How to solve Structured Data and Syntax problems in Wordpress (Google Search Console notified me) - Photos in links of Imgur - wordpress

Okay, since I tried to add structured data with Schema, several errors have occurred to me, and now that I have removed the wordpress plugin, they are still there, and there are even more problems, I have been trying to fix them for a long time and I just can't.
I will leave the following problems on the list:
In structured data, the type of value is not correct.
In products, the score scale could not be determined and the value of the "reviewCount" property must be positive.
In products, the "priceValidUntil" field is missing, the "review" field is missing, the "url" field is missing, the "sku" field is missing, no international identifier has been provided, such as a GTIN, MPN or ISBN, missing the "description" field
I do not know if the problem is solved by changing the code in my wordpress, but I do not know how it is changed, uninstall the plugin all in one schema and it is not cured.
Image of Error with links in sites
Image of Errors With Structured Data
Image of Errors Ands Warnings eith products
Image of my Performance in Google Search Console

Good question. This is typical for schema markup and structured data that gets added in by a plugin. I stopped using the plugin and now add my own structured data. If you add your own, you have full control and can make these easy fixes.
Sounds like you know what code needs to be changed/added but cannot access it because the plugin added it somewhere in your HTML.
In this case I'd suggest leaving the existing code as is. Create your new structured data (the correct codes) and also add that in. There is no issue with having multiple sets so Google will ignore the data with errors.
There is a simple plugin that will add your scheme to the head of your posts or pages. Generating your structured data is also easy. Here is a guide for how to do all of this.
Hope this helps.


WP REST API not retrieving all categories

I am developing a project that is using the WP REST API. After some tests, I realized that it's not retrieving all the categories based on what I am trying to GET. In precise, there are supposed to be 21 results but only 10 come up. Is there some kind of restriction that I am not seeing? Any settings that I'll have to change.
Here is what I am trying:
I saw this post here, but some of the answers relied on using the WordPress JSON API, which is a plugin that is no longer available due to security concerns.
I had to look at the documentation more closely. In terse, The default result shows a count of 10. Specifying the per page would change that. So:
(Change X to the respective number)

How to define google_tag_params in Google Tag Manager?

i want to create a dynamic remarketing campaign in Google Ads, but i have to let GTM know where to extract the information for ecomm_prodid, ecomm_pagetype, ecomm_totalvalue and ecomm_category from my website. I understand that i have to create a Data Layer Variable but i just don't know how to make those tags extract the necessary info from my website. I also know that you should be able to see in Google Tag Assistant the Metadata for your products (price, brand, category etc) in the Dynamic Remarketing Tag. Unfortunately i cannot add code to my website as it was created on a platform that doesn't allow custom code, so i have to use GTM.
For example the class for the price is: fPrice -g-product-final-price-258. Shouldn't ecomm_totalvalue take info from this class? I tried reading Help pages from google but they are soooo confusing, i cannot understand them.
If anyone would help me with this i would be very grateful.
I know this is 10 months late but this might help you or lead someone arriving here to hopefully the right direction and/or solution. I came across your question unanswered when looking for something else. It seems you have two questions so I'll try to answer both.
For starters you might want to have a quick look at the GTM Dynamic Remarketing Documentation.
Question 1: Where to extract the information for [variables] ?
You are on the right track with the dataLayer here. Usually you need to implement that with custom Javascript on your website (which in your case you can't do / see below for that). You would usually populate a events & variables with dataLayer.push() function.
Here is a sample of how that could look:
'event': 'your_event_name',
'a_container_name' : {
'key1' : key_var_1,
'key2' : key_var_2, }
You can also do inner structures within those structures (nested dictionary).
Once those are populated you can create variables in Google Tag Manager (GTM) and simply pick up the values with the naming convention you've used separated by a "." (dot). For the above you could for example do: "a_container_name.key1" which would then populate the variable in GTM with the value of "key_var_1".
You can use the event name (here: 'your_event_name') as the trigger for the Tag in GTM to fire your Tag.
So in your case you would usually want the variable "ecomm_prodid" taken from the webpage with a bit of javascript and pushed into the dataLayer for you to pick up in GTM as described.
Question 2: I cannot add code to my website, what can I do ?
While this is entirely possible it is unfortunately a bit more tedious and potentially much more error prone. In this case you have to read the values you want directly from your website through GTM.
You can use custom javascript inside variables in GTM. To do so click on "variables", then click on "New" and select "Custom Javascript". You can then use pretty much any javascript here to basically scrape the value off your website based on id, class or any other HTML identifiers. There are tons of options on how to do that. You have to use what works best for you.
However this is potentially very error prone. Here is why:
You've stated that your class for the price is "fPrice -g-product-final-price-258". This looks to me very much like an auto generated identifier. Next time you look at that product or pick another one it is most likely different. So your option is to take either another unique identifier or use a sub-string of that one (e.g.: fPrice -g-product-final-price only). But keep in mind if your website ever updates or changes those class names the javascript you wrote instantly will not work any longer.
So it is important to pick some robust form of identifier or write the javascript code so that it will last. As mentioned, the jvascript to scrape or read directly off your website can be as custom as you like. Here is a crude example of how this would look like.
var text = ''; // empty value placeholder
if (document.getElementsByClassName("YOUR_SPECIFIC_CLASS_NAME")) {
....loop through returned elements if applicable.... stuff here or check stuff here...
text = SOME_ELEMENT.innerHTML;
console.log(text) // helps to debug your code
return text
Again this is only a crude example but if you get this to work then you can simply use the populated variable in your Tag in any field that supports variable with the double curly brackets: {{YOU_TAG_MANAGER_VARIABLE_NAME}}
I hope this helps and gives you a bit on an insight. Good luck!
PS: By the way. If you can't edit your code because of your website provider or website engine then I would strongly recommend moving away from it. As you can see it would save you a ton of headache. For smaller to mid sites and smaller e-commerce stores use Wordpress. For larger stuff there are other solutions. In any case there are some website builders out there that are simply really bad but at the same time very misleading. Basically leading you to the problems as you've described. Don't use them :)

Form Recognizer Tool OCR issues

I have been exploring Azure Form Recognizer for one of my project where we wants to perform OCR on some hand written texts.
The problem is that when we give scanned images to the tool to process, it some time doesn't even recognize the text written on it (even if it is clearly written). I tried multiple type of images by performing enhancement on it and also the B/W or colored copy of it but it doesn't works.
Some times it recognize value of two fields as one and this leads to incorrect data where one field is completely blank and other is having value of other one along with its own.
When there is NO VALUE in the tagged field in the testing data, it try to read the from some other place which is not even closer to that field or sometimes un-tagged
Could you please help with these queries.
Thanks in advance.
Can you please share also sample forms please make sure data is anonymized and without any real data ?
Please contact customer service to debug this issue.
Neta - MSFT

Drupal List View for data entry to multiple records

I would like to create a data entry form in Drupal 7 that is similar to Filemaker's List View. List View is a view that contains many records on a page. When Submit button is clicked, data entered in the fields will be assigned to the individual records.
For example, I have a list of students' names and a column field of grade type. The student's name will be created from Drupal View's filtering, but the grade field will be empty waiting for me to key in.
What is the proper Drupal's module that can enable this functionality? Or what can I do to create this functionality.
This approach is closer to your original request, im testing this out now and I think it should more than do the trick, much more interestingly too.
I highly recommend trying this its awesome!!
A couple quick tips
Be sure to also install so you can reset the title (make it a field), Basically with this editor you can only edit actual fields, so same goes for location module, you'll need to use the field option rather than node option.
One possible downer, at least for my site, it appears the drupal module does not support jquery 1.7 which my site uses, so a few buttons etc don't work as expected, also the drupal module does not support the latest slickgrid release either. I'd like to look into fixing that but I dont have the time just yet, possibly someone will before long. If jquery 1.7 is not required for your site then none of that will be a problem for you.
I just figured how to do something similar, although I went about it a different way then I think would be the most desirable, at any rate what I did works perfectly for me at the moment.
What I did...
Used a google docs spreadsheet for data entry, exported a CSV file, then used Feeds module to Import and Map it to my desired content type. I was even able to get location, taxonomy & image fields to map.
Modules & Stuff Used...
Feeds which also includes Feeds
Importer, you'll want to read through all the instructions to be sure
you understand the import methodology, I could never explain it all
Feeds Tamper , I used this to
explode the cell which had a | separated | list of taxonomy terms (dont use comma), the
nice side effect is if the term doesn't exist it creates it for you!
Spreadsheet - Personally I created a Google Docs Spreadsheet, any type
will do. This spreadsheet has every field you want to map to fields
in your content type.
"More Better"
Currently I am on the hunt for a simple backend UI way to do this, but this is what I've settled on for now. I just couldn't imagine hand entering hundreds of nodes, page submit after page submit! I will post back if I figure another way to do it. Good luck!
I have just started with
which enables the creation of views where all the fields are editable, including when no data exists in the related entity. At the first url is also documentation.
There a screencast which shows more

Wrong label for a nodereference in Drupal content-type

We have a content-type built using CCK. One of the fields is a node reference. The node picker is using a view to build the options.
A few days ago, everything was working well.
Today, it looks like all node reference fields using views to populate the selection options are displaying the wrong label. Every single label in the option is ``A'', but the actual node number is correct. The form actually works, just the labels are incorrect.
We have tried just about every combination of edit/save, disable/enable, reboot, clear cache, clone the view, rebuild the view, new view, etc, but we still have a big list of As.
If we create a brand new content type with a brand new node reference field, we get the problem.
Through some backup/restore exercises, we have determined that the problem is actually in the database and not in the code.
We can restore our last good backup, but we will lose a decent amount of work we have put into other parts of the database.
We enabled mysql query logging, and the view is actually being called properly, but we cannot track down where the problem is creeping in after that (unraveling the CCK / Views / Drupal plumbing is a challenge).
The install was build with latest stable versions as of April.
The problems referred to in is similar, but our code versions include the patches mentioned.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
I had a similar problem with using views for node reference, after quite a lot of hair pulling it turned out to be that my caching layer was buggy. I was using memcached, but memcached wasn't truned on on the server. It may be worth checking.
Thanks for the responses. We finally got to the bottom of this.
There was a module that was doing a custom hook_views_post_render() that did a prep_replace to rewrite some output. Unknown to us, there are instances where the $output parameter isn't a string, but an array, and this was causing the problem. One of those instances happens to be when you attach a view to a build a select in CCK.
