number goes down, and half of the events that I saw in the unfiltered report are no longer there. My custom report is setup quite standard from what I can tell. Does anybody have any experience or similar issues to this? Are we not tracking something correctly?

How to Send / Create Google Analytics Event for Wordpress User Registrations / Logins

This seems like it should be a rather important use case for GA events but I really couldn't find any instruction on the net.
I'd like to create an event for any new registrations on my Wordpress site. If I can append that to logins as well, even better but the former is more important.
I also use WooCommerce so I'd need to ensure registration through that code path is included as well.
I'm familiar enough with adding the GA event code, I'm just not sure where to place it in this instance. I feel as if this functionality should be baked into the platform or most plugins. Maybe it is.
I noticed the 'Google Analytics for Wordpress' plugin has a checkbox for adding tracking code to registration pages however I'm not sure what exactly that does on the GA side? Does it create events? Is this whole question therefore pointless?
Any help here is appreciated.
I noticed the 'Google Analytics for Wordpress' plugin has a checkbox for adding tracking code to registration pages however I'm not sure what exactly that does on the GA side? Does it create events? Is this whole question therefore pointless?
From what I remember, by checking that box you create a custom variable for Logged In Status. By creating a custom variable, you can then create segments off of that and look to see how logged in users use the site compared to non-logged in users.
However, if you simply want to track new registrations, you could add GA event tracking to the submit button when the user submits the registration form.
If I were you, I'd do both.
If there is a page they land on after registering then just register that page as a goal in GA. I get your intent behind registering it as an event, but it might be easier to just do it as a goal.
