Centralized Text Using Flex Property in CSS - css

I am just learning Angular.Actually I am trying to centralized text using Flex.I tried and the text also centralized but the problem was it is not look like professional.Can you please help me with this.I want like:
Account Name Dev
Region North Virginia
User Name Ramya
I tried and it looks like:
Account Name Dev
Region North Virginia
User Name Ramya
CSS I tried:
<div style="flex: 1">
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:center;">
<span>{{' ' + recoveryaccount}}</span>
<div style="display: flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:center;">
<span>{{' '}}{{selectedrestorepoint?.instances?.length ? (selectedrestorepoint.instances[0].aws_region | region) : ' '}}</span>
I want the above format.Can you please help with this.Seriouly I am struggling.
Thanks in advance :)

What you are trying to acheive is displaying data in tabular form, for which you should be using CSS grids or CSS tables as they are designed for these usecases.
Though the below snippet acheives what you want using CSS flexbox solution, I won't recommend using this approach.
.flex-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
.flex-item {
width: 50%;
padding: 0 5px;
.flex-item:first-of-type {
text-align: right;
<div class="flex-container">
<span class="flex-item">Account</span>
<span class="flex-item">Dev</span>
<div class="flex-container">
<span class="flex-item">Region</span>
<span class="flex-item">North Virginia</span>
<div class="flex-container">
<span class="flex-item">User Name</span>
<span class="flex-item">Ramya</span>
PS: Use CSS paddings or margins to add space between elements instead of adding space character in HTML template.
Hope this helps you. Happy coding!
Refer the below links for more information on CSS tables and grids.

if you want to use flex box to put the element at the center of you div, the best and reliable way is, using the flex class in the bootstrap. the link below help you surely about using the flex box to center the element. i wish it helps you.

As you said you are currently learning. Below link is a great source as per me for understanding flex and its functionality. Hope this helps.


center a div within organized column system

I am creating a web page and wanted to use a system similar to foundations/ bootstrap with defined columns and rows. I am happy with what I have so far, however I am not sure how I can center a column within a row, while still using a defined grid system.
I know usually the html is formatted like this:
<div class="column column-6 center">
Is what I have so far,
I am just not sure how the "center" tag is usually formatted in foundations. I would like to have the column in the second row centered, as well as others in the future.
Your code is OK, you just have to change the order in CSS:
.column {
position: relative;
float: left;
display: block;
.center {
Style .center class after . column class and it will work.
BTW, it is a good idea to clean up your code a little bit.
<div align="center">
And then you can customize it in the css that you're doing
In Zurb foundation you can use "-offset-" and "end" class names,
for example
<div class="row">
<div class="large-6 large-offset-3 end columns">6 centered</div>
docs here
to center properly (with no headaches) with Twitter Bootstrap you can simply set empty divs as follows:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3"></div>
<div class="col-xs-6">
centered div in all resolutions
<div class="col-xs-3"></div>
Or you can use offset too

Proper use of HTML5 elements

I have my profile image and below it I want to place my name and a few things about me. I don't know what to use for the image div or if I even need a div for it. Are the h1 and p elements used properly?
<div class="profile">
<div><img src="profile_image.jpg"></div>
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
Full Body HTML
<div class="page">
<div class="profile">
<div><img src="profile_image.jpg"></div>
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
<div class="sites">
<li><img src=""> <img src=""></li>
The rest of the site are just app icons taking to my social media sites. There's no other content. My site also doesn't have a header or footer. Not sure if my profile class should be considered the header at this point for good SEO.
You do not need to put the div around the image. Just style it to display: block (img defaults to display: inline)
<div class="profile">
<img style="display: block" src="profile_image.jpg">
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
Otherwise, the rest of the code is perfectly fine.
It does depend of what exactly you want to do with it but if I understand your question.
You don't need divs for your image just set up different image classes in your CSS.
Then your HTML would look like
<img src="profile_image.jpg" class="image1">
Check out http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_align.asp for more information about how to actually set up alignments in your CSS
It might be worth using a div to style your text into a block or format it to look nice, etc. But you don't need to do it
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_div.asp for div styling .
And finally abit of personal experience, spend an hour or 2 looking through W3Schools CSS section and learning the basics of styling it's a great way to learn the basic tools you need to work with CSS and make your pages look good !
Edit styling text
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
so first you could style them in your css as the elements they are
padding-left: 10px;
text-decoration: underline;
text-align: right;
Doing thing your HTML would look exactly as it is you wouldn't have to change anything. Obviously this is something you can only do once for all <p> and <h1> content and every time you use those tags without specifying a class for them it'll look exactly like whatever the above CSS is.
The other option is to do what I suggested with the image and give them a unique class.
text-align: right;
Here you'll need to add class to <p> jsut like you did for image which will look like
<p class="body">Coffee snob.</p>
Hope that helps !

Center Section Not Fitting in 3-Column Responsive CSS Layout

I have a 3-column layout that works pretty well:
My goal is to add a pre-existing modular unit into the center div, the one with class two-inner. The markup is like so:
<div class="container">
<div class="one">
<div class="one-inner"></div>
<div class="two">
<div class="two-inner"></div>
<div class="three">
<div class="three-inner"></div>
The CSS can be seen in the fiddle. Part of the modular unit is actually built from some PHP where some data from a database is fetched and displayed. I have some arrays that I'm using for testing that mimic 6 entries and gives the modular unit a 2-wide by 3-tall box layout. My problem is that when I add this unit into the layout above, I get something like the test site below.
The markup for the modular unit is like so:
<section class="unit">
<section class="buttons margin-top-2em">
<div class="button-fixed-width">
<button type="button" class="<bootstrap-button>">button 1</button>
<div class="button-fixed-width">
<button type="button" class="<bootstrap-button>">button 2</button>
<div class="button-fixed-width">
<button type="button" class="<bootstrap-button>">button 3</button>
<div class="row">
<?php // loop through some arrays to get module unit ?>
I've tried various tweaks to try and get it up but the only thing that does it is making the heights of the outer classes one, two, and three close to zero.
Although I've tried changing heights and other bits to get it to fit, I'm still having trouble figuring out why that center div won't go up. What am I missing?
The CSS for the unit class is in the fiddle. On it's own, it works OK, and I have some breakpoints that collapse it down into a single column. I just cant get passed this part...
After trying some ideas from #kozlovski5, I am able to get the divmoving up and down as I need. But there is something going on that is making me uneasy. I'm not too familiar with the display: table, display: table-cell layout so Im sure I'm missing something. For example, when I add text to the divs in question, either the classes one, two, or three, or the inner classes, the adjustments recommended by #kozlovski5 go away. So in other words if I don't use top: -37.5em; and just fill the divs with text, everything seems to work as it should. It's when I try to model the layout with bordered sections that I get the strange behavior.
I ended up going with floats instead. See test site above for final.
I applied:
div > .modular {
display: block;
This seems to solve the problem. Here is an updated jsFiddle. http://jsfiddle.net/YNyHW/4/
OP has provided a test case for his website, so my updated answer is:
.two-inner {
background-color: #cba;
border: 1px solid gray;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
top: -596px;
left: 0;
Ugghhh.. Another Edit
I think the whole display: table and div > div. { display: table-cell;} is causing this issue and instead of working on patches let's hit the problem head straigh on instead of working on fixes.
Just get rid of the display table etc. And use floats instead here is an example:

Text on Hover an image in Css

Hey guys I'm trying to implement Paper unfoding effect in a webpage of a wesite I'm developing. Im using the pfold jquery plugin, but I want a text to appear on hover and I did it many times but doesnt work. Here is my code:
<div class="uc-container">
<div class="uc-initial-content">
<!--<img src="fm.png" alt="FM" /> -->
<img src="fm.png" alt="Fm" title="Fm" id="hoverFm">
<p class="textSponsor">92.7 BIG FM</p>
<span class="icon-eye"></span>
<div class="uc-final-content">
<img src="fm.png" alt="FM" />
<div class="title"><h4>FM</h4> </div>
<span class="icon-cancel"></span>
And This is the CSS For same:
#hoverFm .textSponsor{
position: relative;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
visibility: hidden;
#hoverFm:hover .textSponsor{
visibility: visible;
When Im doing this the text just simply comes below my picture . I'm not getting where I'm going wrong. And when I'm creating a new div which contains only <img> and <p> tag then my image is getting small (I guess its because of the code I wrote for resizing and paper folding effect which is gettin hampered due to this and then also text on hover is not coming)
If you guys wanna see what actually I'm making :
The link to the demo site is: http://tympanus.net/Development/PFold/index3.html
and the code for same is available at link: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/10/17/pfold-paper-like-unfolding-effect/comment-page-2/#comment-450779
And the github link for code is: https://github.com/codrops/PFold
I tried it a lot to figure out but was unable so please help someone. It will really be appreciated. Thanks in Advance!!
#hoverFm:hover .textSponsor
This does never really happen, because .textSponsor is not a child of #hoverGM, it is a sibling. You need to use the next selector, which is +:
#hoverFm:hover + .textSponsor
You could also change the structure to
<div class="uc-initial-content" id="hoverFm">
<img src="fm.png" alt="Fm" title="Fm">
<p class="textSponsor">92.7 BIG FM</p>
Then your original selector would work because now it really is a child.

zurb foundation is it possible to have full row width

I'm using foundation 3 to build a responsive website but I want to have the Footer and Navigation background width to occupy the entire width? I have named my rows as
class="row navigation"
class="row footer"
I tried looking for how to fix this but I'm out of options. I'm assuming it is a small fix in the foundation.css file but it's a bit too overwhelming at the moment as I'm new to it.
Any poiinters much appreciated.
I ran into the same problem yesterday. The trick is, for full width spanning blocks, you just keep them out of the row/column structure, since row/column will always apply the default padding. Keep your footers and headers on their own, and use row/column inside them.
This will span the full width of the page
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
This text will flow within all typical padding and margins
This will span the full width of the page
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
This text will flow within all typical padding and margins
What I have been doing is to add a custom class so that I can chain it with .row and override the max-width setting.
<div class="row full-width"></div>
.row.full-width {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
I put width in here too to cover bases, but it is already declared in foundation.css so you can just omit it.
If you're using Zurb Foundation Framework, simply remove the row class and wrap the element in a class container that is 100% width. Now you probably want to center the stuff, use class centered like this:
<div class="container navigation">
<div class="centered">
Some navigation stuff
I completely disagree with the answer. You shouldn't have to use !important
Please refer to my article and demo at http://edcharbeneau.github.com/FoundationSinglePageRWD/
You should be able to get what you need from there. The demo is for 2.2 but is very similar in function to v3.
Foundation 6 supports this feature naturally with row expanded. code example:
<div class="expanded row">
Read more here: http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/grid.html#fluid-row
Use "Section" as in:
<div class="row">
<div class="small-12 columns">
Then, assign an ID to the section and use that for your background.
This is in regards to Foundation 5. None of the answers given so far, provide edge-to-edge, full widths. That's because inner .columns add padding.
For a true edge-to-edge, full width content, add this to your CSS.
.row.full { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; }
.row.full>.columns:first-child { padding-left: 0; }
.row.full>.columns:last-child { padding-right: 0; }
Simply add .full class to a .row you wish to extend full width.
<div class="row full">
<div class="medium-6 column">This column touches Left edge.</div>
<div class="medium-6 column">This column touches Right edge.</div>
Just override the max-width property as max-width: initial;, for example,
.fullWidth {
width: 100%;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
max-width: initial;
<div class="row fullWidth"> </div>
this works for me :)
I know that there are already many answers, but I think I have something new to add in this topic if someone is using Foundation 5 and stumbled upon this question (like me).
As Foundation is using REM units, it would be best to alter .row class using them and by adding extra class, so you can have only selected rows full-width. For example by using .full class:
.row.full {
max-width: 80rem; /* about 90rem should give you almost full screen width */
You can see that it is used like this even in documentation page of Zurb Foundation (they altered .row class, though): http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/ (just look into page source code)
You really would want to keep the row class otherwise you lose a lot of the power of the grid system. Why not change the setting for $rowWidth from 1000 (default) to 100%. This can be found in the file foundation_and_overrides.scss
Just set the
$row-width: 100%;
I am not sure if I am missing something, but I had to add a .row div for the .centered to work. I can still style the .header to have a full width background in this case, but the .container method did not work for me.
<header class="header">
<div class="row">
<div class="centered">
Logo and stuff
<div class="row">
Some navigation stuff
If you don't give it the "row" class and put columns inside it works on a 100% width
If you're using sass, this is a better way:
<div class="row full-width"></div>
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%!important; //might be needded depending on your settings
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
yes, just use like this:
<div class="large-12 columns">
<h2>Header Twelve Columns (this will have full width of the BROWSER <---->></h2>
