Unable to use graql on commandline - vaticle-typedb

So I am using grakn core 1.5.7 on Ubuntu 18.04.
I want to use graql command.With older versions of grakn it was quite good to have a graql executable available.Here is the command i am using from inside my grakn folder.
graql console --keyspace prec --file ./schema.gql
However in newer versions on and after 1.5.7,I cannot find the same.
I had a look on the bugs section of grakn and i found this to be close but not much related issue. Following which i tried replacing graql to grakn but now i am getting this error
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNIMPLEMENTED: Method not found: session.SessionService/open
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.toStatusRuntimeException(ClientCalls.java:233)
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.getUnchecked(ClientCalls.java:214)
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall(ClientCalls.java:139)
at grakn.protocol.session.SessionServiceGrpc$SessionServiceBlockingStub.open(SessionServiceGrpc.java:273)
at grakn.client.GraknClient$Session.<init>(GraknClient.java:165)
at grakn.client.GraknClient$Session.<init>(GraknClient.java:136)
at grakn.client.GraknClient.session(GraknClient.java:123)
at grakn.core.console.ConsoleSession.<init>(ConsoleSession.java:90)
at grakn.core.console.GraknConsole.run(GraknConsole.java:99)
at grakn.core.console.GraknConsole.main(GraknConsole.java:140)
Cannot understand what is the resolution for the same

So Thanks to help by grakn team , I resolved the issue by doing the following steps:
replace graql with grakn (for versions 1.5 and above)
stop grakn server by ./grakn server stop
run jps on commandline to identify if there are any processes still running for the grakn server
use the process id from step 3 and kill those processes by kill -9
Now do grakn server start
now run your grakn console commands, they will work.

As of Grakn Core 1.5.0, the graql console command has been removed in favor of a combined command: grakn console -k mykeyspace...


GRAKN Server start fails right after install

Installed Grakn-Core as per their instruction on the website via Homebrew (Mac OS). As I am trying to start the Grakn server by executing grakn server start I am consistently getting the following error:
Same goes for any other command argument after grakn server <arg>. Did something change and is not reflected in the documentation or am I missing something obvious?
it looks like you're using the 2.0.0-alpha version of Grakn core, for which the docs live at dev.docs.grakn.ai (as opposed to dev.grakn.ai, which is for the 1.8.4 docs)
The url will be changed to our main docs page once we're out of alpha!

Install riscv spike simulator'; Failed to run dtc: No such file or directory Child dtb process failed

I try to install the riscv tool to my Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS server.
Use the following git repo and follow its build procedure:
spike simulator
GNU tool
Installation (Newlib)
riscv pk
Issue spike pk hello, gives me
Failed to run dtc: No such file or directory
Child dtb process failed
I have already installed the device-tree-compiler through apt command.
And checked with which dtc, outputs /usr/bin/dtc
What might be the problem?
Any help would be appreciated.
I run those commands on a command-line interface, not capable to run any graphic user interface. Not sure if that causes this problem.
The spike simulator is my first attempt to execute riscv code, I am also welcome to other recommendations.
I figure it out by creating a symbolic link using ln -s $(which dtc) and the problem is solved.

IOException: Cannot run program "javac" when "sudo ./sbt/sbt compile" in Spark?

I'm installing Apache Spark which uses its own copy of SBT to set things up.
I'm using Linux Mint in a VirtualBox VM.
Here's a snippet from the error when I run sudo ./sbt/sbt compile from the Spark directory spark-0.9.0-incubating:
[error] (core/compile:compile) java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "javac": error=2, No such file or directory
[error] Total time: 181 s, completed Mar 9, 2014 12:48:03 PM
I can run java and javac from the command line just fine: e.g. javac -version gives javac 1.6.0_31
The correct jdk1.6.0_31/bin is in my PATH.
I read that the error might be due to the 64-bit JDK that I had installed, but I get the same error with the 32 bit JDK.
How can I sort out the issue?
edit: Using bash shell.
DISCLAIMER I'm mostly guessing now and still am unsure I should've responding here rather than adding a comment. Until it's clear, the DISCLAIMER remains.
When you execute java and javac from the command line, what user are you at that moment? I'm pretty sure your problems surface because the users you operate are different.
Please notice that you're executing sudo ./sbt/sbt compile as root (due to the way sudo works), but you say nothing about what user(s) you've been using to execute javac and java commands.
Add jdk1.6.0_31/bin to PATH for root and you'll be all set (as far as the configuration of Java's concerned).
I'd also recommend setting JAVA_HOME to point to jdk1.6.0_31 as it may help at times -- many applications are using it as the way to find the location of Java.
As a workaround, you may edit ./sbt/sbt and add PATH and JAVA_HOME appropriately.
You need to include the javac executable. To do this in Ubuntu please run the following command:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
It also places it within your path variable.

Bootstrap action for EMR

While bootstapping on AWS EMR - I am getting the following. Any clues how to resolve it?
/mnt/var/lib/bootstrap-actions/1/STAR: /lib/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /mnt/var/lib/bootstrap-actions/1/STAR)
It's probably caused by not having high enough version of libc6.
You can SSH into the EC2 instance the EMR job created by following this: Open an SSH Tunnel to the Master Node
Then update the packages, for example, if your instance uses ubuntu, you should do sudo apt-get update. The command depends on which distribution of linux you are creating on your ec2 instance. The default emr job uses Debian, and Amazon linux is built based on redhat.
See if this would work.
If this is actually the problem, you can add this update package command (with ignoring Y/N prompt) at the start of your bootstrap script.

Riak not starting

I have installed riak and erlang as mentioned in the basho website.
But when i try to start riak with the command:
/etc/init.d/riak start
service riak start
I get the following error:
Starting Riak: Riak failed to start within 15 seconds,
see the output of 'riak console' for more information.
If you want to wait longer, set the environment variable
WAIT_FOR_ERLANG to the number of seconds to wait
I also checked with the command: riak ping, which gave the error:
Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
Node 'riak#sys_ip' not responding to pings
I am using 64 bit Centos 6.3 machine. Can anybody help me with this?
Initially when i had installed riak and checked the status, it showed that riak had started. Somewhere during the experimentation, it has stopped working. Not able to find, as to what might be the reason?
Thanks all ! I found the solution to my problem. I was running the commands as root user. When I tried using the same commands as non-root user with sudo prefix, everything just worked fine ! :)
Try running following command, it runs diagnostic test over configuration settings and gives more verbose information if there is anything wrong.
riak console
riak start by default doesn't give verbose information about the issue. In my case issue was - missing write permissions on directory - /var/lib/riak/generated.configs.
As you didn't mention any version of Erlang, I would like to inform you that using Erlang R15B02 causes error with riak-admin status.It's better to use Erlang R15B01 with Riak 1.2 and 1.2.1. Riak 1.0 requires Erlang R15B03 and later versions.So, check whether you have installed compatible versions.And if that's not the issue, here is the same issue as yours. Riak - Riak failed to start within 15 seconds,
