Autocomplete Text box in MVC -

I am working in MVC. I need a text box to autocomplete by ajax function.
Ajax function can't call values from the controller.
Here is the code:
$( "#birds" ).autocomplete({
source: function( request, response ) {
$.ajax( {
url: "search.php",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
term: request.term
success: function( data ) {
response( data );
} );
minLength: 2,
select: function( event, ui ) {
log( "Selected: " + ui.item.value + " aka " + );
} );

Here is the complete code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src=""></script>
$( function() {
var cache = {};
$( "#birds" ).autocomplete({
minLength: 2,
source: function( request, response ) {
var term = request.term;
if ( term in cache ) {
response( cache[ term ] );
$.getJSON( "Your Controller URL", request, function( data, status, xhr ) {
cache[ term ] = data;
response( data );
} );
Your Controller should response the data in JSON format like:
[{"id":"Locustella naevia","label":"Common Grasshopper Warbler","value":"Common Grasshopper Warbler"},{"id":"Locustella certhiola","label":"Pallas`s Grasshopper Warbler","value":"Pallas`s Grasshopper Warbler"}]
Your JSON should be dynamic, otherwise, it will respond you the same JSON. You should filter your data in your controller before responding back to the AJAX and the data always in the JSON format.
You can find more about autocomplete on


FullCalendar V4 How to set attribute of calendar event after drop

I'm using FullCalendar V4 callback function drop. I try to pass myID which are generated by server to be Calendar, but I do not know how to do. The following is simple code
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
drop: function( dropInfo ) {
$.getJSON( url, myParams, function( data ) {
// try to set data.myID to FullCalendar event id
calendarEvent = { id : data.myID };
eventClick: function( eventClickInfo ) {
var msg = "Are you sure to delete[" + event.title + "]?";
if ( confirm(msg) ) {
// It fails, because I can't get
var params = { method: "deleteEvent", id: };
$.get(url, params, function( data ){
I have tried to putcalendar.refetchEvents(); into the drop: $.getJSON(function(){}) response block, but FullCalendar makes 2 event in UI. One has balnk attribute, the other has right attribute. If I can eliminate the redundancy, it will be a good solution.
Thanks for ADyson's suggestion. Finally, I used callback function eventReceive solving the problem. The following is my simple code
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
eventReceive: function( info ) {
var $draggedEl = $( info.draggedEl );
var params = { method: "insert" };
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false, async: false});
$.getJSON( myURL, params, function( data ){ // insert information into DB
info.event.setProp( "id", );
eventClick: function( info ) {
var event = info.event;
var msg = "Are you sure to delete[" + event.title + "]?";
if ( confirm(msg) ) {
var params = { method: "deleteEvent", id: };
$.get( myURL, params, function( data ){

Fullcalendar - two Ajax callbacks

I am struggling with situation of geting events from two different resources. I know that as ajax is asynchronous I cant get more than one callbacks and my code is proving that - By reloading the page I am getting random results from one or other query. But there must be some workaround, right? I just wanna get combined array of both events and vacations so I can pass it to fullcalendar as one instance. Thanks a lot!
var events = [];
var vaca = [];
var now = moment();
var nextMonth = now.clone().add(1, 'month');
type: "GET",
url: "/home/GetEvents",
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, v) {
title: v.title,
description: "Project Type: " + v.projectType,
start: moment(v.onSite),
end: v.onSiteTill != null ? moment(v.onSiteTill).add('days', 1) : null,
color: v.color,
allDay: true
error: function (error) {
type: "GET",
url: "/home/GetVacations",
success: function (data2) {
$.each(data2, function (i, v) {
title: v.who,
description: ("Who or what: " + v.who + ". Vacation because " + v.why).link("Vacation/Edit/" +,
start: moment(v.fromWhen),
// add one day due to excluding end date in callendar
end: v.tillWhen != null ? moment(v.tillWhen).add('days', 1) : null,
color: "#cc0000",
allDay: true
error: function (error) {
You can call next Ajax call from first AJAX call.
Sample Code for Reference:
$.ajax({url: URL, data : {//data
}).done( function( data ) {
// Handles successful responses only
}).fail( function( error) {
console.log( error);
}).then( function( data ) { // Promise finished
$.ajax( { //2nd ajax
url : URL,
data : { DATA }
}).done( function( data ) {
// 2nd call finished
}).fail( function( reason ) {
console.log( error);
Generate your calendar first then make 2 calls to render the events. You can use the FullCalendar renderEvent or renderEvents to achieve this.
I have created a basic working example here.

wordpress rest api issue in inserting post meta value while inserting post

Here is my code. I have an issue while inserting a new post using WordPress REST API. With given code, Post inserted successfully but the post meta field remains empty.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
//Create Cause
$( '#frm_create_campaign' ).on( 'submit', function(e) {
var title = $('#cmp_title').val();
var content = $('#post_submission_content').val();
var meta = {'gdlr-current-funding':"0"};
var status = 'draft';
var data = {
title: title,
content: content,
meta: meta
method: "POST",
url: POST_SUBMITTER.root + 'wp/v2/cause',
data: data,
beforeSend: function ( xhr ) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', POST_SUBMITTER.nonce );
success : function( response ) {
console.log( response );
alert( POST_SUBMITTER.success );
fail : function( response ) {
console.log( response );
alert( POST_SUBMITTER.failure );
});//End Create Cause

fullcalendar - multiple sources to turn off and on

I've a calendar that I want to list various types of event on and enable a checkbox filter to show/hide those kind of events.
Is there a way to say on this action, ONLY load from 1 data-source AND remember that URL on month next/prev links?
I've started using eventSources, but it loads them all, rather than the one(s) I want.. Here's what I have.
var fcSources = {
all: {
url: tournament_url + '/getCalendar/?typefilter=[1,2]'
type1: {
url: tournament_url + '/getCalendar/?typefilter=[1]'
type2: {
url: tournament_url + '/getCalendar/?typefilter=[2]'
These URLS all provide a json string of events, based on the types prrovided.
Here's my calendar:
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,basicWeek'
firstDay: 1, // Monday = 1
defaultDate: new Date(), // Now
editable: true,
eventSources: [ fcSources.all ],
events: fcSources.all,
nextDayThreshold: '00:00:00',
... etc etc
Above my calendar I have this:
input type="checkbox" name="event_filter[]" value="type1" /> Type 1
input type="checkbox" name="event_filter[]" value="type2" /> Type 2
And finally , two Jquery fucntions.. one to get all the filters:
function getFilters(getName) {
var filters = [];
var checked = [];
$("input[name='"+getName+"[]']").each(function () {
filters.push( $(this).val() );
$("input[name='"+getName+"[]']:checked").each(function () {
checked.push( $(this).val() );
return [filters, checked];
and the last to load them:
$(".event_filter").on('click', function() {
var doFilters = getFilters('event_filter');
$('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'removeEvents' );
if (doFilters[0] === doFilters[1]) {
$('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'addEventSource', fcSources.all );
} else {
$.each(doFilters[1], function(myFilter, myVal) {
$('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'addEventSource', fcSources.myVal );
// $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );
Since the sources are all the same place and just different data on the URL, this approach could meet your needs. In the demo it just alerts the URL that is being tried but doesn't actually supply any data...
var tournament_url = ''
events: {
url: tournament_url + '/getCalendar/',
data: function() {
var vals = [];
// Are the [ and ] needed in the url? If not, remove them here
// This could (should!) also be set to all input[name='event_filter[]'] val's instead of hard-coded...
var filterVal = '[1,2]';
$('input[name="event_filter[]"]:checked').each(function() {
if (vals.length) {
filterVal = '[' + vals.join(',') + ']' // Are the [ and ] needed in the url? If not, remove here too
return {
typefilter: filterVal
beforeSend: function(jqXHR, settings) {
// when they change the checkboxes, refresh calendar
$('input[name="event_filter[]"]').on('change', function() {
Try this!
events: function( start, end, timezone, callback ) {
var checked = [];
$("input[name='event_filter[]']:checked").each(function () {
checked.push( $(this).val() );
var tournament_url = '';
url: tournament_url + '/getCalendar/',
data: {typefilter: '['+checked.join(',')+']'},
success: function(events) {
$('input[name="event_filter[]"]').on('change', function() {
This works for me.

Autocomplete Web Service in ASP.Net web forms

I have a web service for multiple item selection, its working fine but i am getting Undefined data. anyone can tell me solution for it. I am attaching my error screenshot too with this post, please see them below.
Web Service JSON Code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
function SearchText() {
source: function (request, response) {
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: '<%=ResolveUrl("WebServiceSkills.asmx/GetAutoCompleteData")%>',
data: "{'skill':'" + extractLast(request.term) + "'}",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
error: function (result) {
alert("No Result Found");
focus: function () {
// prevent value inserted on focus
return false;
select: function (event, ui) {
var terms = split(this.value);
// remove the current input
// add the selected item
// add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
this.value = terms.join(", ");
return false;
$("#ctl00_ContentMain_TextBoxSkills").bind("keydown", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
$(this).data("autocomplete") {
function split(val) {
return val.split(/,\s*/);
function extractLast(term) {
return split(term).pop();
Web Service:
public List<UserRegistration> GetAutoCompleteData(string skill)
List<UserRegistration> list = new List<UserRegistration>();
UserRegistrationHelper userRegistrationHelper = new UserRegistrationHelper();
using (DataTable dataTable = userRegistrationHelper.GetSkillsList(skill))
if (CommonFunctions.ValidateDataTable(dataTable))
foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)
var SkillsList = new UserRegistration
SkillId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SkillId"].ToString()),
return list;
Screenshot here:
I got answer for it:
1: Change SQL Query:
select concat('[', STUFF
SELECT top 15 '","'+ CAST(skillname AS VARCHAR(MAX))
from DNH_Master_Skills where SkillName LIKE '%' + #SkillName + '%'
2: Change JSON Code:
From: response(data.d); TO: response(Array.parse(data.d));
Now its working feeling happy.
