So I have .csv's of nesting data that I need to trim. I wrote a series of functions in R and then spit out the new pretty .csv. The issue is that I need to do this with 59 .csv's and I would like to automate the name.
data1 <- read.csv("Nest001.csv", skip = 3, header=F)
functions functions functions
write.csv("Nest001_NEW.csv, file.path(out.path, edit), row.names=F) there any way for me to loop the name Nest001 to Nest0059 so that I don't have to delete and retype the name for every .csv?
EDIT to incorporate Gregor's suggestion:
One option:
filenames_in <- sprintf("Nest%03d.csv", 1:59)
filenames_out <- sub(pattern = "(\\d{3})(\\.)", replacement = "\\1_NEW\\2", filenames_in)
all_files <- matrix(c(filenames_in, filenames_out), ncol = 2)
And then loop through them:
for (i in 1:nrow(all_files)) {
temp <- read.csv(all_files[[i, 1]], skip = 3, header=F)
do stuff
write.csv(temp, all_files[[i, 2]], row.names = f)
To do this purrr-style, you would create two lists similar to the above, and then write a custom function to read in the file, perform all the functions, and then output it.
.x = list(filenames_in),
.y = list(filenames_out),
.f = ~my_function()
Consider .x and .y as the i in the for loop; it goes through both lists simultaneously, and performs the function on each item.
More info is available here.
Your best bet is to put all of these CSVs into one folder, without any other CSVs in that folder. Then, you can write a loop to go over every file in that folder, and read them in.
setwd("path to the folder with CSV's goes here")
combinedData = data.frame()
files = list.files()
for (file in files)
combinedData = bind_rows(combinedData, file)
EDIT: if there are other files in the folder that you don't want to read, you can add this line of code to only read in files that contain the word "Nest" in the title:
files= files[grepl("Nest",filesToRead)]
I don't remember off the top of my head if that is case sensitive or not
I need to process all the files in a folder, and the files are named sequentially, so I think it is a good time for a loop. The code to process a single file is simple:
df<-read.table("CLIM0101.WTG", skip = 3, header = TRUE)
write.table(df, "clim201401.txt", rownames = "FALSE")
The 99 files to be read are "CLIM0101.WTG" through "CLIM9901.WTG" and they should be written to "clim201401.txt" through "clim201499.txt". Here's a link to the folder with the files:
So what is the problem here? I don't understand how to write a loop, and haven't found a great description of how to do so. Previous loop questions have had non-loop answers, but it seems like this time it is really what I need.
I do that all the time. The basic idiom is
files <- list.files(....) # possibly with regexp
reslist <- lapply(files, function(f) { ... some expressions on f ... }
You simply need to encode your few steps into something like
myfun <- function(filename) {
df<-read.table(filename, skip = 3, header = TRUE)
newfile <- gsub(".WTG", ".txt", filename_
write.table(df, newfile, rownames = FALSE) # don't quote FALSE
and now you use use myfun ie the above becomes
files <- list.files(....) # possibly with regexp
invisible(lapply(files, myfun))
Untested, obviously.
My R script is trying to aggregate excel spreadsheets that are in different folders within the Concerned Files folder (shown in the directory below) and putting all the data into one master file. However, the script is randomly selecting files to copy information from and when i run the code, the following error shows so i am assuming this is why it's not choosing every file in the folder?
all_some_data <- rbind(all_some_data, temp)
Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) :
numbers of columns of arguments do not match
The whole code:
#list of people's name it has to search the folders for. For our purposes, i am only taking one name
managers <- c("Name")
#directory of all the files
directory = 'C:/Users/Username/OneDrive/Desktop/Testing/Concerned Files/'
#Create an empty dataframe
all_HR_data <-
data.frame(matrix(ncol = 8, nrow = 0)),
c("Employee", "ID", "Overtime", "Regular", "Total", "Start", "End", "Manager")
#loop through managers to get time sheets and then add file to combined dataframe
for (i in managers){
#a path to find all the extract files
files <-
path = paste(directory, i, "/", sep = ""),
pattern = "*.xls",
full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE
#for each file, get a start and end date of period, remove unnecessary columns, rename columns and add manager name
for (j in files){
temp <- read_excel(paste(directory, i, "/", j, sep = ""), skip = 8)
#a bunch of manipulations with the data being copied over. Code not relevant to the problem
all_some_data <- rbind(all_some_data, temp)
The most likely cause of your problem is an extra column in one or more of your files.
A potential solution along with a performance improvement is to use the bind_rows function from the dplyr package. This function is more fault tolerant than the base R rbind.
Wrap you loop up with lapply statement and then use bind_rows on the entire list of dataframes in one statement.
output <-lapply(files, function(j) {
temp <- read_excel(paste(directory, i, "/", j, sep = ""), skip = 8)
#a bunch of manipulations with the data being copied over.
# Code not relevant to the problem
temp #this is the returned value to the list
all_some_data <- dplyr::bind_rows(output)
I have several txt files in different directories. I want to read each file separately in R that I will apply some analysis on each one later.
The directories are the same except the last folder as the following:
The files in all directories have the same name and the last folder starts from 1 to last order.
Create all the filenames to read using sprintf or something similar. Then use read.table or whatever you use to read the text files.
lapply(sprintf("c:/Desktop/ATA/%d/files.txt", 1:10), function(x)
read.table(x, header = TRUE))
Replace 10 with the number of folders you have.
Maybe you can try:
list_file <- list.files(path = "c:/Desktop/ATA", recursive = T, pattern = ".txt", full.names = T)
This will return the list of text files contained in your folder. Then, you can create a for loop to open them and apply some functions on each.
for(i in 1:length(list_file))
data = read.table(list_file[i],header = T, sep = "\t")
... function to apply
First Thanks Guys, I mixed your codes and modified a little bit:
common_path = "c:/Desktop/ATA/"
primary_dirs = length(list.files(common_path)) # Gives no. of folders in path
list_file <- sprintf("c:/Desktop/ATA/%d/files.txt", 1:primary_dirs)
for(i in 1:length(list_file))
data = read.table(list_file[i],header = T, sep = "\t")
So, by this way the folders are sorted based on 1,2,3 not 1,10,11,2,3.
How can I read many CSV files and make each of them into data tables?
I have files of 'A1.csv' 'A2.csv' 'A3.csv'...... in Folder 'A'
So I tried this.
link <- c("C:/A")
listA <- c()
for(x in filename) {
temp <- read.csv(paste0(link , x), header=FALSE)
listA <- list(unlist(listA, recursive=FALSE), temp)
And it doesn't work well. How can I do this job?
Write a regex to match the filenames
reg_expression <- "A[0-9]+"
files <- grep(reg_expression, list.files(directory), value = TRUE)
and then run the same loop but use assign to dynamically name the dataframes if you want
for(file in files){
assign(paste0(file, "_df"),read.csv(file))
But in general introducing unknown variables into the scope is bad practice so it might be best to do a loop like
dfs <- list()
for(index in 1:length(files)){
file <- files[index]
dfs[index] <- read.csv(file)
Unless each file is a completely different structure (i.e., different columns ... the number of rows does not matter), you can consider a more efficient approach of reading the files in using lapply and storing them in a list. One of the benefits is that whatever you do to one frame can be immediately done to all of them very easily using lapply.
files <- list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
list_of_frames <- lapply(files, read.csv)
# optional
names(list_of_frames) <- files # or basename(files), if filenames are unique
Something like sapply(list_of_frames, nrow) will tell you how many rows are in each frame. If you have something more complex,
new_list_of_frames <- lapply(list_of_frames, function(x) {
# do something with 'x', a single frame
The most immediate problem is that when pasting your file path together, you need a path separator. When composing file paths, it's best to use the function file.path as it will attempt to determine what the path separator is for operating system the code is running on. So you want to use:
read.csv(files.path(link , x), header=FALSE)
Better yet, just have the full path returned when listing out the files (and can filter for .csv):
filename <- list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
Combining with the idea to use assign to dynamically create the variables:
link <- c("C:/A")
files <-list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
for(file in files){
assign(paste0(basename(file), "_df"), read.csv(file))
I feel I am very close to the solution but at the moment i cant figure out how to get there.
I´ve got the following problem.
In my folder "Test" I´ve got stacked datafiles with the names M1_1; M1_2, M1_3 and so on: /Test/M1_1.dat for example.
No I want to seperate the files, so that I get: M1_1[1].dat, M1_1[2].dat, M1_1[3].dat and so on. These files I´d like to save in specific subfolders: Test/M1/M1_1[1]; Test/M1/M1_1[2] and so on, and Test/M2/M1_2[1], Test/M2/M1_2[2] and so on.
Now I already created the subfolders. And I got the following command to split up the files so that i get M1_1.dat[1] and so on:
for (e in dir(path = "Test/", pattern = ".dat", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)){
data <- read.table(e, header=TRUE)
df <- data[ -c(2) ]
out <- split(df , f = df$.imp)
write.table(out[[z]], paste0(e, "[",z,"].dat"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE)})
Now the paste0 command gets me my desired split up data (although its M1_1.dat[1] instead of M1_1[1].dat), but i cant figure out how to get this data into my subfolders.
Maybe you´ve got an idea?
Thanks in advance.
I don't have any idea what your data looks like so I am going to attempt to recreate the scenario with the gender datasets available at baby names
Assuming all the files from the zip folder are stored to "inst/data"
store all file paths to all_fi variable
all_fi <- list.files("inst/data",
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE,
pattern = "\\.txt$")
> head(all_fi, 3)
[1] "inst/data/yob1880.txt" "inst/data/yob1881.txt"
Preset function that will apply to each file in the directory <- function(f_in = NULL){
# Create the new folder based on the existing basename of the input file
new_folder <- file_path_sans_ext(f_in)
data.table::fread(f_in) %>%
select(name = 1, gender = 2, freq = 3) %>%
gender = ifelse(grepl("F", gender), "female","male")
) %>% (function(x){
# Dataset contains names for males and females
# so that's what I'm using to mimic your split
out <- split(x, x$gender)
o <- rbind.pages(
lapply(names(out), function(i){
# New filename for each iteration of the split dataframes
new_dest_file <- sprintf("%s/%s.txt", new_folder, i)
# Write the sub-data-frame to the new file
data.table::fwrite(out[[i]], new_dest_file)
# For our purposes return a dataframe with file info on the new
# files...
file_name = new_dest_file,
file_size = file.size(new_dest_file),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Now we can just loop through:
NOTE: for my purposes I'm not going to spend time looping through each file, for your purposes this would apply to each of your initial files, or in my case all_fi rather than all_fi[2:5].
> rbind.pages(lapply(all_fi[2:5],
============================ =========
file_name file_size
============================ =========
inst/data/yob1881/female.txt 16476
inst/data/yob1881/male.txt 15306
inst/data/yob1882/female.txt 18109
inst/data/yob1882/male.txt 16923
inst/data/yob1883/female.txt 18537
inst/data/yob1883/male.txt 15861
inst/data/yob1884/female.txt 20641
inst/data/yob1884/male.txt 17300
============================ =========