Getting firestore usage stats from firebase client libraries - firebase

I am trying to identify the reason for an abnormally high firestore read count in my android and web app.
If there was a way to profile firestore, I could get an idea of which collection, or which user is causing this high read count, but currently there is no way to profile firestore.
I added a log entry to my android and web apps to log the read count to a remote server, so I can troubleshoot the issue. But this log doesn't match the actual read count I see in the firestore console, so it looks like I have missed to log some places where firestore is queried.
The reason why firestore hasn't provided a way to profile firestore is because it is technically difficult for them to do it with the high load, as I read somewhere. But, it shouldn't be hard to track the usage at client library level.
Does anyone know a way to get the usage statistics out of the firestore client library? Or any other way to troubleshoot this issue?

There is currently no profiler. Please contact Firebase support and file a feature request to vote for this. Also, they might be able to help you understand the traffic.


How to see which owner/contributor has deleted the Firestore data?

We are a team of developers working on an app for one and a half years, with the backend using Firebase and Firestore as cloud database. We have several owners and contributors to this project. Now our Firestore data and user authentication data have been deleted and we've lost almost everything. Is there a way to see which owner/contributor has deleted our data? And most importantly is there a way to retrieve this deleted data? Thanks in advance.
Note: We are on the Blaze (paid) plan of Firebase.
You can enable audit logs for Firestore to log all operations on the database to Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring. That way you can see exactly what happened. You have to opt-in to this though, so this will only help you see who did what after you enable it.
Currently there is no way to find out which collaborator on the project or which Authentication user deleted the data from Firestore.
If the data got deleted accidentally from your database,as Renaud Tarnec mentioned above in comment, you can reach out to Firebase support and ask for the data to be restored.
You can also check out Announcing Automated Daily Backups for the Firebase Database.

Extremely high READ hits on website using Firebase Firestore

I have more than 52k hits on my small project which is using NextJS with Firebase 9.
I don't know what the problem is because the data I am using is very limited and I have only two snapshot listener and one Authentication feature. But somehow in just two days Firestore quota has exceeded and there are more than 52k READ hits.
I don't know why that happened because there are no memory leaks and I am also closing the API listeners which come attached with Firebase.
I am providing github link in case anyone wants to take a look
Attached screenshot of Firebase console:
Use of the Firebase console will incur reads. If you leave the console open on a collection or document with busy write activity then the Firebase console will automatically read the changes that update the console's display. Most of the time this is the reason for unexpected high reads. You can go through this answer. Also, currently there are no tools to trace the reads in Firestore. So to limit the Firestore database reads you have to configure security rules.
So, I would suggest you check your Firestore rules. And if not, it is better to contact Firebase Support as this kind of issue needs visibility into your project and they will have access to it.
I am having the same problem as you with my React app. The solution is to use the useEffect hook and call the function that requests for firestore collection;
useEffect(()=> {
}, []);

Securing Firebase Database without having Firebase Auth

I am learning Flutter by following Codelab Firebase Tutorial and developing test Android app almost similar to this. Users save their baby name and others vote their favorites which updates Votes count in database. Based on this, I have few questions related to Firebase Security.
App does not currently have any Firebase Authentication. Is it necessary to have Firebase Auth seeing users who will just vote does not need to have any kind of registration.
Can someone decompile my app and get google-services.json file? If yes, will that allow them to use this file in their app and mess my database?
How much secure is my app from non-users like I mentioned in above point if I do not include firebase auth and keep security rules to default (read, write all)?
Apologies, If I failed to convey my point properly as I am still in learning stages of App development.
You must be using Firebase Authentiction if you want per-user read/write restrictions. If you aren't using it, you can only restrict what anyone in the world can do with public access.
Yes, anyone can get the values from your google-services.json file. They are added to your app as string resources. No, it doesn't allow anyone to access everything. What you're asking here is very common, try doing some searches for that. For example this.
If you use security rules that allow all read and write access, anyone with an internet connection will be able to read and write your database. This is not really acceptable in most cases.

Profiling firebase storage requests

I have an app which uses firebase storage and I am observing an unusual traffic to the storage. The bandwidth usage is unusually high, which shouldn't happen with the usual behavior of the app.
I need to isolate a user or a stored file which causes this unusual bandwidth usage. Is there any way I can get more information about the storage usage, other than the information shown at the Usage tab of firebase console?
Firebase Storage only tracks and shows aggregate data for the usage in your project. It does not tie this usage to specific Firebase Authentication users.
If you need that, consider adding your own tracking for this, for example by logging uploads/downloads to Google Analytics for Firebase.
You can also log to Stack Driver, although it might only be in aggregate there too. For the exact metrics, see the Google Cloud Platform documentation on its storage metrics.
Alternatively you could reach out to Firebase support for personalized help in troubleshooting. But I'm not sure if they have access to the type of data you're looking for.

Does Firebase FCM support retrieving old messages?

Does Firebase Cloud Messaging provide any way for a user to retrieve old messages? From the documentation, it looks like messages are thrown away once the client receives them.
I ask because I'm looking to build an IM functionality in my app, and a user needs to be able to see past messages when he closes the app and then opens it again.
Update from the comments here:
Unfortunately this just got worse as of 20 Nov 2017 when FCM Diagnostics was removed from Google Play Console. "I understand that FCM Diagnostics was critical to you in troubleshooting FCM messages but unfortunately this has been deprecated. Rest assured that we are working on something better that should allow a lot more insight into what went wrong during message delivery, but we can’t share any timelines. I’ll share your concern internally and continue to work to get this new feature out.
FCM's main purpose is for Push Notifications. So to answer directly, No. FCM doesn't keep track of the message you send for you. There is a diagnostics and statistics tool you can use, but I don't think this is the one you're looking for.
IMHO, it's the developer's responsibility to keep track of the details they need. In your scenario, you would be needing a database to store the message details themselves, wherein you can make use of Firebase Realtime Database. There's actually a sample Codelab about creating a simple chat app using Firebase here.
