How to change the read more color button in wpbackery grid (wordpress)? - css

enter image description here
How can I change the color of this read more button ?
I am using wpbackery plugin to make the posts grid.

I figure it out
.vc_btn3.vc_btn3-color-juicy-pink, .vc_btn3.vc_btn3-color-juicy-pink.vc_btn3-style-flat {
background-color: #6b61f4;
and this for hover
> .vc_btn3.vc_btn3-color-juicy-pink:hover,
> .vc_btn3.vc_btn3-color-juicy-pink.vc_btn3-style-flat:hover {
> background-color: #6b61f4; }


Chang color of menu items wordpress

I would change the color of the menu items in wordpress. In this site I have four voices in the menu (Brand, Prodotti, Modacapelli Choice, Outlet) and I need to change the color of Modacapelli Choice (grey to blue). I added this code on the CSS file:
/* Change color menu Modacapelli Choice */
#menu-item-427 a {
color: #2976ce;
It work but just on desktop. On the mobile version in menu navigation sidebar the menu item "Modacapelli Choice" doesn't change the color.
How can I solve that?
Since this is an extremely specific case you can either .menu-item-427 > a { color: red!important; } or do .nav>>a { color: red; }
I would recommend the latter.
However both are not great, since it is bound to the ID. I would recommend making an ACF field for the page or the menu-element, then checking if it exists, and creating an inline style or adding a class if it is true.
The user can then also change the color of other elements he wishes to change without contacting you about it.
You would then add a class like this to your menu markup for example.
.is-highlighted-element {
color: red;
In Mobile view doesn't have #menu-item-427 this id. so replace with .menu-item-427
Try this css it's works
.menu-item-427 a {
color: #2976ce;

How to add color to ionic-selectable items

I'm using ionic-selectable in my project, and I want to change the color of items.
I put the folowing css as mentions in the doc :
color:red !important;
but nothing happend, here's a picture of the result:
enter image description here
How can I add color to the items please?
Here your code work well... But you can try more specific code like that.
.label {

ToolbarSearch not being customized in the UI

According to this blog post, it should be possible to style the ToolbarSearch by customizing the UIIDs ToolbarSearch,TextFieldSearch and `TextHintSearch.
In my CSS File it looks like this:
ToolbarSearch {
color: white;
TextHintSearch {
color: white;
TextFieldSearch {
color: white;
The main thing I want to achieve is a white Search Button, Text, X-Button and Hint.
In the blog post above, it looks right, except the textfieldsearch and -hint:
But in my application it looks like this:
The buttons are in the wrong color. What am I doing wrong?
This is how I add it
this.getToolbar().addSearchCommand(e -> {
//TODO search
(The algorythm is not implemented yet)
I don't use the CSS plugin so I'm not really sure how this maps there but you need to override the selected/pressed & unselected styles.

Woocommerce add to cart button style

I am using woocommerce on my site( and I want to style button "add to cart" on my site ,currently it is appearing as text link that is very boring ..
I am using below CSS but it's not working
.single_add_to_cart_button:hover {
background: green !important;
.single_add_to_cart_button {
background: red !important;
any help would be appreciated
I am stuck here
add your class 'single_add_to_cart_button' to add-to-cart.php (wp-content/themes/YOUR THEME/woocommerce/loop/add-to-cart.php)
you will find 'anchor' tag there. just add class in that.

adding icon to tabs in sencha touch 2

I have set custom icon to tabs, but it takes the blue color of tab panel, how can i get the original color of the icons.
var tabPanel = Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel',{
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
my css code
-webkit-mask-box-image: url("resources/images/general.png");
background-image: url("resources/images/general.png");
use this :) this will solve your problem
This is how I would do, add the following to your css:
.x-tab .x-button-icon.icongen, .x-button .x-button-icon.x-icon-mask.icongen {
-webkit-mask-image: url(<PATH TO IMAGE>);
along with iconCls you might also have to use iconMask: true
