Reliability of Firebase Dynamic links in iOS? - firebase

How can I setup dynamic links which are robust like google maps, Twitter or WhatsApp ?
I’m using react-native-firebase v6 for my react-native iOS app
I’m using Passwordless Auth/ SignInWithEmailLink to Authenticate my users but this completely depends upon dynamic links.
I had set this up successfully and and everything was working fine.
But now suddenly the authentication links provided in the email don’t open the app in iOS
What can be a possible workaround that the links always open in the app like Twitter or anything else.??
Because this is one of the most essential functionalities of my app as the user can’t sign up if the link doesn’t open in the app.
EDIT: Apple App site association
Below is the apple-app-site-association of my app automatically provided by Firebase, do I need to change something here??
{"applinks":{"apps":[],"details":[{"appID":"","paths":["NOT /_/*","/*"]}]}}
Help would be very much appreciated.
P.S could this be a problem of Safari and the Apple Mail App?


Ionic capacitor Facebook login problem creating the facebook app step

I'm trying to add the Facebook login on my Ionic Capacitor Firebase app but i'm having a lot of problems creating the app on facebook developers site and associating it with my app, now i'm trying only with Android platform.
The problem is that it seems that to create the facebook app is mandatory to have the app published on store, because when i try to change public_profile access for example to advanced, is showing a modal saying that is not finding on the play store the app name. But I can't believe that is necessary to have the app on play store before integrate the facebook login on my app.
What i'm doing wrong? I'm following this tutorial but on the video is not adding a store option on Android, and in my case i need to add google play or some other to save the platform.
I'm completely lost.
Facebook should allow you to create an app in developer mode without necessarily entering the store code.

Flutter : Display app content from Dynamic/Deep Link even if app not installed

I am working on a new events app and I would like users to be able to share events they have created with friends who many not have the app installed on their device yet. I am using the flutterdev share plugin to allow users to share event links through their social media channels, and I would like the invited users to navigate to the event directly when the link is clicked. So they can see the event details and then have the option to install the app if they so choose.
My question is : how to handle this for users who do not have the app installed on their phone?
My idea so far has been to develop a flutter web version of my mobile app and send the link as a web url, so the user will be sent to the flutter web version rather than the mobile app.
Is there an easier/smarter way to do this?

Google OAuth Consent Screen for Firebase applications

Im trying to build a React-Native mobile application and the backend is totally depending on Firebase (im using Firestore as a database) I dont have any website or host service connected to this app except Firebase.
Now, on if i want to publish my app(keys) for i.e.: google sign in, im asked about a privacy policy and Terms&Conditions that should be hosted on the domains:
I have filled those fields like that but it doesnt seem right and in the future could be a problem. Can someone share their experience with Google APIs for applications that need sigin? What are the best practices?

Do firebase dynamic links work with PWA applications?

Firebase dynamic link documentation does not show Web as a category it supports but I wanted to know if there is any hack out there where can get it to work for PWA applications? the google analytics tracking for firebase is a powerful feature, especially for dynamic links.
Even though there is no specific API for this, since Dynamic Links are just URLs, you can indeed use then within a web app.
For example, we used them in the PWA for the Firebase Summit in 2018 to track click-throughs to the additional information for each session.
If you are having issues with your PWA not running correctly in Facebooks (insert expletive) Mobile Browser. Using dynamic links will force it out to the regular browser)
Do not use a custom domain, use the
and DO NOT skip the preview page!

Facebook PHP SDK rights

i am currently working on an autoposter app to publish content on my own fanpages. This is the only function the app is going to be used for. My personal profile will be the only user of the app.
I have read through the documentation for developers but I still have trouble figuring this out.
From what I understand I don't have to submit the app for review to facebook if I only need the manage_pages right.
How does this work for an app that will only be used by me? Do I still have to submit it to facebook to be able to use the manage_pages and publish_pages permission? Or is there a way around that?
