How to list pages in Ghost CMS? - ghost-blog

I'm trying to show pages on my homepage.
In my home.hbs I have
{{!-- The tag above means: insert everything in this file
into the {body} of the default.hbs template --}}
{{#is "home"}}
{{#if #site.description}}
<header class="page-head">
<h2 class="page-head-title">{{#site.description}}</h2>
{{#get "posts" filter="page:true"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
<p>{{excerpt words="33"}}</p>
Nothing is listed on my homepage. This works for posts but not pages for some reason.
I have the article featured, and it has "Category" tag - is it possible to display these on the homepage?

You're almost there, try this:
{{#is "home"}}
{{#if #site.description}}
<header class="page-head">
<h2 class="page-head-title">{{#site.description}}</h2>
{{#get "pages" limit="all"}}
{{#foreach pages}}
<p>{{excerpt words="33"}}</p>
Hope this helps :)


Ghost page template load more posts button not showing

I am new to ghost and tried to include posts on a own page:slug.hbs template with the following code. The posts are shown but the gh-loadmore button is removed in the produced output. How can I use the load more function to display the rest of the posts on this page.
<main id="gh-main" class="gh-main gh-outer">
<div class="gh-inner">
<div class="gh-wrapper">
<section class="gh-section">
<div class="gh-feed">
{{#get "posts" filter="tags:mytag"}}
{{#foreach posts limit="8"}}
{{> loop}}
<button class="gh-loadmore gh-btn">Load more</button>

Filter Ghost Homepage with specific tags

I use Ghost 3.0.2
I would like to limit first page (index.hbs) to display only posts with some tags.
I tryed without luck:
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#has tag="es"}}
{{> post}}
Current code is:
<!-- start content area -->
<div class="main-content-area">
<div class="container post-listing">
{{> loop}}

get the `top 4 products from each toptier category sorted by date-added (to bigcommerce)`

BigCommerce Stencil
I totally winged the below snippet. But i need a hint on doing that the correct way. I basically need to get the top 4 products from each toptier category sorted by date-added (to bigcommerce)
{{#each categories}}
{{#each products sort:date-added limit:4}}
To add, the syntax I would use is the following. However, I don't have any evidence that such a way exists yet.
{{> components/product/all-products grid=products.all default_image=theme_settings.default_image}}'
all-products.html being a custom file.
{{#if grid}}
<section class="products-new {{theme_settings.background-for-new-products}}">
<div class="layout-container">
<h1 class="section-title">{{lang 'product.product_blocks.new_products.heading'}}</h1>
<div class="product-grid">
{{#each grid}}
{{> components/product/product-item this show_quickshop=true show_rating=true default_image=../default_image}}

Featured posts on front page

How can display featured posts at the top of the front page?
Followed by the remaining posts.
Currently they display at the top of each page of the pagination.
Here's my loop.hbs:
{{! Previous/next page links - only displayed on page 2+ }}
<div class="extra-pagination inner">
{{! This is the post loop - each post will be output using this markup }}
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#if featured}}
<article class="{{post_class}} featured">
<header class="post-header">
<h2 class="post-title">{{{title}}}</h2>
<section class="post-excerpt">
<p>{{excerpt words="26"}} <a class="read-more" href="{{url}}">»</a></p>
<footer class="post-meta">
{{#if author.image}}<img class="author-thumb" src="{{author.image}}" alt=" {{}}" nopin="nopin" />{{/if}}
{{tags prefix="on"}}
<time class="post-date" datetime="{{date format='YYYY-MM-DD'}}">{{date format="DD MMMM YYYY"}}</time>
{{! This is the post loop - each post will be output using this markup }}
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#unless featured}}
<article class="{{post_class}}">
<header class="post-header">
<h2 class="post-title">{{{title}}}</h2>
<section class="post-excerpt">
<p>{{excerpt words="26"}} <a class="read-more" href="{{url}}">»</a></p>
<footer class="post-meta">
{{#if author.image}}<img class="author-thumb" src="{{author.image}}" alt=" {{}}" nopin="nopin" />{{/if}}
{{tags prefix="on"}}
<time clas s="post-date" datetime="{{date format='YYYY-MM-DD'}}">{{date format="DD MMMM YYYY"}}</time>
{{! Previous/next page links - displayed on every page }}
Here's my blog:
The only featured post currently is How to Install Ghost on AWS | Amazon EC2 for free - the Complete Guide.
As you can see, it is displayed at the top of the third page of posts, as opposed to at the top of the front page.
I had a read of Stack Overflow: newest post with specific tag on the front page but still can't figure this out.
Also had a read through this: The Ghost Blogging Support Forum: Show Featured post first on index page
but still nowhere.
variations of {{get}} were not successful for me on the latest version of Ghost. What did work was:
<section id="main">
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#if featured}}
html for featured posts
{{#foreach posts}}
{{^if featured limit="2"}}
html for regular post loop
This displayed the featured posts on top while another separately styled loop of posts were displayed below.
Firstly credit to #subic from who kindly tested my theme and pointed me in the right direction.
After having a read of the lengthy discussion GitHub Ghost Issue: Query (get) helper #4439 recently closed, great news - helpers and filters are being added to Public API v1!
The {{#get}} helper #5619 has just been merged to master (still unstable), so the solution:
{{#get "posts" featured="true" as |featured|}}
{{#foreach featured}}

How to filter the data from a collection loop?

Im trying to build a related info widget, based on the data from the YAML front-matter.
Each page on my collection has some tags associated, and the idea would be to only show those pages who have tags in common with the currently viewed page.
I've managed to get the complete tags outputting the existent pages with the following code:
<section class="see-also">
{{#each tags}}
<p>In <span class="tag">{{tag}}</span>:</p>
{{#each pages}}
Can I apply some sort of filter on {{#each tags}} ?
There's an inArray helper that you can use to test if the current tag is in the tags collection on the page being currently rendered:
<section class="see-also">
{{#each tags}}
{{#inArray ../page.tags tag }}
<p>In <span class="tag">{{tag}}</span>:</p>
{{#each pages}}
You might have to modify the parent path syntax to account for the additional block helper:
<section class="see-also">
{{#each tags}}
{{#inArray ../page.tags tag }}
<p>In <span class="tag">{{tag}}</span>:</p>
{{#each ../pages}}
