Sequelize error handling & code optimization - sqlite

My use case is fairly simple, i want to create a new user (username,email,password) but first check that the username/email doesn't exist already.
After checking, i use bcrypt to hash the password and create/store the user in my database
Here is the code i'm actually using, it works but i think it's a little too complicated so i'm wondering if there is anything i can do to make it a bit more readable/optimized
ipcMain.on('register', (e, newUser) => {
(user) => {
if (user)
e.sender.send('register-failed', "Username already exists!");
else {
(user) => {
if (user)
e.sender.send('register-failed', "Email already exists!");
else {
bcrypt.hash(newUser.password, saltRounds).then(
(hasedPassword) => {
newUser.password = hasedPassword;
(user) => {
e.sender.send('register-success', user.get({plain:true}));
(error) => {
e.sender.send('register-failed', "Unexpected Error");
(error) => { e.sender.send('register-failed', "Unexpected Error"); }
).catch(error => e.sender.send('register-failed', "Unexpected Error"));
userRepo module :
const db = require('../db.js');
const findByUsername = function (username) {
return db.models.User.findOne({
where: {
username: username
const findByEmail = function (email) {
return db.models.User.findOne({
where: {
email: email
const create = function (newUser) {
return db.models.User.create({
username: newUser.username,
password: newUser.password
module.exports = { findByUsername, findByEmail, create }
Thanks for the help.
Here's a much more readable code (that may be optimized more, but i find it readable enough)
ipcMain.on('register', (e, newUser) => {
Promise.all([userRepo.isUsernameAvailable(newUser.username), userRepo.isEmailAvailable(])
.then(creation => {
bcrypt.hash(newUser.password, saltRounds).then(
(hashedPassword) => {
newUser.password = hashedPassword;
(user) => {
e.sender.send('register-success', user.get({ plain: true }));
).catch(error => e.sender.send('register-failed', "Unexpected internal error!"))
).catch(error => e.sender.send('register-failed', "Unexpected internal error!"));
}) // User already exists
.catch((exists) => e.sender.send('register-failed', exists))
Using the two functions to check availability of username and email
async function isUsernameAvailable(username){
const user = await findByUsername(username);
return Promise.resolve(`Username : "${username}" is available`)
return Promise.reject(`Username : "${username}" is already taken !`)
async function isEmailAvailable(email){
const user = await findByEmail(email);
return Promise.resolve(`Email : "${email}" is available`)
return Promise.reject(`Email : "${email}" is already taken !`)

You are first checking whether username exists and then checking whether email exists. However, both of them can be checked asynchronously using Promise.all.
If anyone of the username or email already exists then you can return an error message.
You have used a promise chain however code looks much cleaner and easy to read if you implement the same code using async-await.
Please refer the below blog for how to implement Promise.all using async-await.


How to try/catch fetch in Next.js [duplicate]

Here's what I have going:
import 'whatwg-fetch';
function fetchVehicle(id) {
return dispatch => {
return dispatch({
payload: fetch(`${id}/`)
.then(res => res.json())
.catch(error => {
function status(res) {
if (!res.ok) {
return Promise.reject()
return res;
EDIT: The promise doesn't get rejected, that's what I'm trying to figure out.
I'm using this fetch polyfill in Redux with redux-promise-middleware.
Fetch promises only reject with a TypeError when a network error occurs. Since 4xx and 5xx responses aren't network errors, there's nothing to catch. You'll need to throw an error yourself to use Promise#catch.
A fetch Response conveniently supplies an ok , which tells you whether the request succeeded. Something like this should do the trick:
fetch(url).then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
throw new Error('Something went wrong');
.then((responseJson) => {
// Do something with the response
.catch((error) => {
The following login with username and password example shows how to:
Check response.ok
reject if not OK, instead of throw an error
Further process any error hints from server, e.g. validation issues
login() {
const url = "";
const headers = {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
email: this.username,
password: this.password,
.then((response) => {
// 1. check response.ok
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
return Promise.reject(response); // 2. reject instead of throw
.then((json) => {
// all good, token is ready"token", json.access_token);
.catch((response) => {
console.log(response.status, response.statusText);
// 3. get error messages, if any
response.json().then((json: any) => {
Thanks for the help everyone, rejecting the promise in .catch() solved my issue:
export function fetchVehicle(id) {
return dispatch => {
return dispatch({
payload: fetch(`${id}/`)
.then(res => res.json())
.catch(error => {
return Promise.reject()
function status(res) {
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(res.statusText);
return res;
For me,
fny answers really got it all. since fetch is not throwing error, we need to throw/handle the error ourselves.
Posting my solution with async/await. I think it's more strait forward and readable
Solution 1: Not throwing an error, handle the error ourselves
async _fetch(request) {
const fetchResult = await fetch(request); //Making the req
const result = await fetchResult.json(); // parsing the response
if (fetchResult.ok) {
return result; // return success object
const responseError = {
type: 'Error',
message: result.message || 'Something went wrong',
data: || '',
code: result.code || '',
const error = new Error(); = responseError;
return (error);
Here if we getting an error, we are building an error object, plain JS object and returning it, the con is that we need to handle it outside.
How to use:
const userSaved = await apiCall(data); // calling fetch
if (userSaved instanceof Error) {
debug.log('Failed saving user', userSaved); // handle error
debug.log('Success saving user', userSaved); // handle success
Solution 2: Throwing an error, using try/catch
async _fetch(request) {
const fetchResult = await fetch(request);
const result = await fetchResult.json();
if (fetchResult.ok) {
return result;
const responseError = {
type: 'Error',
message: result.message || 'Something went wrong',
data: || '',
code: result.code || '',
let error = new Error();
error = { ...error, ...responseError };
throw (error);
Here we are throwing and error that we created, since Error ctor approve only string, Im creating the plain Error js object, and the use will be:
try {
const userSaved = await apiCall(data); // calling fetch
debug.log('Success saving user', userSaved); // handle success
} catch (e) {
debug.log('Failed saving user', userSaved); // handle error
Solution 3: Using customer error
async _fetch(request) {
const fetchResult = await fetch(request);
const result = await fetchResult.json();
if (fetchResult.ok) {
return result;
throw new ClassError(result.message,, result.code);
class ClassError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'Something went wrong', data = '', code = '') {
this.message = message; = data;
this.code = code;
Hope it helped.
2021 TypeScript Answer
What I do is write a fetch wrapper that takes a generic and if the response is ok it will auto .json() and type assert the result, otherwise the wrapper throws the response
export const fetcher = async <T>(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => {
const response = await fetch(input, init);
if (!response.ok) {
throw response;
return response.json() as Promise<T>;
and then I'll catch errors and check if they are an instanceof Response. That way TypeScript knows that error has Response properties such as status statusText body headers etc. and I can apply a custom message for each 4xx 5xx status code.
try {
return await fetcher<LoginResponse>("http://localhost:8080/login", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ email: "", password: "passw0rd" }),
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Response) {
switch (error.status) {
case 401:
throw new Error("Invalid login credentials");
/* ... */
throw new Error(`Unknown server error occured: ${error.statusText}`);
throw new Error(`Something went wrong: ${error.message || error}`);
and if something like a network error occurs it can be caught outside of the instanceof Response check with a more generic message i.e.
throw new Error(`Something went wrong: ${error.message || error}`);
The answer by #fny (the accepted answer) didn't work for me. The throw new Error() wasn't getting picked up by the .catch. My solution was to wrap the fetch with a function that builds a new promise:
function my_fetch(url, args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(url, args)
.then((response) => {
response.text().then((body) => {
if (response.ok) {
} else {
.catch((error) => { reject(error) })
Now every error and non-ok return will be picked up by the .catch method:
my_fetch(url, args)
.then((response) => {
// Do something with the response
.catch((error) => {
// Do something with the error
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
throw Error(response.statusText);
return response;
.then(response => console.log("ok") )
.catch(error => console.log(error) );
I wasn't satisfied with any of the suggested solutions, so I played a bit with Fetch API to find a way to handle both success responses and error responses.
Plan was to get {status: XXX, message: 'a message'} format as a result in both cases.
Note: Success response can contain an empty body. In that case we fallback and use Response.status and Response.statusText to populate resulting response object.
.then((responseJson) => {
// Do something with the response
.catch((error) => {
export const handleResponse = (res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
return res
.then(result => JSON.parse(result))
.then(result => Promise.reject({ status: result.status, message: result.message }));
return res
.then(result => Promise.resolve(result))
.catch(() => Promise.resolve({ status: res.status, message: res.statusText }));
I just checked the status of the response object:
$promise.then( function successCallback(response) {
if (response.status === 200) { ... }
Hope this helps for me throw Error is not working
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
}, 0);
return response.json();
function clickHandler(event) {
const textInput = input.value;
let output;
.then((json) => {
output = json.contents.translated;
outputDiv.innerHTML = "<p>" + output + "</p>";
.catch((error) => alert(error.statusText));
Another (shorter) version that resonates with most answers:
.then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : Promise.reject(response))
.then(json => doStuff(json)) //all good
//next line is optional
.catch(response => handleError(response)) //handle error

Handle facebook login with same account used with Google using firebase

I'm working on a react native project and I've came to a part where initially I implemented google sign in my project using react-native-google-signin and later on Facebook sign in using react-native-fbsdk packages with the help of firebase and both worked like a charm "individually".
The Problem
Let's say the user logged in using google account and it worked but later logged in using Facebook with the same account (I'm allowing only one email per user in firebase), I get an error
I want the user to be able to login using Facebook from the login screen or to be more specific to link his account from the login screen.
What have I tried?
I searched online and found some answers and got up with this solution or piece of code:
facebookSignin: async () => {
const result = await LoginManager.logInWithPermissions([
if (result.isCancelled) {
alert('User cancelled the login process');
this.setState({loginInProcess: false});
const data = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
if (!data) {
alert('Something went wrong obtaining access token');
this.setState({loginInProcess: false});
const facebookCredential = auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
await auth()
// The problem starts here from the catch block
.catch((error) => {
if (
error.code === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential'
) {
var pendingCred = error.credential;
var email =;
.then(async (methods) => {
if (methods[0] === '') {
const {idToken} = await GoogleSignin.signIn();
const googleCredential = auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
.then((user) => {
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
This code implements a function when triggered, if there is no user with the same email, it proceeds normally, however if there is an error (mentioned above), it will grant the user with a list of google accounts that are present in the user phone (google thing) and when he chooses his account (linked with google account) it doesn't work. The email isn't linked.
To be more specific, I would like somehow to not grant the user with all his google accounts but only with the email to be linked var email =; (in the code snippet above) and for the Facebook provider to be linked successfully.
After a little of hard work, I've managed to make it work in react native and I'm gonna leave the answer here for peeps who are facing the same issue. Be ware that I used react-native-prompt-android to ask the user for confirming his password when trying to link with Facebook.
The user tries to sign with Facebook and gets this error:
This is how I handled it:
.catch((error) => {
// Catching the error
if (
error.code === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential'
) {
const _responseInfoCallback = (error, result) => {
if (error) {
alert('Error fetching data: ' + error.toString());
} else {
// Getting the email address instead of from Facebook
const profileRequest = new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(profileRequest).start();
if (email) {
.then(async (methods) => {
// Checking the method
if (methods[0] === 'password') {
// Prompting the user to confirm/input his password for linking
const AsyncAlert = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
'Password Confirmation',
'The email address is already linked with password account. Enter your password to process',
text: 'Cancel',
style: 'cancel',
text: 'Continue',
onPress: (password) =>
type: 'secure-text',
cancelable: false,
placeholder: 'Password',
// Here the linking goes
await AsyncAlert().then(async () => {
await auth()
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then(() => {
return auth().currentUser.linkWithCredential(
.catch(() => alert('Something went wrong'));
} else if (methods[0] === '') {
const {idToken} = await GoogleSignin.signIn(email);
const googleCredential = auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
await auth()
.then(() => {
return auth().currentUser.linkWithCredential(
} else {
alert('Something went wrong');

why this code fail to sign up on firebase?

For some reason this code fail to sign up on firebase,'/signup', (req, res) => {
const newUser = {
password: req.body.password,
confirmPassword: req.body.confirmPassword,
handle: req.body.handle
let token, userId;
db.doc(`/users/${newUser.handle}`).get().then(doc => {
if (doc.exists) {
return res.status(400).json({ handle: 'this handle already exists' })
} else {
return firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, newUser.password)
.then(data => {
userId = data.user.uid;
return data.user.getIdToken();
.then(idToken => {
token = idToken;
const userCredentials = {
handle: newUser.handle,
createdAt: new date().toISOString(),
return db.doc(`/users/${newUser.handle}`).set(userCredentials)
.then(() => {
return res.status(201).json({ token });
.catch(err => {
if (err.code === "auth/email-already-in-use") {
return res.status(400).json({ email: 'Email is alrready in use' })
} else {
return res.status(500).json({ general: 'something went wrong, please try again' })
I always get { general: 'something went wrong, please try again' } , i am using postman to mimic the request to firebase,
This code works perfectly:
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, newUser.password)
.then(data => {
return data.user.getIdToken();
.then(token => {
return res.status(201).json({token})
.catch(err => {
return res.status(500).json({error: 'something went wrongly'})
The first trial is from a tutorial i am following in Youtube and sadly it doesn't work
On the backend, you can use Firebase Admin SDK to get details about any user but it does not have any ability to login on behalf of user.

Problem with dispatch() and if-else statement after adding another method

I have this action to fetch the details of a specific location url stored in Firebase.
The original code (Version 1) worked no problem, whereby I dispatch authGetToken(), the code recognises the token (string) stored in redux, then uses it to to fetch the stored data.
Version 1
return dispatch => {
.then(token => {
return fetch("https://myProject/location.json?auth=" + token);
.catch(() => {
alert("No valid token found!");
.then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
return res.json();
} else {
throw(new Error());
But now that I modified the url requirements to include the user UID as part of the url, it does not work. I know there must be a flaw in my logic but I can't see it.
What I was hoping to write is that once I dispatch authGetToken(), the token dispatches authGetUserUID then uses both strings (userUID and token) to fetch the data.
Version 2
return dispatch => {
.then(token => {
return fetch("https://myProject/location/"+ userUID + ".json?auth=" + token);
.catch(() => {
alert("No valid token found!");
.then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
return res.json();
} else {
throw(new Error());
Would appreciate you guys pointing out the obvious to me >< as I my noob eyes can't see it. Thanks in advance.
I think it might have something to do with userUID, it doesn't seem to be initialised anywhere. Maybe try something like this:
return dispatch => {
dispatch(authGetToken()).then(token => {
return fetch("https://myProject/location/"+ userUID + ".json?auth=" + token);
.catch(() => {
alert("No valid token found!");
.then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
return res.json();
} else {
throw(new Error());

Why does redux-mock-store don't show an action dispatched in catch promises?

I'm very bad when it comes to thinking of a title question, sorry for that.
My Problem:
I'm unit testing my async redux actions like it's suggested in the docs. I mock the API calls with nock and check for the dispatched actions with redux-mock-store. It works great so far, but I have one test that fails even though it clearly does work. The dispatched action neither does show up in the array returned by store.getActions() nor is the state changed in store.getState(). I'm sure that it does happen because I can see it when I test manually and observe it with Redux Dev Tools.
The only thing that is different in this action dispatch is that it is called in a promise in a catch of another promise. (I know that sounds confusing, just look at the code!)
What my code looks like:
The action:
export const login = (email, password) => {
return dispatch => {
return httpPost(sessionUrl, {
session: {
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {
.then(data => {
This httpPost method is just a wrapper around fetch that throws if the status code is not in the 200-299 range and already parses the json to an object if it doesn't fail. I can add it here if it seems relevant, but I don't want to make this longer then it already is.
The action that doesn't show up is dispatch(setError(data.error)).
The test:
it('should create a SET_SESSION_ERROR action', () => {
.post(sessionPath, {
session: {
password: ''
.reply(422, {
error: "Invalid email or password"
const store = mockStore({
session: {
isFetching: false,
user: null,
error: null
return store.dispatch(actions.login(,
.then(() => {
error: 'Invalid email or password'
Thanks for even reading.
The setErroraction:
const setError = (error) => ({
The httpPostmethod:
export const httpPost = (url, data) => (
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: createHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify(data),
.then(response => response.json())
const checkStatus = (response) => {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
return response;
const error = new Error(response.statusText);
error.response = response;
throw error;
Because of you are using nested async function in catch method - you need to return the promise:
.catch(error => {
return error.response.json()
.then(data => {
Otherwise, dispatch will be called after your assertion.
See primitive examples: - Without returning - With returning
