I need to update a field value on my node when it saves. I'm using hook_entity_presave to get the value and update the field on node save.
But I want update that field in all the language's translation of that node but it's updating only primary language('en') node.
$node = Node::load($cid);
if (empty($node)) {
return FALSE;
$node->set('field_ship_name', $name);
$node = $node->save();
Thanks for the help in advance.
Try this:
$node = Node::load($cid);
if (empty($node)) {
return FALSE;
$languages = $node->getTranslationLanguages($include_default = TRUE);
foreach($languages as $lang) {
$node_translation = \Drupal::service('entity.repository')->getTranslationFromContext($node, $lang);
$node_translation->set('field_ship_name', $name);
$node_translation = $node_translation->save();
I have managed to save the data in a custom database table successfully. The code here does the saving as well as deletes the data from the wp_postmeta table.
That is the ideal scenario. However, if the data changes and the plugin needs to update the data, it saves the changed data inside the wp_postmeta and the custom table. Data goes into the custom table as required. The issue is that the plugin doesn't remove the data from the postmeta table on updating the fields. For new posts, it's working perfectly. I wonder what might be the issue.
The code:
include "rapid-addon.php";
final class custom_table_data_add_on
protected static $instance;
protected $add_on;
static public function get_instance()
if (self::$instance == NULL) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
protected function __construct()
// Define the add-on
$this->add_on = new RapidAddon('Custom dbTable Add-On', 'custom_dbtable_data_addon');
$this->add_on->add_field('fixtures_results', 'Fixtures & Results', 'text');
//$this->add_on->add_field('team_address', 'Team Address', 'text');
$this->add_on->set_import_function([$this, 'import']);
add_action('init', [$this, 'init']);
function get_import_post_type($continue_import, $current_xml_node, $import_id)
// Retrieve import object.
$import = new PMXI_Import_Record();
// Ensure import object is valid.
if (!$import->isEmpty()) {
// Retrieve post type.
$post_type = $import->options['custom_type'];
if ($post_type === 'fixture-result') {
function save_fr_data_to_custom_database_table($post_id)
// Make wpdb object available.
global $wpdb;
// Retrieve value to save.
$value = get_post_meta($post_id, 'fixtures_results', true);
// Define target database table.
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "fixtures_results";
// Insert value into database table.
$wpdb->insert($table_name, array('ID' => $post_id, 'fixtures_results' => $value), array('%d', '%s'));
// Delete temporary custom field.
delete_post_meta($post_id, 'fixtures_results');
add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'save_fr_data_to_custom_database_table', 10, 1);
} else {
return true;
add_filter('wp_all_import_is_post_to_create', 'get_import_post_type', 10, 3);
The link to rapid-addon.php - https://github.com/soflyy/wp-all-import-rapid-addon/blob/master/rapid-addon.php
The link to Actions https://www.wpallimport.com/documentation/action-reference/
I am trying to create a registration form (here) with the help of a free plugin.
There are many elements in the registration form.
In the admin panel, meta keys can be assigned for each element in the plugin interface. So there is such an opportunity.
I'm trying to collect many of the elements on the same meta key by taking advantage of this possibility. In this direction, I gave the common meta key value to the elements I created. For example: info_about_register
So far everything is fine. However, if the form is posted, I can only get the last entry in the usermeta table. So the plugin is not serializing the same meta key data. An array does not occur.
There are many form elements. I want to pull these to the admin panel later. Therefore, I think that defining a separate line for each element will tire the system a lot. I contacted the plugin developers about this issue. However, no response for about 1.5 weeks.
I tried to solve this problem myself and found the codes where the action was taken. I made some changes to these. However, I was not successful. I would be very happy if you guide me.
* Called after submission save
* Registers new user into WordPress.
* Also map field values to user meta (If configured)
public function after_submission_insertion($errors, $submission, $data) {
$sub_model = erforms()->submission;
$form_model = erforms()->form;
$form = $form_model->get_form($submission['form_id']);
// Copy attachment values in data from submission (as $data does not have any uploaded file values)
foreach($submission['attachments'] as $attachment){
$data[$attachment['f_name']]= $attachment['f_val'];
if ($form['type'] == "reg") { // Handling of registration forms
$user = 0;
$id = 0;
// Get mapping for user meta fields if any
$user_field_map = erforms_filter_user_fields($form['id'], $submission['fields_data']);
// Avoid user registration process if user already logged in
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
$email_or_username = $user_field_map['user_email'];
if (isset($user_field_map['password'])) {
// Silently creates user
$username = isset($user_field_map['username']) ? $data[$user_field_map['username']] : $data[$email_or_username];
$id = wp_create_user($username, $data[$user_field_map['password']], $data[$email_or_username]);
} else {
// Register user and sends random password via email notification
$id = register_new_user($data[$email_or_username], $data[$email_or_username]);
if (is_wp_error($id)) {
// In case something goes wrong delete the submission
wp_delete_post($submission['id'], true);
$error_code = $id->get_error_code();
if ($error_code == 'existing_user_login') {
$email_or_username = 'username_error';
$errors[] = array($email_or_username, $id->get_error_message($id->get_error_code()));
return $errors;
} else {
$selected_role = erforms_get_selected_role($submission['form_id'], $data);
if (!empty($selected_role)) { // Means user has selected any role
$user_model = erforms()->user;
$selected_role= apply_filters('erf_before_setting_user_role',$selected_role,$id,$form, $submission);
$user_model->set_user_role($id, $selected_role);
foreach ($user_field_map as $req_key => $meta_key) {
$is_primary_key = in_array($meta_key, erforms_primary_field_types());
if (isset($data[$req_key]) && !$is_primary_key) {
$m_keys= explode(',',$meta_key);
foreach($m_keys as $m_key){
$status = erforms_update_user_meta($id, $m_key, $data[$req_key]);
do_action('erf_user_created', $id, $form['id'], $submission['id']);
} else {
// Get user details
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$id = $user->ID;
foreach ($user_field_map as $req_key => $meta_key) {
$is_primary_key = in_array($meta_key, erforms_primary_field_types());
if (isset($data[$req_key]) && !$is_primary_key) {
$m_keys= explode(',',$meta_key);
foreach($m_keys as $m_key){
$status= erforms_update_user_meta($id,$m_key,$data[$req_key]);
// User meta,URL params or default values should be prefilled only when we are not loading submission data
$user_meta = erforms()->user->frontend_localize_user_meta($form);
$filtered_url_params = array();
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
$filtered_url_params[urldecode(strtolower(wp_unslash($key)))] = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($val));
$url_keys = array_keys($filtered_url_params);
foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
$label = !empty($field['label']) ? strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $field['label'])) : '';
$label = str_replace('&', 'and', $label); // Cause URL params do not allow &
if (!empty($field['name']) && !empty($label) && in_array($label, $url_keys)) {
if (!isset($user_meta[$field['name']]) && !empty($filtered_url_params[$label])) {
$user_meta[$field['name']] = stristr($filtered_url_params[$label], '|') ? explode('|', $filtered_url_params[$label]) : $filtered_url_params[$label];
if(!empty($field['name']) && empty($user_meta[$field['name']]) && !empty($field['value'])){
$user_meta[$field['name']] = $field['value'];
if (!empty($user_meta)) {
$data['user_meta'] = $user_meta;
$data= apply_filters('erf_form_localize_data',$data,$form);
return $data;
* Wrapper to call update_user_meta function.
* This simply calls wordpress meta function and does not add any special prefix.
* Checks for any special meta key to update user table data.
* For example: display_name : updates user's display name. Instead of adding display_name usermeta
function erforms_update_user_meta($user_id, $m_key, $m_val) {
switch ($m_key) {
case 'display_name' : $status = wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user_id, $m_key => $m_val));
return is_wp_error($status) ? false : true;
return update_user_meta($user_id, $m_key, $m_val);
Data can be stored as an array with a definition like below. Also, the key values ($all_meta_value[$req_key]) are equal to the id, name values automatically assigned to the HTML elements by the plugin.
Using this, different conditional states can be written.
The following code must be defined in the function.php file in the child theme:
function for_new_user_meta_uptated($data){
//if the defined meta key (info_about_register) matches
if($m_key == 'info_about_register'){
$all_meta_value[$req_key] = $data;
add_action('erf_user_created', 'for_new_user_created',10);
function for_new_user_created($id){
//Save the values as a new user meta
add_user_meta($id, 'new_info_about_register', $get_meta_value);
//Remove saved single element user meta.
delete_user_meta($id, 'info_about_register');
In a view, I want to display linked values, but all of the linked values can't be displayed because they depends to the user access.
To do that I just need to do a leftJoin with a ->where('user', $user). The question is... how can I inject the current user in the Repository from the ParamConverter ?
Assuming you are using Doctrine, this should work;
In your controller;
$objRepo = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('AppBundle:Objects');
$files = $this->objRepo->getAllForUserId($this->getUser()->getId());
And in your repo file;
public function getAllForUserId($user_id, $limit=100)
if (null === $user_id) {
throw new ORMInvalidArgumentException('User id not set');
$queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('obj');
$queryBuilder->select(array('obj', 'usr'))
->innerJoin('obj.users', 'usr')
->where('usr.id = :user_id')
->setParameter(':user_id', $user_id)
->orderBy('file.created', Criteria::DESC);
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
return $query->getResult();
I would like to add a select field in admin/post-new.php.
This select field will be populated with JSON data (from a GET URL).
^ This point is solved. In your function.php:
function acf_load_colors_field_choices($field) {
$field['choices'] = [];
$choices = json_decode(file_get_contents(''), true);
if (is_array($choices)) {
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
$field['choices'][$choice] = $choice;
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/name=colors', 'acf_load_colors_field_choices');
Once the page is ready to be published, I would like to catch POST data to send them to another URL.
How to catch those data?
In functions.php, to catch POST data:
function on_save_post_articles($post_id) {
add_action('save_post', 'on_save_post_articles');
I'm searching for a way to create a custom action button which allows me to make a new DataObject with pre-filled content from another DataObject. As a simple example: When I have an email and click the "answer"-button in my email-client, I get a new window with pre-filled content from the email before. I need exactly this functionality for my button. This button should appear next to each DataObject in the GridField.
So I know how to make a button and add it to my GridField (--> https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/3.2/developer_guides/forms/how_tos/create_a_gridfield_actionprovider/) and I know how to go to a new DataObject:
I also found out that there is a duplicate function for DataObjects:
public function duplicate($doWrite = true) {
$className = $this->class;
$clone = new $className( $this->toMap(), false, $this->model );
$clone->ID = 0;
$clone->invokeWithExtensions('onBeforeDuplicate', $this, $doWrite);
if($doWrite) {
$this->duplicateManyManyRelations($this, $clone);
$clone->invokeWithExtensions('onAfterDuplicate', $this, $doWrite);
return $clone;
Perhaps it's easier than I think but at the moment I just don't get how to rewrite this to get what I need. Can somebody give me a hint?
That's for sure not the cleanest solution but I think it should do the trick.
At first let's create the custom gridfield action. Here we will save all accessible records in a session and add a query string to the url so that we'll know which object we want to "clone"
public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName) {
if(!$record->canEdit()) return;
$field = GridField_FormAction::create(
array('RecordID' => $record->ID)
$values = Session::get('ClonedData');
$data = $record->data()->toMap();
if($arr = $values) {
$arr[$record->ID] = $data;
} else {
$arr = array(
$record->ID => $data
Session::set('ClonedData', $arr);
return $field->Field();
public function getActions($gridField) {
return array('clone');
public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data) {
if($actionName == 'clone') {
$id = $arguments['RecordID'];
after adding this new component to our gridfield,
$gridField->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldCustomAction());
we'll need to bring the data into the new form. To do so, add this code directly above "return $fields" on your getCMSFields function so it will be executed every time we'll open this kind of object.
$values = Session::get('ClonedData');
if($values) {
$json = json_encode($values);
$fields->push(LiteralField::create('ClonedData', "<div id='cloned-data' style='display:none;'>$json</div>"));
At the end we need to bring the content back into the fields. We'll do that with a little bit of javascript so at first you need to create a new script.js file and include it in the ss backend (or just use an existing one).
(function($) {
onmatch: function() {
var data = JSON.parse($(this).text()),
id = getParameterByName('cloneID');
if(id && data) {
var obj = data[id];
if(obj) {
$.each(obj, function(i, val) {
$('[name=' + i + ']').val(val);
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901115/how-can-i-get-query-string-values-in-javascript#answer-901144
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
And that's it ... quite tricky. Hope it will solve your problem.