RStudio opens up with full environmet - r

when I try to open RStudio, it opens with this environment and I can't open any files because it looks like RStudio is loading this large matrices.
I just want to open RStudio and start with a clean environment and no .rmd files on it
I have aleady deleted all .RData Files and .Rhistory files, uninstalled and installed both R and RStuido, and still, it opens up with all .rmd files and this large matrices on the environment

Ah, yeah, sop go to tools > global options > R General
There you'll see options to restore data on startup. Uncheck those.
If the matrices are so large that it's causing you to run out of RAM, you may need to delete the rproject file (and associated things like .rproj.user. .rhistory, .Rdata, .ruserdata --you may need to enable show hidden files to do that). Or just make a new project and start fresh (copy over the files and data from the broken project directory).


Using packrat libraries with knitr and the rstudio compile PDF button

As explained by Yihui Xie in this post, when one uses the Compile PDF button of the RStudio IDE to produce a PDF from a .Rnw file, knit() uses the globalenv() of a new R session. Is there a way that this new R session would use the packrat libraries of my project (even the version of knitr included in my packrat libraries) instead of my personal user libraries to ensure a maximum level of reproducibility? I guess that the new R session would have to be linked to the project itself, but I don't know how to do this efficiently.
I know I could directly use the knit() function instead of the Compile PDF button and, that way, knit() would use my current globalenv(), but I don't like this solution since it's less reproducible.
I think I got the problem myself, but I want to share with others who could confirm I'm right, and possibly help improve my solution.
My specific problem is that my .Rnw file is in a sub-directory of my whole project. When the Compile PDF button creates a new R session, it is created in this sub-directory, thus not finding the .Rprofile file that would initialize packrat. I think the easiest solution would be to create a .Rprofile file in my subdirectory which contains
temp <- getwd()
I have to change the working directory at the project level before source("packrat/init.R") because the file itself refers to the directory...
Anybody can see a better solution?
I don't know if this solution works for even the knitr package, but I am 99% sure it works for all other packages as it seems to for me.
(I believe) I have a very similar problem. I have my project folder, but my working directory has always been the sub folder where my .rnw file is located, in a subdirectory of my project folder.
The link to Yihiu Xie's answer was very helpful.
Originally I wanted a project folder such as:
But I'm not sure if that is possible with packrat when my R library() calls are not in the working directory and packrat cannot parse the .rnw file (I call the library.R file from a chunck using source() in my .rnw file). A few notes:
I wanted to use a .Rproj file to open the project and have project-a/working as the working directory
If this was true then packrat can find the library.R script
But the .rnw file still defaults to its own working directory when compiling
I thought an .Rprofile with knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = "..") would work but I don't think it works for latex commands like input\, it defaults back to the directory containing the .rnw file
I thought this was insufficient because then you have two working directories, one for your r chunks and one for your latex!
Since .rnw always sets the working directory, I put my library.R script in the same directory as my .rnw file which creates the packrat folder in project-a/working/rnw. I am 99% sure this works because when I created the packrat folder in the project-a/working/rnw folder WITHOUT relocating the library.R file it received an error that no packages could be found and I could not compile the .rnw file.
Again, unless I am overlooking something or misunderstanding which packages are being used, this seems to have worked for me. Disclaimer here that I am relatively new to packrat.

Same R history from different workspace

I am new to R and I just figured out why my history did not contain all my previous commands. R create a .Rhistory file in each working directory.
I often change working directory and I would like to have the history of all my past sessions in the same file. Is there a simple way to do that ?
(I am on Mac OS 10.6 and I use Rstudio)
An easy way would be to manually save your history like this:
savehistory(file = "~/.Rhistory")
and then load it when you open an R command session:
loadhistory(file = "~/.Rhistory")
Otherwise you can edit your '' and add savehistory() and loadhistory() to the functions .Last and .First respectively.
More info about here
At startup, R will source the file. It will then look for a .Rprofile file to source in the current working directory. If it doesn't find it, it will look for one in the user's home directory. There are two special functions you can place in these files. .First( ) will be run at the start of the R session and .Last( ) will be run at the end of the session.

How to change .Rprofile location in RStudio

I am working with a "factory fresh" version of RStudio on Windows 7. R is installed under C:/Program Files which means the default libraries are stored here, and the two locations contained in .libPaths() on startup are both within this folder.
I want to work with another R library (igraph). Since the C:\Program Files folder is write-protected, I have set up another area to work in: C:\Users\nick\R and installed the igraph library in C:\Users\nick\R\library. I can manually add this location to the .libPaths() variable and use the library with no problems.
However, my problem is getting RStudio to automatically add this location to the .libPaths() variable on startup. I read that I could add the relevant command to my .Rprofile file - but I couldn't find any such file (presumably they are not automatically created when RStudio is installed). I then created a file called .Rprofile containing only this command. This only seemed to work when the .Rprofile file was saved in C:\Users\nick\Documents (which is the path stored in both the R_USER and HOME environmental variables). What I would like is to have the .Rprofile file stored in C:\Users\nick\R.
I have read all the information in ?Startup and it talks about where to store commands that run on startup. But I just can't make this work. For example there seems to be no way to change the location of the home directory without reading a file stored in the home directory. I don't seem to have any .Renviron files and creating these myself doesn't seem to work either.
I would really appreciate an answer in simple terms that explains how I could go about changing where the .Rprofile file is read from.
In Windows, you set the R_USER profile by opening up a command line and running:
SETX R_PROFILE_USER "C:/.../.Rprofile"
Where (obviously) the path is the path to your desired .Rpofile. In R, you can check that it worked:
Should return the path you specified. Note that you likely need to have all R sessions closed before setting the R_USER variable.

Locate the ".Rprofile" file generating default options

In R and RStudio, I think I have messed around with the .Rprofile file a few times, and I currently am loading up an old version of it upon startup of R or RStudio, is there a way that I can quickly find the location of the file that is generating the default options?
Like #Gsee suggested, ?Startup has all you need. Note that there isn't just the user profile file, but also a site profile file you could have messed with. And that both files can be found in multiple locations.
You could run the following to list existing files on your system among those listed on the page:
candidates <- c( Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE"),
file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "etc", ""),
file.path(getwd(), ".Rprofile"),
file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Rprofile"))
Filter(file.exists, candidates)
Note that it should be run on a fresh session, right after your started R, so that getwd() will return the current directory at startup. There is also the tricky possibility that your profile files do modify the current directory at startup, in which case you would have to start a "no-profile" session (run R --no-site-file --no-init-file) before running the code above.

R workspaces i.e. .R files

How do I start a new .R file default in a new session for new objects in that session?
Workspaces are .RData files, not .R files. .R files are source files, i.e. text files containing code.
It's a bit tricky. If you saved the workspace, then R saves two files in the current working directory : an .RData file with the objects and a .RHistory file with the history of commands. In earlier versions of R, this was saved in the R directory itself. With my version 2.11.1, it uses the desktop.
If you start up your R and it says : "[Previously saved workspace restored]", then it loaded the file ".RData" and ".RHistory" from the default working directory. You find that one by the command
If it's not a desktop or so, then you can use
to see what's inside. For me that doesn't work, as I only have the file "desktop.ini" there (thank you, bloody Windoze).
Now there are 2 options : you manually rename the workspace, or use the command:
to save the workspaces before you exit. Alternatively, you can set those options in the file This is a text file containing the code R has to run at startup. The file resides in the subdirectory /etc of your R directory. You can add to the bottom of the file something like :
fn <- paste("Wspace",Sys.Date(),sep="")
nfiles <- length(grep(paste(fn,".*.RData",sep=""),dir()))
fn <- paste(fn,"_",nfiles+1,".RData",sep="")
Beware: this doesn't do a thing if you save the workspace by clicking "yes" on the message box. You have to use the command
right before you close your R-session. If you click "yes", it will still save the workspace as ".RData", so you'll have to rename it again.
I believe that you can save your current workspace using save.image(), which will default to the name ".RData". You can load a workspace simply using load().
If you're loading a pre-existing workspace and you don't want that to happen, rename or delete the .RData file in the current working directory.
If you want to have different projects with different workspaces, the easiest thing to do is create multiple directories.
There is no connection between sessions, objects and controlling files .R. In short: no need to.
You may enjoy walking through the worked example at the end of the Introduction to R - A Sample Session.
Fire up R in your preferred environment and execute the commands one-by-one.
