Google Data Studio Pivot Table - Adding Multiple Months (Google Analytics) - google-analytics

As you can see from the below picture,
I am able to insert the pivot table with Default Channel Grouping as the Row Dimension and Month as the column Dimension and metric as users.
I would like to add more months (in columns) like, Nov, Oct, etc.
I would like to add more months in the column. (Now in the pic as you see, I am able to extract only Jan and December month data).
I have also attached the Settings / configuration for this report.

If you adjust the chart's date range to a custom date range, then it will include the further months within the adjusted date range.
There is a current known issue in Data Studio affecting column sort.
I found using the dimension Month of Year worked when sorting column order

For future reference, the issue was resolved earlier this month (seems to be a bug fix that was part of the 13 Feb 2020 update which also included the functionality to filter reports by an email field).


Unable to get data of Present Month in Apache Superset

I am using Apache Superset for reporting purpose. I am want to draw a chart to show the graph for present Month. I used several ways but it is showing me the last day of the month. I used this method and other like start of this month It is showing me end of this month. Please show me the correct way to get the data of the current month.
After a rigorous research I found the answer. here it is
datetrunc(datetime("this month start"), month)

Find difference in days between two date fields in Infopath

Could someone help me with determining the difference in days between two date fields in InfoPath forms.
Usual subtraction doesn't work with the date fields. like DateField1 - DateField2. Any code or no code solution is highly appreciated.
There are ways to get difference of dates in InfoPath, but they are very complex and involve writing rules and parsing the date into month/day/year. Instead, I recommend this method described elsewhere that uses Excel Services. Because Excel is excellent at calculations, it makes sense to write the calculations in Excel and call the Excel document from InfoPath (if you have SharePoint with Excel Services).
Here are 2 sets of instructions on how to set up InfoPath and Excel Services. The instructions are long and/or copyrighted so I cannot include them here, but to summarize you would set up new Data Connections in InfoPath to use web services (SOAP) open the Excel document and set the date fields based on your InfoPath date fields and retrieve the calculated value from Excel.
Calculating date differences in InfoPath using SharePoint Excel Services
InfoPath and Excel Services
It took me about an hour to get it working because I had to do some trial & error with the Trusted Location settings.
I utilize a separate SharePoint list to help calculate the number of days between two dates in Infopath. This is so I can account for leap years and have the ability to just count work days, not all days. I update this list with new data once a year.
Here is the Excel file source for the list containing 2018-2020 data:!ApLhBloaS1wVgsUOMRrRfbekFftY9Q
Import the first worksheet of the above Excel file as a new list in Sharepoint.
Add a receive data connection to this list from your InfoPath form.
For the first date, create a action to convert the date to a number in YYYYMMDD format. Assuming the date is stored as DateTime, you can use this formula:
floor(number(translate(substring-before(../my:endDate, "T"), "-", "")))
Query the list for the number value of the first date. Store this number in a field (column) in your form. (This field does not need to show in your form.)
Repeat steps 3 & 4for the second date.
Subtract the first date number from the 2nd, store this in a third column.
Note: The Excel file uses the formula "NETWORKDAYS" and includes columns for weekdays, weekdays minus US Federal holidays, and weekdays minus NYSE holidays. Now you can get the number of work days between two dates using one of these columns. If you live outside the US, you could add a column to the Excel for other holidays, such as UK bank holidays.

Google Analytics unique events change when timeperiod is changed

I am tracking a number of events on a website and am trying to extract some analytics data via the api. The problem I have found can be boiled down to this scenario. If I want to know how many unique events have happened per day, I can run a query such as:
which will give me table of the number of unique events per day from Feb 19th to Feb 24th. In my specific example, I will have a row that say I had 12914 unique events on Feb 22nd.
If I now change the time period for the query to something like this:
I will basically get the same table, only from Feb 1st to Mai 1st. Was suprises me though is, that now the column for Feb 22nd reads 12966 events, while my assumption would be, that this number should actually stay the same.
Is there something I'm missing here? In which scenario would these numbers make sense? Thanks for your help!
Check the API response for the value of containsSampledData.
Sampling is the practice of selecting a subset of data from your traffic and reporting on the trends available in that sample set.
You can specify the sampling level to use for a request by setting the samplingLevel parameter to HIGHER_PRECISION.
You can also try simplifying your request by shortening the date range, or requesting fewer dimensions.

Is there an option in Google Analytics to compare the Search Engine results for two different time ranges?

In the Google Analytics in the Search Engine Optimization there is an option to see all the queries that've been used to find the my page. I would like to create an custom report to compare two different date ranges (e.g. march 2014 compared to June 2014) and i would like to see and compare what was the Average Position/Impressions for one query durring March 2014 and what are the values (average possition/impressions) for the same query for the current date.
Is there such an option in google analytics? or i need to export data from one date range and from another one and then use Excel/Google Spreadsheet to create such a report?
The calendar in which you select your timeframe has a compare option (which works with almost any report in GA). I assume that is what you mean ?

Last Date of Next Month: SSRS

I have a date, for example, 12/14/2011.
I would like to get the last day of the next month, which would be 01/31/2012.
How can I achieve this in SSRS.
This has been answered at this link:
One of your datasets in reporting services should reference a common place for all date functions. And then you can use the date functions to set parameters.
I have highlighted step by step how to do this for reporting services with screen shots in that link.
