My WordPress website is loading slowly, especially on Apple devices - wordpress

I've got a WordPress website I'm currently working on. It was loading extremely fast just a couple days ago, then got extremely slow all of a sudden.
I've tried disabling plugins, removing large elements from the homepage (videos and such), and upgrading the server to see if that would help. This problem is especially noticeable on iPhones and in the Safari web browser.
I'm not really entirely sure what I should be asking, but the site can be found at - if anyone can provide any sort of advice or is able to point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.

You can optimize your site:
check your website here and follow the suggestions, it is useful.
I have checked your website, you really need to optimize your images.

I am quite surprised because I just look at your website. A website like this should be loaded in under 3 seconds.
Check out your website test results here
First, You need to optimize your images. Scale the images to a size that you are using and use for compression if you do not know how to use Photoshop.
Second, Use a cache plugin. You can test all of them and see which one suits the best. W3 Total Cache is ok.
Third, Revslider is the worst. Try not using it. You can also add a simple background.


Wordpress Speed up page on mobile

I noticed that my page/onlineshop seems to load quite slowly on mobile. I already optimized anything I could in the past and always get a 95-100 lighthouse score on desktop which is great I guess. Still I cant manage to get it above 60-70 on mobile and I think thats too slow?
Unfortunately I'm not very experienced and have absolutely no idea where the problem is located. I would be very very thankful if someone could take a look and maybe give me at least a direction where I should focus on. for example but basically any product has the same issue
i will recommend you reduce all your website image. that will help alot
Overall, your page size is fine. Lighthouse is also not the end all be all for testing and I tend to use 2-3 services to test speeds.
However, CDNs may make a huge difference along with server side caching.
If you are able to, I'd recommend running your DNS through Cloudflare. They actually have a plan specifically for WordPress that is $5 USD roughly a month?

How to speed up Wordpress website load time that uses photo slider

I have a Wordpress website that has a photo slider on the homepage. I have condensed the size of the images, however the load time is still too slow. Can someone please help me with this?
Is fairly quick for me! However, Imagify is good to compress the images and convert to WebP format. This should make images smaller again based on JPG/PNG formats.
Then look at a decent caching plugin, or a content delivery network for the images on the site. I use WP-Rocket which seems to do really well at increasing image load speed, as well as including lazy-load for images off screen.
Try using a caching plugin. If you are looking for a free one, then you can try Autoptimize. It really helps to minify the CSS and JS files.
Avoid using too many unnecessary plugins. That makes the site slow.
I ran a speed test and found that your server response time is very high. You should use a better hosting that has a good response time.
Also, use the WebP Express plugin to serve the images in the next-gen format.
I hope that will help to improve the speed.

I'm looking for a light wordpress theme with beautiful design and html5 basis (to make the site quick loading)

I'm looking for a light theme with beautiful design and html5 basis (to be a quick site) - Anyone have ideas?
I prefer free (or demo-free to test and buy it later if it's really a fast theme).
I was looking around for the html5 boilerplate template - however, it does not allow me to add plugins (not all) - for example, did not give me a visual editor - no sidebar, etc. Its too simple and i cant do almost anything on it - does not work. Any ideas, suggestions and more?
I am currently using the Divi theme, but it is very heavy, so the sites are slowed by 5-6 seconds minimum while they are loading. And that does not work for me.
Please help .
Thank you in advance!
I think you need to know your requirements first and should research on that google it for you and found this lists
Page caching will drastically improve load times, even on shared hosting.
But you could try one of Automattic's themes: They're free and do not suffer from feature creep like premium themes tend to. I've great experiences with (rather heavily) modifying them by means of a child theme.

Automated testing WordPress

I am working on a WordPress site for a client that averages 300 - 1500 users daily (these numbers will double five months of the year). They have been consistently bringing up bugs on the site that need fixed.
I am curious if automated tests are worth it for a site this small? If so, any suggestions on what to use? I am leaning towards something like Selenium for functional testing, not unit tests. Suggestions welcome. Thanks.
Here are my thoughts on this (as someone who was considering it for a new Wordpress site):
Consider what you hope to accomplish by testing. In my case, I have a static main page, a static page with a list of resources (links to external sites), and a blog page. If I am going to test this with Selenium, I am not going to worry much about tests of functionality - there isn't any. But I am going to be concerned about the appearance of the site, which Selenium isn't good at testing. For appearance, I need eyes on the site looking for issues.
You mention that your users "have been consistently brining up bugs on the site that need fix[ing]" - what kind of errors?
If the errors are related to functionality (eg. when I click on button X, I get Y when I should get Z), you will probably be able to test that with Selenium. This might be the sort of error that #mathieu-vezina was alluding to: if you have multiple plugins that are conflicting, writing Selenium tests will help you identify when these conflicts are happening. However, this is probably something you could figure out without Selenium and if there are problems with third-party plugins, you're at the mercy of the developers when it comes to bug fixes. So Selenium tests will probably not be much help here.
If the errors are related to appearance (eg. the elements are the wrong shade of pink and shifted up too much), you will not be able to test that with Selenium.
Keep in mind too that it takes a fair amount of work to write Selenium tests and the maintain them - in most cases, the benefit is going to be too small to justify the amount of effort.
I personally do not think it is worth testing your wordpress site if you do not use several plugin and you only have between 1000 and 10000 users. If you use several plugin, I recommend you to read this article to make sure they will not affect your website :
Also, Selenium have few limitations, for example, it is restricted to only Firefox and it lacks the ability to scale well, so you will not test all functionality.

Flash Loading Slow Issue

I have a Wordpress website located here:
I'm trying to figure out why the page loads slow - I'm almost sure it has to do with Flash and size of images, plus rotating banner. I don't know how to edit or fix the problem though. So the question is: What is causing my website to load slow, and what EXACT steps can I take to fix the problem.
I've already tried adjusting some of the browser ActiveX filters and other temp fixes, but that is not the proper solution. If this is a flash or image loading issue, can you tell me the EXACT step in how to edit these issues?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Rob
Something that could actually be causing you plenty of issues is that fact that you are embedding 2 different versions of jQuery
1.6.1 in jQuery.js
1.4.2 in, funnily enough, jquery-1.2.6.min.js
Other than that, the Website is loading absolutely fine for me here in the UK, including the massive Flash film.
I've had a quick inspection with Google Chrome Developer Tools (check the Network tab) and there doesn't seem to be any major offenders.
Which is a great tool for checking speed issues with individual resources.
Yahoo's YSlow is pretty neat as well, especially when integrated as an extra tab within Firebug for Firefox.
