.Net: Does controller have to have file name corresponding to URL? - asp.net

I'm following this tutorial on .Net controllers, and it says "imagine that you enter the following URL into the address bar of your browser: http://localhost/Product/Index/3. In this case, a controller named ProductController is invoked."
What I Want To Know:
In order to successfully hit http://localhost/Product/Index/3, do you need a controller called ProductController specifically?

No, it is not necessary. You can use Route Attribute.
public class ProductController{
now you have to use http://localhost/new-name-for-product/Index/ this URL to invoke ProductController.
If you want to use one or more parameters with this URL you have to use different route templates for ActionMethod. Example below.
public class ProductController
// http://localhost/new-name-for-product/3/ will show product details based on id
// http://localhost/new-name-for-product/Index/3/ will show product details based on id
public IActionResult Index(int id)
// your code
// you can use a different action method name.
// http://localhost/details/3/ will show product details based on id
// but parameter name (Ex: id) and the id inside route template the spelling must be the same.
public IActionResult GetById(int id)
// your code

It depends. In ASP.Net Core, routing can be configured either as conventional routing or as attribute routing.
Conventional routing is configured as below:
routes.MapRoute("default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Here, the first path segment maps to the controller name,
the second maps to the action name,
the third segment is used for an optional id used to map to a model entity.
As a convention, controller file name is usually same as controller class name.
Hence, In conventional routing, url will match with filename.
The URL http://localhost/Products/Index matches below action method in ProductsController.
public class ProductsController : Controller
[HttpPost("Index")] // Matches 'Products/Index'
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
Attribute Routing
With attribute routing the controller name and action names play no role in which action is selected.
Hence, it is independent of file name.
The URL http://localhost/Items/All matches below action method in ProductsController.
public class ProductsController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
Similarly, [Route] attribute can be added at both Controller and action methods. The same URL http://localhost/Items/All matches the action method shown below:
public class ProductsController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
For more details, you can refer to microsoft docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/controllers/routing?view=aspnetcore-3.1


How to create a basic web api to get data

Trying to create a basic web api for my database table where anyone can view my table data using a URL (JSON format?). My understanding is that I should be able to get my data by typing in table name in URL.
my database table name is myTable which is mapped to model class My_Model
Issue: There are no errors but when i try to type in url https://localhost:7048/myTable/ it return page not found
public class My_Controller : Controller
public My_Services _services { get; }
public My_Controller(My_Services services)
this._services = services;
// Database Table Name = "myTable"
public IQueryable<My_Model> Get()
return (IQueryable<My_Model>)_services.Get_All_Data();
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
My_Services class - where get all data from table
public async Task<IQueryable<My_Model>> Get_All_Data()
IQueryable<My_Model> Query = from x in _context.My_DbSet
select x;
return Query;
My understanding is that I should be able to get my data by typing in
table name in URL.
No, this is not how it works. You should check Routing to controller actions in ASP.NET Core. In your example you should be able to access your data using this url: https://localhost:7048/My_. The reason is that your controller has the attribute [Route("[controller]")]. [controller] is a special value which means that the route should be the controller class name without the Controller suffix so My_ in this case.
If you want to have access using this url: https://localhost:7048/myTable then you need to either change the attribute to this: [Route("myTable")] or to change the controller class name to MyTableController.
Also your Get method looks wrong. You should await the _services.Get_All_Data method instead of casting to IQueryable<My_Model>:
public async Task<IQueryable<My_Model>> Get()
return await _services.Get_All_Data();

ASP.NET Core Route inside controller

I am trying to route url with and without parameter to two different methods but for some reason it always start first one.
Here is controller code:
public class ProductController : Controller
[Route("Product")] //If i delete this one then it works how it is intended
public IActionResult Index()
//It always start this one
public IActionResult Index(int GroupID)

What's the difference between [HttpGet] and [HttpGet("{id}")]?

What are the differences between HTTPGET method and HTTPGET("{id}") method?
What is the API method that is used to update table columns?
public IActionResult Get()
return new JsonResult(users);
// GET api/values/5
public IActionResult Get(string id)
return new JsonResult(response);
You should take a look at Attribute Routing in Web API.
The first method is routing to a clean api:
The second specifies route value in the attribute and will be called via the following url:
The second one is normally used to update existing queries, as you specify specific value in the route whilst the first specifies nothing.

Route all Web API requests to one controller method

Is it possible to customize ASP.NET Web API's routing mechanism to route all requests to the API to one controller method?
If a request comes in to
All would be routed to my SuperDuperController's Get() method?
I ran into a case where I needed to do this. (Web API 2)
I first looked into creating custom IHttpControllerSelector and IHttpActionSelectors. However, that was a bit of a murky way around. So I finally settled on this dead simple implementation. All you have to do is setup a wildcard route. Example:
public class SuperDuperController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
// url information
// route values, including "url"
Any GET request that starts with "api/" will get routed to the above method. That includes the above mentioned URLs in your question. You will have to dig out information from the Request or context objects yourself since this circumvents automatic route value and model parsing.
The good thing about this is you can still use other controllers as well (as long as their routes don't start with "api/").
I don't konw why you would want to do this and I certainly wouldn't recommend routing everything through one controller, however you could achieve this as follows. Assuming you are only ever going to have a resource with an optional id in your calls, add this to your WebApiConfig:
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{resource}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "SuperDuper", id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Then define your controller method as follows:
public class SuperDuperController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get(string resource, int? id = null)
return Ok();
You would need to decide on an appropriate IHttpActionResult to return for each different type of resource.
Alternatively using Attribute Routing, ensure that config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes() is present in your WebApiConfig and add the following attributes to your controller method:
public class SuperDuperController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get(string resource, int? id = null)
return Ok();

Multiple controller types were found that match the URL MVC 5.2

I get this error when I hit the url Shop/Checkout
The request has found the following matching controller types:
My HomeController.cs:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Checkout()
My ProductsController.cs:
public class ProductsController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string brand, string category, string subcategory, int? page, SortOptions currentSort = SortOptions.SinceDesc)
public ActionResult Details(int productid)
I get it that both routes have Shop in it, but I have no clue how to resolve this. This is the razor code in my shared layout:
<a href="#Url.Action("checkout", "Home" )">
The issue is that "Checkout" is valid as a parameter for brand in your ProductController routes. There's no intrinsic order to routes with attribute routing, so you have to be more careful to make sure only one route can truly match the URL. In your case here, you can simply do something like:
