read.xlsx file with one column consisting "numbers as text" - r

I have excel file that contains numeric variables, but the first column (index column) uses custom formatting: those are numbers that should be presented as text (or similar to text) and having always fixed number of digits where some are zeroes. Here is my example table from excel:
And here is formatting for bad_col1 (rest are numbers or general):
When I try to import my data by using read.xlsx function from either openxlsx or xlsx package it produces something like this:
read.xlsx(file_dir,sheet=1)#for openxlsx
bad_col1 col2 col3
1 5 11 974
2 230 15 719
3 10250 6 944
4 2340 7 401
So as you can see, zeroes are gone. Is there any way to read 1st column as "text" and as other numeric? I can not convert it to text after, because "front zeroes" are gone arleady. I can think of workaround, but it would be more feasible for my project to have them converted while importing.
Thank you in Advance

You can use a vector to filter your desired format, with library readxl:
filter <- c('text','numeric','numeric')
the_file <- read_xlsx("sample.xlsx", col_types = filter)
Even more, you can skip columns if you use in your filter 'skip' in the desired position, considering that you might have many columns.

With this you can use paramater col_types so that first column is read as character.


Trying to remove "ZCTA" from rows

I am trying to extract only the zip code values from my imported ACS data file, however, the rows all include "ZCTA" before the 5 digit zip code. Is there a way to remove that so just the 5 digit zip code remains?
I tried using strtrim on the data but I can't figure out how to target the last 5 digits. I image there is a function or loop that could also do this since the dataset is so large.
To remove "ZCTA5":
gsub("ZCTA5", "", df$zip) # df - your data.frame name
To extract ZIP CODE:
Here is a few others for fun:
#option 1
stringr::str_extract(df$zip, "(?<=\\s)\\d+$")
#option 2
gsub("^.*\\s(\\d+)$", "\\1", df$zip)

Reading tab-delimited text file into R only expecting one column out of five

Here's my problem. I'm trying to read a tab-delimited text file into R, and I keep getting an error messages and it only loads one column out of the five in the dataset.
Our professor is requiring us to use the read_csv() command for this, but I've tried using read_tsv() as well, and neither has worked. I've looked into it everywhere, I just can't find anything about what could possibly be going wrong.
waste <- read_tsv("wasterunup.txt", col_names=TRUE, na=c("*"))
I can't seem to link the text file here, but it's a simple tab-delimited text file with 5 columns, column headers, 22 rows (not counting the headers). * is used for N/A results.
I have no clue how to do this "properly" according to my professor by using read_csv.
waste <- read_tsv("wasterunup.txt", col_names=TRUE, na=c("*"))
Parsed with column specification:
`PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5` = col_double()
Warning: 22 parsing failures.
row col expected actual file
1 -- 1 columns 5 columns 'wasterunup.txt'
2 -- 1 columns 5 columns 'wasterunup.txt'
3 -- 1 columns 5 columns 'wasterunup.txt'
4 -- 1 columns 5 columns 'wasterunup.txt'
5 -- 1 columns 5 columns 'wasterunup.txt'
... ... ......... ......... ................
See problems(...) for more details.
To clarify my errors:
When I use read_csv(), all of the data is there, but all five datapoints are crammed into one cell of each row.
When I use read_tsv(), only one column of the data is there.

Checking for number of items in a string in R

I have a very large csv file (1.4 million rows). It is supposed to have 22 fields and 21 commas in each row. It was created by taking quarterly text files and compiling them into one large text file so that I could import into SQL. In the past, one field was not in the file. I don't have the time to go row by row and check for this.
In R, is there a way to verify that each row has 22 fields or 21 commas? Below is a small sample data set. The possibly missing field is the 0 in the 10th slot.
you can use the base R function count.fields to do this:
count.fields(tmp, sep=",")
[1] 22 22
The input for this function is the name of a file or a connection. Below, I supplied a textConnection. For large files, you would probably want to feed this into table:
table(count.fields(tmp, sep=","))
Note that this can also be used to count the number of rows in a file using length, similar to the output of wc -l in the *nix OSs.
tmp <- textConnection(
Assuming df is your dataframe
apply(df, 1, length)
This will give you the length of each row.

Read.CSV not working as expected in R

I am stumped. Normally, read.csv works as expected, but I have come across an issue where the behavior is unexpected. It most likely is user error on my part, but any help will be appreciated.
Here is the URL for the file
Here is my code to get the file, unzip, and read it in:
URL <- ""
download.file(URL, destfile="")
tmp <- read.table("sfa0910.csv",
header=T, stringsAsFactors=F, sep=",", row.names=NULL)
Here is my problem. When I open the data csv data in Excel, the data look as expected. When I read the data into R, the first column is actually named row.names. R is reading in one extra row of data, but I can't figure out where the "error" occurs that is causing row.names to be a column. Simply, it looks like the data shifted over.
However, what is strange is that the last column in R does appear to contain the proper data.
Here are a few rows from the first few columns:
1 100654 R 4496 R 1044 R 23
2 100663 R 10646 R 1496 R 14
3 100690 R 380 R 5 R 1
4 100706 R 6119 R 774 R 13
5 100724 R 4638 R 1209 R 26
Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong?
My tip: use count.fields() as a quick diagnostic when delimited files do not behave as expected.
First, count the number of fields using table():
table(count.fields("sfa0910.csv", sep = ","))
# 451 452
# 1 6852
That tells you that all but one of the lines contains 452 fields. So which is the aberrant line?
which(count.fields("sfa0910.csv", sep = ",") != 452)
# [1] 1
The first line is the problem. On inspection, all lines except the first are terminated by 2 commas.
The question now is: what does that mean? Is there supposed to be an extra field in the header row which was omitted? Or were the 2 commas appended to the other lines in error? It may be best to contact whoever generated the data, if possible, to clarify the ambiguity.
I have a fix maybe based on mnel's comments
dat<-readLines(paste("sfa", '0910', ".csv", sep=""))
> head(ncommas)
[1] 450 451 451 451 451 451
all columns after the first have an extra seperator which excel ignores.
for(i in seq_along(dat)[-1]){
tmp<-read.table('temp.csv',header=T, stringsAsFactors=F, sep=",")
> tmp[1:5,1:7]
1 100654 R 4496 R 1044 R 23
2 100663 R 10646 R 1496 R 14
3 100690 R 380 R 5 R 1
4 100706 R 6119 R 774 R 13
5 100724 R 4638 R 1209 R 26
the moral of the story .... listen to Joshua Ulrich ;)
Quick fix. Open the file in excel and save it. This will also delete the extra seperators.
dat<-readLines(paste("sfa", '0910', ".csv", sep=""),n=1)
tmp <- read.table(paste("sfa", '0910', ".csv", sep=""),
header=F, stringsAsFactors=F,col.names=c(dum.names,'XXXX'),sep=",",skip=1)
I know you've found an answer but as your answer helped me to find out this, I'll share:
If you read into R a file with different amount of columns for different rows, like this:
it would be read-in filling the missing columns with NAs, like this:
If the row with the biggest columns is not the first row, like this:
then it would be read in a bit confusing way:
(overwhelming before you figure out the problem and quite simple after!)
Just hope it may help someone!
If you using local data, also make sure that it's in the right place. To be sure put it for instance in your working directory and change it via
directly in your R-console.

Creating a vector from a file in R

I am new to R and my question should be trivial. I need to create a word cloud from a txt file containing the words and their occurrence number. For that purposes I am using the snippets package.
As it can be seen at the bottom of the link, first I have to create a vector (is that right that words is a vector?) like bellow.
> words <- c(apple=10, pie=14, orange=5, fruit=4)
My problem is to do the same thing but create the vector from a file which would contain words and their occurrence number. I would be very happy if you could give me some hints.
Moreover, to understand the format of the file to be inserted I write the vector words to a file.
> write(words, file="words.txt")
However, the file words.txt contains only the values but not the names(apple, pie etc.).
$ cat words.txt
10 14 5 4
words is a named vector, the distinction is important in the context of the cloud() function if I read the help correctly.
Write the data out correctly to a file:
write.table(words, file = "words.txt")
Create your word occurrence file like the txt file created. When you read it back in to R, you need to do a little manipulation:
> newWords <- read.table("words.txt", header = TRUE)
> newWords
apple 10
pie 14
orange 5
fruit 4
> words <- newWords[,1]
> names(words) <- rownames(newWords)
> words
apple pie orange fruit
10 14 5 4
What we are doing here is reading the file into newWords, the subsetting it to take the one and only column (variable), which we store in words. The last step is to take the row names from the file read in and apply them as the "names" on the words vector. We do the last step using the names() function.
Yes, 'vector' is the proper term.
A better method than write.table would be to use save() and load():
save(words. file="svwrd.rda")
The save/load combo preserved all the structure rather than doing coercion. The write.table followed by names()<- is kind of a hassle as you can see in both Gavin's answer here and my answer on rhelp.
Initial answer:
Suggest you use to coerce to a dataframe an then write.table() to write to a file.
write.table(, file="savew.txt")
saved <- read.table(file="savew.txt")
apple 10
pie 14
orange 5
fruit 4
