DynamoDB query by non-partition fields - amazon-dynamodb

Given a DynamoDB table that looks similar to:
sessionId: String
deviceType: String (mobile/tablet/computer/...)
networkType: String (wifi/ethernet/3g/4g/...)
There may be some other fields.
I need to be able to look up a session id given the other parameters. SQLish:
SELECT sessionId WHERE deviceType="Mobile"
SELECT sessionId WHERE networkType in (wifi, ethernet) AND deviceType="Tablet"
But from what I understand, querying in DynamoDB always requires the partition key (sessionId).
Is there an alternative layout to this table that will allow for better querying? We're still in setup phase, so it can be changed.

To be efficient and cost effective, I suggest you to create 2 Global Secondary Indexes (GSI). The PK will be "deviceType" and "networkType". For the SK and I don't have enough information to suggest something. Hence, no need to project all attributes because you only want to retrieve sessionId which is projected by defaut because it is a PK.
To sum up the data model:
PK Attributes
Table: sessionId deviceType, networkType, ...
GSI_1: deviceType sessionId, networkType, ...
GSI_2: networkType sessionId, deviceType, ...
For example, while querying GSI_1, you'll use PK="Mobile" for example to retrieve all related sessionId.
Doing this way is really fast and cost effective as the opposite as scan.


DynamoDB : Good practice to use a timestamp field in a Primary Key

I want to store and retrieve data from a DynamoDB table.
My data (an item = a review a user gave on a feature of an app) have the following attributes :
user string
feature string
appVersion string
timestamp string
rate int
description string
There is multiple features, on multiple versions of the app, and an user can give multiple reviews on these features. So I would like to use (user, appVersion, feature, timestamp) as a primary key.
But it does not seem to be possible to use that much attributes in a primary key in DynamoDB.
The first solution I implemented is to use user as a Partition Key, and a hash of (appVersion, feature, timestamp) as a Sort Key (in a new field named reviewID).
My problem is that, I want to retrieve an item for a given user, feature, appVersion without knowing the timestamp value (let's say I want the item with the latest timestamp, or the list of all items matching the 3 fields)
Without knowing the timestamp, I can't build the Sort Key necessary to retrieve my item. But if I remove the timestamp from the Sort Key, I will not be able to store multiple items having the same (user, appVersion, feature).
What would be the proper way to handle this usecase ?
I am thinking about using a hash of (user, appVersion, feature) as a Partition Key, and the timestamp as a Sort Key, would this be a correct solution ?
Put the timestamp at the end of your SK and then when you Query the data you use begins_with on the SK.
UserID appVersion#feature#timestamp
This will allow you to dynamically query the data. For example you want all the users votes for a specific appversion
This is done using a Query command.
The answer from Lee Hannigan will work, I like it.
However, keep in mind that accessing a PK is very fast because its hash-based.
I am thinking about using a hash of (user, appVersion, feature) as a
Partition Key, and the timestamp as a Sort Key, would this be a
correct solution?
This might also work, the table would look like this
User#{User}AppVersion#{appVersion}#Feature#{feature} TimeStamp#{timestamp}
If you always know the user, appVersion, and the feature, this will be more optimal, because the SK lookup is O(logN)
one way
HASH string "modelName": "user"
RANGE string "id": "b0d5be50-4fae-11ed-981f-dbffcc56c88a"
uuid himself can be used for as timestamp
when searching you could search using reverse index
Another way
HASH string "modelName": "user"
RANGE string "createdAt" "2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z"
createdAt, use time format rfc3339
when searching you could search using reverse index
Put down on paper what you need and you'll find others way to manage indes HASH/RANGE

How to filter DynamoDb by object property value

I have a DynamoDB table:
How shoul I filter entried in DB table where all keys are: access.role = "ADMIN"?
You would be best served by setting up an Global Index (GSI). You set the Partition Key equal to that attribute, and the Sort Key equal to some other attribute that you can guarantee will be unique. Then you use your SDK of choice or the Query option in the console, select the index, and query for partion_key = ADMIN
However. Be aware. Index's are a complete replication of the table. Dynamo is very good at this and relatively fast at doing so, but there is still the possibility that your index will be out of sync with the actual data. If you are not making the call against the index very often you are pretty much fine. If you are calling it very often, then you should restructure your table.
Dynamo is not an SQL. When setting up a dynamo schema you have to consider how you will access your data. your Access Patterns. You should design your data with your Partition Key as the data you will have when looking up (Ie: i always will have a user ID number) and your sort keys as the individual documents related to that PK (ie: a user has a document that is his profile data, a document that is his profile picture url, a document that is a list of his friends user numbers, a document that is ... ect)
Then you use Indexs for things like your question that you wont be doing very often.

Using a GUID as entity Id vs the entity's "actual" Id

In every cosmos db repository example I've seen, the id/row key has been generated like this: {partitionKey}:{Guid.newGuid()}. I'm working on a web api where the user won't necessarily have any way of knowing what this random GUID is. But they will know the EmployeeId, ProjectId etc. of the respective object, so I'm wondering if there are any issues with using i.e. EmployeeId as both the partition key and Id?
There's nothing technically wrong with the approach of setting id and partition key the same however you will have just one document per partition and that's bad design IMHO as all your read queries will be cross-partition queries (e.g. listing all employees).
One approach could be to set the partition key as the type of the entity (Employee, Project etc.) and then set the id as the unique identifier of the entity (employee id, project id etc.).
To be honest, if you know the partition key AND the item id, you can do a Point read which is the fastest.
We used to also take the approach of using random guids for all item IDs, but this means you will always need to know this id and partition key. Sometimes a more functional key as the item ID makes more sense so have a good thought about it!
And remember, an item ID is not unique, the uniqueness is only within the partition key.
So you could have two items with the same item ID and different partition key.

Modeling an invite schema with embedded collections with dynamodb or docuemntdb

I'm investigating whether to use AWS DynamoDb or Azure DocumentDb or google cloud for price and simplicity for my app and am wondering what the best approach is for a typical invite schema.
An invite has
userId : key (who created the invite)
gameId : key
invitationList : collection of userIds
The queries I would be running are
Get invites where userId == me
Get invites where my userId is in the invitationList
In Mongo, I would just set an index on the embedded invitationList, and in SQL I would set up a join table of gameId and invited UserIds.
Using dynamodb or documentdb, could I do this in one "table" or would I have to set up a second denormalized table one that has an invited UserId per row with a set of invitedGameIds?
A secondary table with
InvitedUserId : key
GameIds : Collection
Similar to hslriksen's answer, if certain criteria are met, I recommend that you denormalize all of this into a single document. Those criteria are:
The invitationList for games cannot grow unbounded.
Even if it's bounded, will a maximum length array fit in the document and transaction limits.
However, different from hslriksen, I recommend that an example document look like this:
gameId: <some game key>,
userId: <some user id>,
invitationList: [<user id 1>, <user id 2>, ...]
You might also decide to use the built-in id field for games in which case the name above is wrong.
The key difference between what I propose and hslriksen is that the invitationsList is a pure array of foreign keys. This will allow indexes to be used for an ARRAY_CONTAINS clause in your query.
Note, in DocumentDB, you would tend to store all entity types in the same big bucket and just distinguish them with a string type field or slightly better, an is_my_type boolean field.
For DocumentDB you could probably just keep this in one document per inviting user
where the document Id could equal the key of the inviting user. If you have many games, you could use gameId as partitionKey.
"id" : "gameKey+invitingUserKey",
"gameKey" : "someGameKey",
"invitingUserId": "key",
"invites": ["inviteKey1", "inviteKey2"]
This is based on a limited number of invites for a user/gameKey. It is however hard to determine the structure without knowing your query patterns. I find that the query patterns often dictates the document structure.

NoSQL Structuring of Data

Coming from a relational database background, I find that sometimes finding the right way to structure my NoSQL databases is a challenge (yes, I realize the statement sounds silly). I work with DynamoDB.
If I have 3 entities - a user, a report and a building and many users can submit many reports on a building, would the following structure be acceptable?
User - index on userId
Building - index on buildingId
Report - index on reportId, userId and buildingId
Or do I need a fourth table to keep track of reports submitted by users? My points of concern are performance, throughput and storage space.
When using DynamoDB a global secondary indexes provides alternative methods to query data from a table.
Based on the tables you have described here is a structure that may work:
User Table
Hash Key: userId
Building Table
Hash Key: buildingId
Report Table
Hash Key: reportId
ReportUser GSI
Hash Key: userId
BuildingUser GSI
Hash Key: buildingId
The key to the above design are the global secondary indexes on the Report table. Unlike the hash key (and optional range key) on the main table the hash key (and optional range key) on a GSI do not have to be unique. This means you can query all of the reports submitted by a specific userId or all of the reports for a specific buildingId.
In real life these GSIs would probably want to include a Range key (such as date) to allow for ordering of the records when they are queried.
The other thing to remember about GSIs is that you need to choose what attributes are projected, able to be retrieved, as a GSI is actually a physical copy of the data. This also means the GSI is always updated asynchronously so reads are always eventually consistent.
