Wordpress Snapchat: Pass Email data - wordpress

I have added the Snap Pixel Code in the head, which includes: 'snaptr('init', 'ID', { 'user_email': 'INSERT_USER_EMAIL' });'
I now have to pass on the email variable but don't know how to do this.
I am using Contact Form 7 in Wordpress.

From your question I understand that you're looking to integrate the Snap Pixel into Wordpress.
You can use something like:
$email = "test#test.com"; //your mail address
snaptr('init', 'ID', { 'user_email': <?php echo $email; ?> });
You can also use a Wordpress Snap Pixel plugin, see for example: https://wordpress.org/plugins/snap-pixel/#installation


Change Wordpress logo click redirection

I would like to change the logo redirection when clicked. Right now when you click on the logo, the user is redirected to the homepage but I want it to redirect to another site. How do I do this?
I agree with Stu Mileham. Another way to implement what you are asking for would be to use JavaScript / jQuery.
Save the following code to a .js file (eg. pageRedirect.js, let's say placed in a js folder inside your theme's root folder):
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#pageLogo').on( "click", function(event) {
To make the previous code work, you would have to select somehow the page logo via jQuery.
On the previous code this is achived via $('#pageLogo') since I have made the assumption that your logo has an id with the value pageLogo.
Of course, to enable your theme to use this pageRedirect.js file, you have to enqueue it by placing the following code to your theme's functions.php file:
* Enqueue pageRedirect script.
function pageRedirect_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'page-redirect-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/pageRedirect.js', array('jquery'), '20150528', true );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'pageRedirect_scripts' );
Code Explanation:
//-jQuery selects html element with id='pageLogo'
//-when it is clicked, it calls a function in which it passes the event
$('#pageLogo').on( "click", function(event) {
//prevents page from redirecting to homepage
//redirects to your desired webpage
If you don't have the option to change the link from admin then you will have to edit your theme's header.php file (most likely, depends on how the theme is built though).
Many themes have a tag similar to the following:
<img src="logo.jpg">
You would need to change this to:
<img src="logo.jpg">
I've added the target tag to open the site in a new window, this is my personal preference when re-directing to a different site but it's optional.
Your theme files might look very different to this, it's impossible to know for sure without seeing some code, but this should give you an idea.
Also be aware that your changes could be overwritten by a theme update. This can be avoided by creating a child theme.
Depends on your theme
Some theme creators gives you the possibility to change the link from admin
Some theme creators just believe that clicking the logo you need to go on homepage - so you need to edit the theme
Depending upon the theme you are using, you can try one of the following options.
Explore the admin options and see if the theme provides a direct way to change the link on the logo.
If not found in admin options, try looking for the code in header.php. Do an inspect element on your logo and see the html code surrounding the logo file, If the code is directly present in header.php, your task is simple. Just change the code to update the URL, instead of reading it from home_url(). Something like <a href="<?php echo home_url();?>"> will need to be replaced with <a href="https://www.example.com">
The other option to look for is get_custom_logo. Some themes get the logo code from this function. You can apply a filter to change the home_url just before this method is called in your theme and then remove filter afterwards. Or else you can copy the code from wordpress and update it with a differently named function say get_custom_link_logo in functions.php then where'ver your theme is using get_custom_logo you can use get_custom_link_logo instead of that.
function get_custom_link_logo ( $blog_id = 0 ) {
$html = "";
$switched_blog = false;
if ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $blog_id ) && (int) $blog_id !== get_current_blog_id() ) {
switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
$switched_blog = true;
$custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' );
// We have a logo. Logo is go.
if ( $custom_logo_id ) {
$custom_logo_attr = array(
'class' => 'custom-logo',
'itemprop' => 'logo',
* If the logo alt attribute is empty, get the site title and explicitly
* pass it to the attributes used by wp_get_attachment_image().
$image_alt = get_post_meta( $custom_logo_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
if ( empty( $image_alt ) ) {
$custom_logo_attr['alt'] = get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' );
* If the alt attribute is not empty, there's no need to explicitly pass
* it because wp_get_attachment_image() already adds the alt attribute.
$html = sprintf( '%2$s',
esc_url( "https://www.example.com" ),
wp_get_attachment_image( $custom_logo_id, 'full', false, $custom_logo_attr )
// If no logo is set but we're in the Customizer, leave a placeholder (needed for the live preview).
elseif ( is_customize_preview() ) {
$html = sprintf( '<img class="custom-logo"/>',
esc_url( "https://www.example.com" )
if ( $switched_blog ) {
* Filters the custom logo output.
* #since 4.5.0
* #since 4.6.0 Added the `$blog_id` parameter.
* #param string $html Custom logo HTML output.
* #param int $blog_id ID of the blog to get the custom logo for.
return apply_filters( 'get_custom_logo', $html, $blog_id ); }
This might not cover all the use cases, but you get the idea. Depending upon the theme you'll have a similar solution for your case. The important thing to figure out which case you fall under will be to identify the code where html for your logo is getting added. header.php is a good starting point.
Use this javascript in the header or footer of your theme:
i am assuming that site-logo is the class name of your LOGO.

It is possible to add php to this script in Wordpress?

I use this script to filter posts from single category. I based on tags which generate also a class. It is possible to generate this script by WordPress with all tags from my site?
For example below 2 scripts (now I have 12 scripts of this type):
Now when I add new tags I must manually add another script:
Here's a way to do this. This assumes that you're using the standard blog tag system, and that your variable you're using as your ID and class is the tag's slug. Alter it as needed for your needs.
<?php $tags = get_tags(); ?>
<?php foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { ?>
$("#<?php echo $tag->slug; ?>").click(function(){
$('tr:not(:first)').not(".<?php echo $tag->slug; ?>").slideToggle('fast');
<?php } ?>
This will create a single document ready function, and then generate multiple click functions.

Is there a concise Wordpress function for building a page link from an ID?

I'm currently building links like this:
<?php echo get_the_title(111); ?>
I was building links like this using the WPML plugin (but steering away from it due to various reasons):
<?php icl_link_to_element(111); ?>
This builds a link similar to my first example.
So my question is is there a native Wordpress function that does this? I'm sure there must be, but cannot find the solution anywhere. I'm looking to reduce my markup...
This is how I built my custom function:
function build_pretty_link($id,$link_title='') {
if($link_title=='') {
$link_title = get_the_title($id);
$link_url = get_permalink($id);
echo "{$link_title}";
WordPress give a function that print an anchor tag with the title and the url, but you have to be in a the loop (http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/permalink_anchor).
I suggest you to create your own function (the functions.php file in your theme is here for that).
You can do someting like that :
function vp_link_to($post_id) {
echo '<?php echo get_the_title($post_id); ?>';
Where the ID of the page is x and wrap this in whatever you need, so
$id = 10;
$link = get_permalink($id);
echo 'Linked text';

Way to get Twitter button, with count, with custom bit.ly URL, working?

I'm stuck. I posted this on WordPress.StackExchange and they suggested I try at WebApps.StackExchange, and they suggested I try here. So, apologies for the multiple posts if you follow all those!
I have a client blog using bit.ly pro to generate custom short urls (ie foo.co). I want to show the regular horizontal version of the Twitter button, with tweet-count, and have the link that goes to the post use their custom bit.ly pro url.
I have installed Joost de Valk's Bit.ly Shortlinks plugin, which successfully converts normal WP shortlinks (wp_get_shortlink()) to the custom Bit.ly pro URL elsewhere in the site, but Twitter seems to trump that and render everything with the default t.co domain instead.
I've looked at the suggestions from this question but using the # as the data-url doesn't work, and the suggested Twitter support pages don't seem to contain any info on how to get Bit.ly to work (though they say they're going to).
Here's the function I created to insert the button in my theme - any ideas on where I'm going wrong? this is used to insert the button both within the Loop and on single-post pages.
function tweet_this() {
global $post;
$tweet = wp_get_shortlink();
echo '<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>Tweet';
return ob_get_clean();
In case it helps, this function does work, except it doesn't render the tweet-count:
function tweet_this() {
global $post;
$tweet = sprintf( __('%1$s %2$s'), $post->post_title, wp_get_shortlink() );
echo '<a class="tweethis" href="http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' . urlencode( $tweet ) . ' via #clientname">Tweet this</a>';
return ob_get_clean();
Let me know if you need more info - and thanks in advance for any help you can throw my way!
function tweet_this() {
global $post;
$tweet = get_permalink(); //replace with your code
$tweetmarkup = '<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>Tweet';
echo $tweetmarkup;
This works for me, but I don't have the WPShortlinks installed, so I replaced it with the permalink. You should be able to replace the permalink with your wp_get_shortlink and it should work.

How do I get a list of items in the Wordpress media library on a plugin options page?

I'm writing a Wordpress plugin which injects a grid of images just above the footer on all frontend pages. The application is to display sponsor's logos. I'd like to harness the WP Media Library since the logos are already uploaded for use on the 'sponsorship' page and in posts.
Essentially I'm stuck at accessing the media library interface on the plugin's options page. All of the legwork is done in terms of creating the options page, using the action hook to place content on frontend pages from the plugin, etc. What I need now is to be able to display all the files in the media library in a list on the options page, and provide a checkbox or something to allow the user to select certain files for insertion above the footer.
The Media Library API seems to be aimed at people writing themes or media plugins. Help understanding what to make use of would be great!
I think you'd be much better off adding your own column into the existing media library, rather than try re-coding it yourself;
function my_media_col($cols)
$cols['my_col'] = 'Footer';
return $cols;
add_filter('manage_media_columns', 'my_media_col');
function handle_my_media_col($name, $id)
if ($name !== 'my_col')
return false;
$in_footer = get_option('in_footer', array());
<input type="checkbox" name="in_footer[]" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" <?php checked(in_array($id, $in_footer)); ?> />
add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'handle_my_media_col', 10, 2);
Then just hook onto the load-upload.php (the library page) and save changes when POST'ed;
function save_my_col()
if (!isset($_POST['in_footer']))
return false;
$in_footer = $_POST['in_footer'];
if (is_array($in_footer))
$in_footer = array_map('absint', $in_footer); // sanitize
$in_footer = array();
$in_footer = array_merge(get_option('in_footer', array()), $in_footer);
$in_footer = array_unique(array_filter($in_footer));
update_option('in_footer', $in_footer);
add_action('load-upload.php', 'save_my_col');
Note this is just an example, and I may have one or two typos.
My code example should store an array of IDs in the options table, under the key 'in_footer'.
Put in practice, you can get all media items marked 'in footer' like so;
$query = new WP_Query(array('post__in' => get_option('in_footer', array()) ));
if ($query->have_posts()): while ($query->have_posts()): $query->the_post();
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
