MS-Graph read tasks with admin consent - .net-core

I am trying to read the Planner task for the users of my tenant. So I configured admin consent for "Tasks.Read", "Tasks.Read.Shared", "Groups.Read.All", "Groups.ReadWrite.All" for the app that is doing that.
Like mentioned here:
I desined my code to get a token like mentioned here:
I get a token back and it is valid. (Checked with baerer token check tool.)
I thought that I could access the tasks from the Graph API like '/v1.0/users/{userId}/planner/tasks' but I get HTTP 401 back.
Can anyone give me the missing link? Thanks a lot.
_appId = configuration.GetValue<string>("AppId");
_tenantId = configuration.GetValue<string>("TenantId");
_clientSecret = configuration.GetValue<string>("ClientSecret");
_clientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
var graphClient = GraphClientFactory.Create(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(Authenticate));
var result = await graphClient.GetAsync($"/v1.0/users/{userId}/planner/tasks")
public async Task<string> GetTokenAsync()
AuthenticationResult authResult = await _clientApplication.AcquireTokenForClient(_scopes)
return authResult.AccessToken;
private async Task Authenticate(HttpRequestMessage request)
var token = await GetTokenAsync();
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);

Reading tasks for other users is currently not allowed. A user can only read their assigned tasks. As an alternative, you can read the tasks in specific Plans, and sort out the users from that data, if you want to collect assignments from a set of Plans. You can provide feedback on this behavior in Planner UserVoice with the description of what you are trying to accomplish.
Additionally, application permissions are supported now, if that works for your scenario.

/v1.0/users/{userId}/planner/tasks is for getting tasks via getting a user, and you will need User permissions (User.Read.All) to get tasks via that call.
(Also Do you really need Groups.ReadWrite.All? Are you making changes to groups? -- it's not in your original description)


User-Id for Push-Notification on Actions for Google

I try to make a push notification for my google assistant app.
I used the sendNotification Code form the google developer site:
I am coding Java.
Everything is working, expect getting the correct user id.
When I hardcode my user it works, but how do I get the user id in the code?
I tried following code:
Argument arg_userId = request.getArgument(ConstantsKt.ARG_UPDATES_USER_ID);
String userId = request.getUser().getUserId();
--> I get "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException"
String userId = arg_userId.getRawText();
--> same Exception
There are two problems with the approach you're taking to get the notification ID:
The ID attached to the user object is deprecated and probably unavailable.
This wasn't the ID you wanted anyway.
In the response where the user finalizes the notification, that response includes an ID which you should get and store. Since you're using Java, the code might look something like this:
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
Argument permission = request.getArgument(ConstantsKt.ARG_PERMISSION);
if (permission != null) {
Argument userId = request.getArgument(ConstantsKt.ARG_UPDATES_USER_ID);
// code to save intent and userID in your db
responseBuilder.add("Ok, I'll start alerting you.").endConversation();
} else {
responseBuilder.add("Ok, I won't alert you.");

Firebase Admin SDK Auth error "TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER"

I'm using firebase admin sdk in my cloud functions and I'm getting error randomly in some executions when trying to get a user by uid .
let userRecord = await admin.auth().getUser(userId);
The error details are:
"errors":[{ "message":"TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER",
My cloud function executes on a real time database write and can be triggered for multiple users. In total I have 4 auth function calls in one execution first is the above one, second call is to again get user by uid or email, third call is generateEmailVerificationLink and the last call is generatePasswordResetLink.
I have checked the rate limits in documentation for auth but there is no mention of rate limit for these operation. Also the error TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER was only mentioned in REST API for sign up with email password.
If this error is due to rate limit what should I change to prevent this error given these 4 calls are necessary for the operation needed on database write?.
I have identified the actual call which is throwing too many attempts error. The calls auth().generateEmailVerificationLink() and auth().generatePasswordResetLink() throw this error when called too many times.
I called these two in loop with 100 iterations and waited for the promises. The first executions finishes without any errors i.e. 200 requests. But starting second execution as soon as the first one ends will throw the error of too many attempts. So I think these two calls have limit. Now I'm trying to reduce these calls and reuse the link information. Other calls like getUserByEmail works fine.
let promises = [];
let auth = admin.auth();
let hrstart = process.hrtime()
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
promises.push(auth.getUserByEmail("user email"));
promises.push(auth.generateEmailVerificationLink("user email", {url: ``}));
promises.push(auth.generatePasswordResetLink("user email", {url: ``}));
.then(value => {
let hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);
// console.log(value)
The error was specifically in the operation auth.createEmailLink. This function has following limit: 20QPS/I.P address where QPS is (query per second). This limit can be increased by submitting the use case to Firebase.
I got this information from firebase support after submitting my issue.
Link to my github issue:
I was way under 20QPS but was receiving this exception. In fact, it would always throw the TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER exception on the 2nd attempt.
It turned out to be usage of FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance instead of instantiating a static instance thusly:
In class definition:
private readonly FirebaseApp _firebase;
In class constructor:
_firebase = FirebaseAdmin.FirebaseApp.Create();
In function:
var auth = FirebaseAuth.GetAuth(_firebase);
var actionCodeSettings = new ActionCodeSettings()
var link = await auth.GenerateEmailVerificationLinkAsync(email, actionCodeSettings);
return link;
In addition to the answer mentioned in, I want to add another solution if you found this issue while trying to create custom email verification.
Inspired by the response in this GitHub isssue .
I am also seeing this issue. I have not ran admin.auth().generateEmailVerificationLink in over 24hrs (from anywhere else or any user at all) and called it just now only one time (while deployed in the prod functions environment) and got this 400 TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER error ...
But, the client did also call the Firebase.auth.currentUser.sendEmailVerification() method around same time (obviously different IP).
Could that be the issue?
My solution to this issue is by adding a retry. e.g.
exports.sendWelcomeEmail = functions.runWith({failurePolicy: true}).auth.user().onCreate(async (user) => {
functions.logger.log("Running email...");
const email =;
const displayName = user.displayName;
const link = await auth.generateEmailVerificationLink(email, {
url: '',
await sendWelcomeEmail(email, displayName, link);
The .runWith({failurePolicy: true}) is key.
It s giving you an error because your cloud functions/backend call the generateEmailVerificationLink while at the same time the default behaviour of the Firebase is also doing the same and it is counted as 20QPS. It some weird Google Rate Limit accounting rule. So my solution is just to add a retry.
The Downside is, it is calling twice, so if the call is billable, it might be billable twice.

Xamarin Azure Facebook get user info

I've been searching on the best way to get information my azure auth from facebook.
My app is getting the authentication and the id of the user! I am not sure what code I need next in order to get the information.
So far I have this
if (authenticated)
var client = new HttpClient();
var fbUser = await client.GetAsync(Appurl+".auth/me");
var response = await fbUser.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var jo = JObject.Parse(response);
var userName = jo["'typ':'user_id'"].ToString();
So far all the answers have left me clueless
I just need this to return name email and other Items I want.
I am sure this is an Json Parsing the wrong issue but I am not sure.
Please help!!!
I just need this to return name email and other Items I want. I am sure this is an Json Parsing the wrong issue but I am not sure.
If you visit https://yourmobileapp from browser, and login with your FaceBook account. Then you could get the Json structs as following. It is a JArray . So please have a try to use following code, it works correctly on my side.
var ja = JArray.Parse(response);
var id = ja[0]["user_id"];
Before that we need to add email scope on the Azure portal, about how to add email scope, please refer to the screenshot.

Azure Mobile Service Sync with select clause not supported?

I’ve had a sync operation in place in my Xamarin Forms app for a long time now and only this pase couple of weeks has it started throwing exceptions, which makes me think maybe it’s a service change or something introduced in an update?
On startup I sync all data with m Azure Mobile Service using:
await this.client.SyncContext.PushAsync();
if (signedInUser != Guid.Empty)
await this.MyTable.PullAsync(
this.MyTable.CreateQuery().Select(u => u.UserId == signedInUser));
And as I say, I’ve never had an issue with this code. Now though, I’m getting:
System.ArgumentException: Pull query with select clause is not supported
I only want to sync the data that matches the signed in user, so is there another way to achieve this?
I only want to sync the data that matches the signed in user, so is there another way to achieve this?
You could leverage the code below to achieve your purpose as follows:
var queryName = $"incsync_{UserId}";
var query = table.CreateQuery()
.Where(u => u.UserId == signedInUser);
await table.PullAsync(queryName, query);
For Select method, you could retrieve the specific properties into your local store instead of all properties in your online table as follows:
var queryName = $"incsync:s:{typeof(T).Name}";
var query = table.CreateQuery()
.Select(r => new { r.Text, r.Complete, r.UpdatedAt, r.Version });
await table.PullAsync(queryName, query);
For more details, you could refer to adrian hall's book about Query Management.
As Joagwa commented, you could change your server side code and limit data to be retrieved only by the logged in user. For more details, you could refer to Data Projection and Queries > Per-User Data.

Firebase user counter

I'm trying to display the amount of users that are currently viewing my page using firebase and shopify's API. Haven't been able to find any documentation.
You could implement a presence system - see this Firebase blog post.
When a user logs in,
Authenticate the user
Set the onDisconnect listener to remove the presence object (#3) when the user disconnects.
Set the user's presence ref to true
Example (from blog post)
var amOnline = new Firebase('https://<demo>');
var userRef = new Firebase('https://<demo>' + userid);
amOnline.on('value', function(snapshot) {
if (snapshot.val()) {
