cPanel Email vs. Mail delivery service (Mailgun) vs. Email Server Hosting - wordpress

Bit confused on the pro's and con's of using some of these services when it comes to transactional emails via a website. I was using basic php to send the mail, but it seems to be getting blocked by some of the recipients spam filters. So I am looking at alternatives which include setting up it up to send via the cPanel's email service or using a delivery service like mailgun or maybe setting up an office 365 plan.
From what I've read email through an office 365 plan is often blocked as well, plus its another monthly fee so that's not ideal. So that leaves me with cPanel service or mailgun. I currently set it up to use mailgun and I'm pretty happy with it, but is cPanel service just as good? Is it really true SMTP and does it have just as good delivery rates? Theres also the issue with cPanel being if the web server goes down the email goes down, so that's another reason why I'm shying away from it.

cPanel's option will send via your local mail exchanger, EXIM, which isn't much different from sending through PHP. If you're going to send any sort of newsletter or bulk message, you really should use a delivery provider like MailGun or SendGrid and setup a subdomain like, so that your primary domain's reputation doesn't become damaged.

I personally use Sendgrid if our website is having issues sending emails, or getting blocked by spam filters. I've yet to have any problems with it. If it's just for one website, and it isn't huge, the free plan should suffice. Various SMTP plugins support it these days, such as Post SMTP.


Gmail SMTP plugin for wordpress/woocommerce

I am trying to make Gmail SMTP puligin work with my woocommerce/wordpress site.
I'm having this notice from Google Cloud:
Verification Status
Pending developer action
Complete all actions below. Update your email thread with our Trust and Safety team after you have completed an action. The Trust and Safety team will continue the verification process once all actions are completed. Learn more
Action Required
Comply with domain verification requirements
Ensure your application's domains have completed the Search Console verification process
Update brand information
Ensure that your app's name, logo, and OAuth clients meet all requirements
I asked about this from Google and they gave me this answer:
Thanks for your patience while we reviewed your project.
Since your app is a Gmail SMTP plug-in for Wordpress, and you or the site admin are the only users of the app, we recommend that you keep using your app with the “unverified app” screen. The Gmail API isn't for public use in this case, so you do not need to get verified.
If you are having issues activating the plugin, you can see all your support options in General Support.
Please note that Google also participates in community discussion groups and mailing lists that can help you find answers or troubleshoot problems.
We strongly recommend that you submit a question via any of the below third-party community discussion groups and/or mailing lists:
Stack Overflow - A question and answer site for programmers.
Server Fault - A question and answer site for deploying and managing IT platforms.
Google Developers - Issue tracking for features and bugs. Search existing issues before creating a new one.
Google Groups - A place for non-technical how-to questions.
I can't use this app without Google approval. I tried to send a test email and the plugin gave me this error/answer:
Gmail SMTP plugin cannot send email until you enter your credentials in the settings and grant access to your web application.
So how can I make Gmail SMTP work with my wordpress/woocommerce site?
Best Regards,
Tuomo Nurkkala
I think I tried everything and I asked from Google about this problem, but I'm not so sure if I understood their message correctly.
Best Regards,
Tuomo Nurkkala

Cannot submit the application form for requesting access to the Amazon advertising API

We wish to access the amazon advertising API and we follow the steps in this link to apply as a partner. However when we tried to submit an application we encountered an error that says,
Please ensure that you are signed into the Amazon account affiliated
with your corporate email address. If you do not have an Amazon
account affiliated with your corporate email address, you may update
your current Amazon account or create an account
We have tried various accounts and email addresses affiliated with Amazon but it still produces the same error. Also, I don't know what corporate email address are they referring to. I've also posted it on other forums since last week but didn't get any replies so I'm trying it here because maybe a user here knows how to resolve it. I've tried also the amazon advertising API customer support team but it seems that I need to have my application approved first before I can submit a ticket.

Using Microsoft nameservers, Google Domains, and Firebase hosting

I have a client who is using Office 365 for email and has changed the nameservers on Google Domains to point to Microsoft nameservers (, etc), so he can utilize the email extension (and other Office products). Unfortunately, this is messing with my normal groove on how to link my Firebase React projects with Google Domains via adding resource values (i.e. # A record with a value of because as Google warns me right there:
It looks like you've changed your name servers. All settings for your domain (including website, email, synthetic records and resource records) are currently disabled. To enable these settings, you will need to restore the Google Domains name servers.
I can't restore these nameservers to Google, because it will mess/disable his emails. So what to do? I have exhausted my Google searches for an answer, and unsure of what direction to look for an answer. How do I link up my app with Firebase hosting with my Google Domain's domain while still maintaining Office 365 email extension for my client? Maybe I need to add the records on Microsoft's side? Do I need him to transition to GSuite? I'd prefer not to tell him he needs to, but maybe that's the only solution!
It's a bit misleading. The domain is with Google Domains, and Google is saying "All settings for your domain that you might expect us to manage via Google Domains" are disabled - meaning you can't manage them in Google Domains. Instead, they have to be managed in Office 365 (or wherever the nameservers are).
You can get the ip addresses Firebase gives you, send them to your client, and instruct them to update the domain's main A record and www A record (or CNAME) to point to the Firebase ip addresses.
Everything will work just fine - it's just Google telling you that it no longer manages the DNS for the domain.

Woocommerce won't send notification to Gmail

I've been developing an e-commerce website and it comes to the last phase of development. However, I've found one error during my test.
When I use email that has, the email went through but when I tried using gmail - both admin and customer emails - the notification email didn't reach gmail inbox at all.
Do you have any idea what is wrong or there should be some additional plugin that I have to install.
Any answer is appreciated.
Thank you
WooCommerce (and many times WordPress in general) can be difficult to get working with reliable email delivery. Most of the time it's because your site is on a shared host (shared IP address) and if you're hosted with other sites that are a bit spammy it can hurt you. (WordPress will use your host's SMTP server by default and your actual email service might not be hosted with them, so your MX records probably don't match the same provider / IP block).
When you add the fact that your WooCommerce emails have content that has anything to do with money (using the words "order" "shipping" "prices" etc) it raises your chances of getting caught up in a spam filter. (And yes, Gmail will many times not even deliver your email... And it won't even go into the spam folder).
I've had great success with using a third party SMTP provider. The main benefits are
You emails are relayed through their trusted network
They verify ownership of your domain (and sending domain) so that Gmail also trusts it
They many times provide reliability reports and delivery success / failure reports
I personally use Mandrill (by MailChimp). It's completely free to send up to 12K emails per month (which is usually more than enough for most small businesses). Get their WordPress plugin wpMandrill so that you can see your delivery stats right in your dashboard and so that WordPress uses the relay automatically (including WooCommerce). Your client will probably appreciate seeing that too anyway.
I've played with Mailgun and Sendgrid a bit, but I really like Mandrill. Check the others out to see if they'll be a better fit for you too.

Wordpress on a cloud, registration issue,

Hello world!
Heres my issue, Im running a site on a azure cloud network, since natively azure does not support SMTP and wordpress member registration is built around this (as well as most to all plugins) so when it comes time for members to register, it all works well up until its time they should receive their activation key through email... and they dont. If by obtaining a sendgrid account through host, parsing info from sendgrid host app to my WP sendgrid app setting, Will it the allow the delivery of "welcome" and delivery of mentioned activation keys through emails to members upon registering? Im stumped on how to fix this issue, Im quite sure this is the fix.
ALso, if this wold be the answer to my problem, where would meber info be sent... To my WP user tab or wold there be a third party involved in maintaning this database.
Thank you for yout ime,
Yes, I run sendgrid for my wordpress site it replaces the WP mail function make sure you read the installation instructions carefully it requires you to modify your user.ini file
