telegram bot cannot remove notification when delete message in group - telegram

Bot sendMessage -> User receive notification
Bot deleteMessage -> Telegram in app message deleted -> User received notification will be disappear
but when i add telegram bot to group
Bot sendMessage -> User receive notification
Bot deleteMessage -> Telegram in app message deleted -> User received notification does not disappear

Cannot be done, since having the Notification is an OS feature, not the app itself. A bot cannot remove already received notifications.


Open chat and send message with tg://

I want open a telegram chat and send a designated message to a designated chat_id
I tried this but it just opens chat without message : tg://openmessage?user_id=1315949751&msg?text=AnyText
Is there a way to do that ?

How can I find out about notification delivery (ti.goosh)

I use Appcelerator Titanium and I have module ti.goosh for push notification. How can I find out about notification delivery? In 'callback' I can find out about opening the notification, but I want to also know that the notification is in the device tray (for example using console.log).
I depends on what kind of message you are sending. A FCM data message is handled by the module with the NotificationCompat.Builder but if you are sending a normal FCM notification message the system is creating the notification and displaying it. You will only know if the notification was clicked by the user (like you already do) or if it arrived while the app was in foreground.

How to stack/group multiple fcm notification in status bar in android

how to group/stack multiple notification in status bar if fcm server send multiple notification to application or user at app side doesnot read previous notification.And how to handle pending intent for each notification.

How can I clear firebase cloud message notifications?

I use firebase cloud message to send messages to my phone, and I can successfully receive notifications. But in some cases, I do not click notifications to open my app, but manually open the app to go into foregroud. And what I want is when I open the app, notifications in notification bar should be automatically cleared.
The following code will clear all notifications for your app, including those created by FCM. You could add this to the onResume method of your main activity:
NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) getApplicationContext()
Usually you would cancel a notification by specifying the ID you gave it when it was created, however as FCM is creating the notification for you, you can't know its ID, and so must cancel it by cancelling all notifications as above.

Telegram how to send message user from group through Api?

On some website ( I had seen possible get personal notify eq :(offer, ticket, discound) on telegram. I can to add only mobile phone (+7 906 247 00 01) in my contact list telegram and all.
How they did it?
I read telegram api documention and I found nothing. also I found this question How to obtain Telegram chat_id for a specific user?
wherein said that before send message I can get chat_id and send message boot telegram for get user chat_id from message
After obtaining user's phone number you can send an SMS to that number with a link to a bot like{SOME_ID_ASSOICATED_WITH_PHONE_NUMBER}
Once user opens the link and start bot you can send him/here messages through bot until blocked/unsubscribed.
If a user with the same phone number already subscribed to the bot no need to send an SMS.
