nz-popover - nzPopoverPlacement, target another element for centering - ng-zorro-antd

I was wondering if there was a way to get the nz-popover to center on another element.
I basically have a text input followed by two buttons in a div, I would like to center the popover on the div rather than on the button that triggers it.
I found that i could add the popover to the actual div and then use the nzVisible to trigger it but then i loose the ability to close the popup when the user leaves the area (prob when they hover over the mask or click it). I tried many ways to close it once the popover looses focus etc but that would cause the popover to close if the popover contains a menu or datepicker (when they are used).
Anyone got any ideas? (i used to use angular material and i believe they had something similar (think it was called target or something).
Thanks in advance,

For anyone who is interested in this, we have submitted a PR to provide this feature. You would be able to use this in 9.x (and future) versions.


How can I achieve this 'WOW' scrolling effect

A client of mine saw this awesome scrolling effect when clicking on a menu item:
I'm talking about the grey/purple overflow between the two anchor menu items.
I've been Googeling around for hours and can't find anything like this. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
It's singlepage application with disabled scrolling. I haven't experience with singlepage, but here are ideas which looks like it could work:
Create two divs between content one gray and second purple (or one with two colors in the background). Then create scrolling via js (jquery) on button click.
If it's ajax loaded, there could be only 3 divs: one with current content, one with gray/purple background and third with new content and js should place the divs to required places. But first solution should be easier.
Implementation is up to you.

CSS Transition working one way but not the other, not sure why

I have been working on something based on brad frost's Off Canvas Fullscreen Overlay responsive design pattern.
However for some reason the transition only runs when clicking on the list item (the overlay slides in from the right) but not when you then click on the back button (it is suppose to slide back out). I can't understand why it isn't working when a user closes the overlay. The JS that effects the class of the elements seems to be working correctly.
I've created a codepen so people can see what is happening.
Any ideas? Thanks.

CSS dropdown appearing too quickly in IE

I have created a CSS dropdown menu using suckerfish. The problem with it is when you click the top level nav item that takes you to category pages, the pointer is still over that nav item and the dropdown appears automatically in IE.
Its fine for Firefox as the dropdown will not appear until I move the mouse, however IE just kicks in straight away without any mouse movement at all.
As the menus are quite large the user is unaware that the page has changed underneeth.
This site seems to achieve what I want, with a slight delay before the dropdown appears again. I know they are mixing it up with JS and CSS, but cant quite work out what they are doing.
Any thoughts
I know you are currently using a different technological solution to this problem, but please at least take a look at my suggestion before you judge it. I'm not good enough to explain it outright, so I'll just give you a couple of bullet points and then link to the solution in an effort to assist you.
This solution contains these attributes:
No client-side scripting of any sort (Javascript) was used
Absolute browser and platform compatibility
Text scaling friendly
Narrow window width handling
Functional for non-CSS, or CSS-disabled, browser
Placed into the Public Domain
The site where the file is posted uses this menu (it's owned by the writer). So, please visit this GRC's Script-Free Pure-CSS Menuing System page.
I really hope this helps you!!
Use jQuery's hoverIntent to achieve that delayed effect. In addition, the menu stays there even if the cursor momentarily moves out of the menu. Prevents that distracting flicker effect of menus appearing and disappearing.
Just throwing this out there, since there may be other changes you wish the menu had as well:
You may want to consider Superfish (an updated/upgraded [and possibly overkill so take a look] version of Suckerfish), one of the additions is the delay option on the menus.
So I got the solution for this.
I added the CSS with JS in the head of the document and set a small delay on it. This way when the user clicks the main nav link the dropdown is hidden by default with the CSS and then made to reveal with the CSS that is written in with JS. The user sees a page without the drodown on page load, and then after 1.5 secs the dropdown appears, therefore showing the user the page reloaded.
// Add dropdown styles
function addDDStyles() {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var logindiv = document.createElement('link');
logindiv.setAttribute('type', 'text/css')
logindiv.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
logindiv.setAttribute("href", 'http://files.stv.claw/css/dropdown.css');
logindiv.setAttribute("media", "screen");
setTimeout('addDDStyles()', 1500)

styling a form button

I would like to style a form button (input or button tag) with 2 background images to create a stretchable button (relative to the text-length). The form button should also have a hovered state and it should be cross browser (at least IE7 & +) would need to support it.
I know how to obtain the effect with just css with an tag => test
If anyone could help me a little bit, I would be pleased
yours truthfully
See this link.
This will only work with button because an inner element like a spanis needed.
Try JQuery UI. They have a very easy cross-browser set of user interface controls that might satisfy your requirements. You can change the backgrounds used for the buttons, etc.

Modal popup using Javascript and Css

I am using AJAX modal popup in my project, but there is problem with it.
Now I decided to acheive similar behaviour using javascript
I am able to show popup using
document.getElementById('dv').style.display = "block";
Now I just need, how can I make background disable like in modal popup?
you create a div that spans the whole page but initial style is display:none; along with any other styles. i.e transparency 80% with background colour of black..
When you show dv change the display attribute of the div (above). Just make sure that the dv has a higher z-index than the background div and the background div has a higher z-index than the content on the page :)
Have you considered using a library for this? The most programmer-friendly and flexible I have found is NyroModal (jQuery based). The advantage of a library is it will deal with many subtle things that happen with modal dialogs, e.g. ensuring it works effectively across all browsers (and overcomes the various quirks around things like positioning), animating on and off, lightbox effect around it.
NyroModal lets you generate dialogs dynamically, whereas most libraries are geared owards simpler use cases such as "make all images clickable so they show up as lightboxed when the user clicks on them".
