JavaFX full screen problem on a CentOS without desktop environment - javafx

For my case I'm not able to give much detail for a start due to different reasons, but I decided to go straight to the point and ask. First I'd like to point out that this is a very specific question, to prevent unrelated general answers.
For a kiosk JavaFX 8 application that needs to be run on CentOS 6.10 without a desktop environment, but only with XOrg / X-Server for graphics support, there seems no way to prevent that an initial login window goes full screen. This login window's layout is defined via FXML as a medium sized rectangle which works fine on a desktop suited environment, without code differences. I have tried to call Stage's setWidth() and setHeight() methods (planning to try max variants soon) before and after showing it via show() method.
Does anyone have any quick idea about what issue could be causing this at first glance? I may provide other details on demand. Nonetheless, I will post any solution I come up with.
EDIT: The current XOrg version on the affected machine seems to be xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.17.4-17.el6.centos.i686

Problem (forced full screen windows) was caused by an existing invokation to dwm within .xinitrc file, used for a different existing application


CSS Grid Development Environment on Windows

I wish to upgrade my web site development environment. Currently using Adobe Dreamweaver (out of habit), but need to
Write HTML/CSS/PHP/MySQL code in an editor with syntax highlighting, code/tag completion, code hints.
have a browser window that reflects the code window results (on a save). So write HTML/CSS code, save it, and the browser window is updated
support for major browsers (choose the browser to be used in the display window)
allow adjust of browser window width to see responsiveness of my code
supports latest CSS, including CSS Grid and Flexbox
Windows 10 environment; not interested in adding Linux (WSL)
will consider an XAMP/WAMP environment for testing of PHP/MySQLi code locally
free or low-cost programs are preferred (I'm on a limited budget, but will spend the $ for what is needed)
An important part is things running in Windows 10 environment, and the side-by-side display of a code and browser windows in the editor.
I realize this might be an 'opinion' question (and will probably get some downvotes), but need to get some directions to look at. The googles haven't been helpful yet.
If I understand correctly you need a text editor that can help you to indent your code and highlight your errors ?
Try to take a look at Vs Code Editor
You can find a lot of extension to help you write code and find errors

DWM in Win7/8 + GDI

A problem I've noticed once on my Win7 system, thought it was a DWM bug as it was fixed after a reboot. But now I'm realizing that it's happening (as default behavior) on other people's systems, and it's the normal behavior on Surface Pro as well.
How to reproduce the problem: implement, using GDI, a basic lasso system. Define a rectangle controlled by the mouse, when the rectangle changes, invalidate the old one & the new one (or invalidate a union of both rectangles, either as a new rectangle or a complex region, it doesn't matter, the "bug" still shows anyway).
During wm_paint, you just erase the background & paint the rectangle (it has to be a rectangle outline, the problem won't be visible if it's a filled rectangle). You can do double-buffering if you wanna be sure that it's not a flickering problem (& trust me it's not).
So what you'll see, if you have a system like mine (desktop Win7 with a geforce, aero on), is a normal lasso system, with no more ghosting than the monitor's own.
On other systems (like Surface Pro, to define a fully known system), you'll see, as you extend the lasso outwards, the border of the lasso disappearing. A bit like LCD ghosting, but massively more noticable.
Now, instead of invalidating the lasso's rectangle, try invalidating the whole window. And there, no more ghosting.
What I found out is that it's not the invalidation that "fixes" it, it's GDI access. You can as well invalidate the whole rectangle, but only paint the lasso's zone, still ghosting. But if you paint the lasso's zone and draw a single little pixel on each corners of the window, no more ghosting.
There must be something in DWM, probably since version 1.1, that uses some kind of caching of the bounding box of the last GDI access, and for some weird reason, what falls within the last bounding box will get immediately on screen, while the new part will be delayed by at least 1 frame.
This is pretty bad because it's breaking very basic window invalidation that everyone uses, and I haven't found any way to fix it (other than by invalidating the whole window of course, but that'd be stupid, & besides it's a problem that affects the whole GDI, so you get poor visual results everywhere).
Again it's most likely in DWM 1.1, I don't think you can get this in Vista, but I'm not sure. I also don't know why it doesn't do that on my desktop, possibly it depends on the graphic card's driver.
So if anyone happens to know more about this...
An update on this. I didn't find any clean solution, but a hack that works.
First, I also discovered that this "bug" seems to affect all systems, just not the same way.
Using DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo, once can make v-synced GDI animation. That's in theory, because in practice it won't work, because of the same "bug", even on systems not visibly affected by what I describe above. The DWM will simply decide not to refresh anything when there isn't enough to fresh, and that will cause frameskips when scrolling a window using ScrollWindowEx and not enough pixels are invalidated.
So what's the solution? Fool the DWM into thinking that it has to swap buffers immediately, as it's what the whole problem is about. When doing GDI operations, one might think that the result will appear at the DWM's next vblank-synced refresh, but it's not the case. Some parts will, some will be delayed. So the trick is to force the DWM to swap, here's what I found about it:
-first, DWMFlush does not do that (nor does GDIFlush). DWMFlush is more or less a WaitForVBlank anyway
-DWMSetPresentParameters doesn't seem to allow this either, even though I didn't bother that much with that function since it's already gone in Windows 8
-the DWM seems to refresh when there are enough pixels to swap, but it also seems to be partitionned, quite possibly into wide but short rectangles (that's what it appears to be on Surface Pro - but not on my desktop). Whether it's related to apertures to the VRAM or segmentation into small textures, I have no idea, really, maybe someone knows?
So what works for me: telling the GDI to refresh vertical stripes, 1 pixel wide, about 500 pixels apart, all over the screen. If you only do it on parts of the screen, you'll still get flicker on other parts.
It also works using horizontal stripes but then you'll need a lot more of them, that's why I believe that the segmentation is done in wide, short rectangles. You can kinda see those rectangles when tricking the DWM.
Which GDI functions work? Many do, but they don't all have the same CPU usage.
First, forget GetPixel, it works but the CPU usage is obviously extremely high.
Second, the GDI seems to be intelligent enough to detect things that can be buffered just as commands, so filling a rectangle with a null brush, or drawing empty text, won't force the DWM to refresh.
What does work is BitBlt or AlphaBlend using empty vertical stripes. The CPU usage is still ok, even though it's not so far from blitting a whole screen.
It has to be done on a top-level window, not the desktop.
Creating a Direct2D render target for the DC & doing a begin/enddraw also works, but it's normal since it will force a refresh of the full rectangle, & thus the CPU cost is higher.
If anyone knows a better way to force a DWM refresh, I'd like to know. But since Windows 8 already made obsolete most of the interesting DWM functions (fortunately DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo still partially works, or it would be impossible do vsynced timers without DirectX), I'm not sure there's any better way.
Also, it doesn't have to be done on all top-level windows. You can see the effect working on a Windows desktop blue lasso when it gets near a top-level window that invalidates stripes, it stops flickering as soon as it enters a zone near it (the segmentation I'm talking of above).
Here's a couple of general GDI-related pointers regarding your code:
When you call InvalidateRect API it may not immediately dispatch WM_PAINT notification, so calling InvalidateRect two times in a row like you did in your TForm1.FormMouseMove method is most certainly causing this visual effect. The first redrawing is not yet processed when you call it the second time.
I'm not sure what Canvas.Rectangle exactly does "on the inside" or which APIs it calls. I'm assuming it is using DrawFocusRect, in which case you have to be aware that its drawing is XORed, so doing it twice over the same rectangle will erase it.
OK, so here's what I'd do if I were drawing that selection box:
Call InvalidateRect API only once. For that you will have to calculate the bounding rectangle that will include position of the selection box before and after the move. If I'm not mistaking, you can use UnionRect API for that, or just calculate the bounding rect yourself.
If avoiding a visual lag is important, I'd do all the drawing of the selection box in TForm1.FormMouseMove. You can get a device context by calling GetDC API on your window handle. After that do the same drawing. In this case you will not need any invalidation. (Sorry, I can't give you a procedure for Delphi. This is how I'd do it with plain WinAPIs.)
EDIT: After reviewing your C++ code I was able to reproduce the visual flicker you're describing. I also made two C++ projects, derived from your original code in hopes of solving it: Here's a simple version and here's the one with mouse dragging support. None of them solved the issue though.
I was able to reproduce the flicker on a Windows 7 desktop. After having done some tests I am convinced now that this visual artifact is caused by a display driver. In my case the desktop has ATI Radeon video card. This is how I was able to conclude that: I ran the test executable on a different (older) desktop with Windows XP OS and the flicker was not present. I ran the exact same executable in a virtual machine with Windows XP installed in it on the desktop computer that was producing the flicker. The flicker was present when the executable ran in a Windows XP in that virtual machine. Since the same video driver is responsible for rendering the actual desktop and the one in the virtual machine, there's most definitely some "funny business" going on with optimization or caching in the video driver, that is causing this artifact.
So, the question now is how to resolve it. In my second build of your project, I added the code to render the whole client area for the window to eliminate the possibility of a calculation error, but that did not help. So at this point you're helpless to resolve it via plain APIs.
Your next steps should probably be these:
Contact the driver maker for the video card that you're experiencing this issue on. See if they help. I'd show them your YouTube video of the issue and give them the C++ project to reproduce it with.
Post a question on Windows Driver Development forums, preferably for video driver developers. Unfortunately it's a dwindling community, so expect long delays.
Change the tags on your question here. Add these: C, C++, WinAPI, GDI, DWM and remove what you have there now. This way it will be visible for a Win32 dev community so you'll get more views.
Other than that, good luck! This is such a minor bug (even if one can call it that) that I doubt that you'll get any serious attention to it. Although this is very admirable, in my book, that you're trying to achieve such perfection for your software.
Also, if you need me to second you on this, I can do so.

Is there any way to optimise/configure QtWebKit to increase JavaScript/rendering performance?

We're creating a Qt app which is basically a QtWebKit window for viewing a web application. The web application's frontend is written in ExtJS and it is running very slowly in some parts (e.g. some screens with multiple grids or complex layouts). My question is: is there a way of configuring the Qt app to make increase the performance of its JavaScript/rendering engine?
There is no way to tune webkit, so you can't tune it from Qt, either. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything. Here is a checklist of things you can try:
Make sure the performance is actually lost in the place where you think by measuring it with a profiler. I'm wrong 90% of the time when guessing what causes bad performance problems. Have a look at how many reputation I have and then think hard whether you are really sure you can do better :-)
If a profiler isn't an option, add timing information to the code.
Is it also slow in a normal web browser? If so, try to improve the JavaScript code. There are tools to run/profile that as well. Some are even built into your web browser.
Consider implementing part of the UI without ExtJS (and the overhead it brings along). Do you really need a full-fleshed out grid to display static data that can't be sorted? Maybe a plain HTML table will do.
Try a newer version of Qt. 5 just came out and it contains a more recent version of webkit.

No redraw of QML view in 64bit Win7 (update() in QDeclarativeItem is ignored)

I work on a QML-based UI where some elements are implemented in C++ plugin.
Everything worked fine so far in WinXP 32bit and Win7 32bit. Last week I got new laptop with Win7 64bit on board, and my code does not work properly there. Several seconds after start-up application behaves nicely, but then suddenly view stops redrawing. Neither QML-initiated events, nor plug-in calls to QDeclarativeItem::update() work. In plugin I am 100% sure that update() is called, but then I know, that calls to overriden QGraphicsItem::paint() do not happen as expected. The view only gets redrawn when window gets/looses focus.
I have quickly verified my application on a desktop running Win7 and had no problems there. This leads my to suspect that there is something different about how Windows 7 requests window update on my laptop and on other computers, however I am unable to figure out the difference right now.
Can someone help me out to understand what is going on there?
Thanks in advance!
p.s. Unfortunately my primitive mock-ups did not exhibit same problem, and I cannot share production code. If I will find a way to reproduce this problem in a prototype before actual solution will be found, I will post it.
Add a qapp->processEvents() after your update() call, it will probably work.
(I've come across a similar problem, but it happens on all platforms, hopefully this solution will work for you)
The answer to my question lays in something I overlooked initially in my problem description. The QDeclarativeItem::update() function was called from a non-Qt thread (certainly not GUI thread). I re-routed the call through Qt event loop and the problem was gone.
I was on Qt 4.7/4.8 at that time and cannot say how it'd behave in Qt 5.x.

Flex printing on OSX pushes image off the page. How can this be fixed?

My Flex 3 app prints pages just fine from browsers on Windows using FlexPrintJob (not the browser print function). However, on OSX, the left and top margins show up larger and the page gets pushed off the right and bottom. Basically, the scaling is screwed up, and I can't see any way to adjust the margins in code.
Has anyone seen this discrepancy in Flex printing between Windows and OSX? Are there any known workarounds? I've searched all over and I can't find any good info on this (other than 12 unresolved printing bugs in the Adobe Jira DB).
And please don't say "don't print in Flex". I know Flex sucks at printing, but I have to use it. Thanks!
PDF Generation is one route and while its a valid solution for some folks, I need to print directly. I'd like to see stuff like using regular Flash PrintJob, monkeypatches to FlexPrintJob, or just ways I can format my DisplayObjects before sending them to FlexPrintJob. None of the scaling options in FlexPrintJob work. My Flex Component is at 1.0 scale. I'm not sure what else I can do except for mess around with regular PrintJob. I'm putting a bounty on this for answers in this domain.
Switch to PDF generation. There are two ways to do this without having to purchase server-side licenses:
Use our library of Flex components - clear.swc, a part of open source Clear Toolkit available on Sourceforge. This process is described in Ch. 11 of the book Enterprise Development with Flex currently available as rough cuts on
Use open-source library alivePDF.
Don't print by Flex PrintJob :)
