Request Google Analytics access of third party - google-analytics

How can I request the permission to read and analyse the Google analytics data of the third party.
Use case is, I may give a link to the third party, when they click, it will ask for granting permission to share their Google Analytics Data to me. After they've granted I could get their Google Analytics data.
I have created a Project from which I used to get GA data by using GA Reporting API v4


Difference between the 3+ Google Analytics APIs

What is the difference between Google Analytics Reporting API, Google Analytics API, and Google Analytics Data API? What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account, but it sounds like all 3 of these APIs are for reporting on data. Could you advise? I've been looking through their docs and they all still sound the same.
Analytics hub is for big query.
Google analytics reporting api - Gives access to extract data from Universal analytics accounts
Google analytics api - is a little harder to nail down. It almost sounds like it gives access to extract data and and configure google analytics data. Which would imply that its management api for for universal analytics Google analytics admin api and possibly the reporting api as well.
Google analytics data api - used to extract data from Google analytics ga4 accounts
What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account
Im not sure what you mean by this. None of those are for sending data to google analytics. To send data to google analytics. you would use one of the collection options.

How can I get my customers' Google Analytics data?

I want to create a SaaS, for this I need my customers' Google Analytics data. Can I do this? Is something like this possible? I found the Management API, but I don't know if I can do it, I don't even understand it. Thanks
In order to request Google analytics data you need to use serval different apis. But the first thing you need to understand is that there are two versions of google analytics these days Universal analytics and Ga4. They are not interchangeable.
Universal analytics
The management api will give you access to see what universal analytics google analytics accounts that the user has access to. This is just the accounts and users. It is not the data itself within a universal analytics account.
To see the data within a universal analytics account you need to use the Google analytics reporting api. This api will allow you to extract universal analytics data on behalf of your users.
As for the GA4 accounts. you would need to use the Google analytics admin api to access account information. The Google analytics data api will give you access to the data within a GA4 account.
Note: at the time of writing both of the GA4 apis are still in Beta.
All of these systems will require that you have the consent of a user on the account in order to access their data. So you will need to implement Oauth2 authentication and request access with the appropriate google analytics scope.
Management API is irrelevant. If you need the data, you need the Reporting API. It's here:
It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication. Here's more on it:

How to use Google Analytics web+api property to fetch analytics data and display on third party dashboard

AS Google Analytics Services SDK sunset On October 31st, 2019 they stop processing incoming hits for this property. and ask to use latest App + Web property, which utilizes Google Analytics for Firebase SDK.
I have successfully linked firebase with app+web property.
Now my question is , how i can fetch that analytics data useing that property ID and display on third party website? I am successfully able to capture app analytics data i just want to display that report with API. how i can use propertyID to fetch that data.
With web_app property there is no View(ViewID) as previous.
Any help on this?
For GA4 Properties, you can use the Google Analytics Data API v1 to fetch analytics data and display on a third party site. This API can produce reports of active users by date and other useful dashboards.
See the Data API v1's developers site for more information:
When fetching analytics data in the Analytics v3 and Analytics Reporting v4 APIs, a view id is specified. As the question suggests, GA4 properties do not have views. GA4 properties cannot be used in Analytics v3 and Analytics Reporting v4 APIs.
This question asks about "App + Web" properties. For context, App + Web Properties were recently renamed to GA4 Properties. See the blog post for more information:
There's no public API to get the firebase-backed App + Web analytics data. However, you might have enabled BigQuery integration and use BigQuery API to make requests to analytics tables.

Google Analytics User Activity API

I need to get following google campaign data for the user visiting our website from google analytics and pass the data to another application
Campaign Content
Campaign Medium
Campaign Name
Campaign Source
Campaign Term
Found this google analytics API for user activity.
Does it provide real time data? Is there another API which we can use to get this information real time for the user based on the google analytics User_ID or Client_ID?
Real-time traffic source information is unavailable via Analytics APIs. Also using APIs for this purpose would be hardly practical because of API limitations and quotas.
You might get some very close results with alternatives like sourcebuster.js but note that this wouldn't provide you with Google Ads synced data

Displaying Analytics Dashboard for Clients using Google Analytics

We have certain amount of clients and each of us will have their pages on our website. We have to show them the analytics for their particular page. For this, we have the data on Google Analytics according to pages.
On the client admin page, they should be able to view the analytics for their page. This has to be coming from Google Analytics.
I have tried using the Core Reporting Api, but that needs an authentication and one should have access to Google Analytics profile, which is not possible for clients.
So now, Is there a way, where the client can see the dashboard with data being pulled form Google Analytics without any authentication?
No, authentication is required to pull data directly from Google. You could use one 'global' Google account and keep that account authenticated through code so that your users can access that data.
Only other option I've seen is to automate the export of the CSV data (via email) and have a routine that pulls off the CSV data and imports it into a system for public/private use - such as in your example.
Hope this helps!
