Error with RandomForest in R because of "too many categories" - r

I'm trying to train a RF model in R, but when i try to define the model:
rf <- randomForest(labs ~ .,data=as.matrix(dd.train))
It gives me the error:
Error in randomForest.default(m, y, ...) :
Can not handle categorical predictors with more than 53 categories.
Any idea what could it be?
And no, before you say "You have some categoric variable with more than 53 categories". No, all variables but labs are numeric.
Tim Biegeleisen: Read the last line of my question and you will see why is not the same as the one you are linking!

Edited to address followup from OP
I believe using as.matrix in this case implicitly creates factors. It is also not necessary for this packages. You can keep it as a data frame, but will need to make sure that any unused factor levels are dropped by using droplevels (or something similar). There are many reasons an unused factor may be in your data set, but a common one is a dropped observation.
Below is a quick example that reproduces your error:
#making a toy data frame
x <- data.frame('one' = c(1,1,1,1,1,seq(50) ),
'two' = c(seq(54),NA),
'three' = seq(55),
'four' = seq(55) )
x$one <- as.factor(x$one)
x <- na.omit(x) #getting rid of an NA. Note this removes the whole row.
randomForest(one ~., data = as.matrix(x)) #your first error
randomForest(one ~., data = x) #your second error
x <- droplevels(x)
randomForest(one ~., data = x) #OK


How can I include both my categorical and numeric predictors in my elastic net model? r

As a note beforehand, I think I should mention that I am working with highly sensitive medical data that is protected by HIPAA. I cannot share real data with dput- it would be illegal to do so. That is why I made a fake dataset and explained my processes to help reproduce the error.
I have been trying to estimate an elastic net model in r using glmnet. However, I keep getting an error. I am not sure what is causing it. The error happens when I go to train the data. It sounds like it has something to do with the data type and matrix.
I have provided a sample dataset. Then I set the outcomes and certain predictors to be factors. After setting certain variables to be factors, I label them. Next, I create an object with the column names of the predictors I want to use. That object is pred.names.min. Then I partition the data into the training and test data frames. 65% in the training, 35% in the test. With the train control function, I specify a few things I want to have happen with the model- random paraments for lambda and alpha, as well as the leave one out method. I also specify that it is a classification model (categorical outcome). In the last step, I specify the training model. I write my code to tell it to use all of the predictor variables in the pred.names.min object for the trainingset data frame.
#creating sample dataset
#setting variables as factors
df$L_TartaricacidArea<- as.factor(df$L_TartaricacidArea)
#labeling factor levels
df$hpresponse1 <- factor(df$hpresponse1, labels = c("group1.2", "group3.4"))
df$hpresponse2 <- factor(df$hpresponse2, labels = c("group1.2.3", "group4"))
df$L_TartaricacidArea <- factor(df$L_TartaricacidArea, labels =c ("No",
df$Hydroxymethyl_5_furancarboxylicacidArea_2 <-
factor(df$Hydroxymethyl_5_furancarboxylicacidArea_2, labels =c ("No",
df$BMIfactor <- factor(df$BMIfactor, labels = c("<40", ">=40and<50",
#creating list of predictor names
pred.start.min <- which(colnames(df) == "BMIfactor"); pred.start.min
pred.stop.min <- which(colnames(df) == "ErythritolArea"); pred.stop.min
pred.names.min <- colnames(df)[pred.start.min:pred.stop.min]
#partition data into training and test (65%/35%)
train_ind=sample(seq_len(nrow(df)), size = n)
#specifying that I want to use the leave one out cross-
#validation method and
use "random" as search for elasticnet
tcontrol <- trainControl(method = "LOOCV",
classProbs = TRUE)
#training model
elastic_model1 <- train(as.matrix(trainingset[,
data = trainingset,
method = "glmnet",
trControl = tcontrol)
After I run the last chunk of code, I end up with this error:
Error in { :
task 1 failed - "error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a
method for function 'as.matrix': object of invalid type "character" in
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first
I tried removing the "as.matrix" arguemtent:
elastic_model1 <- train((trainingset[, pred.names.min]),
data = trainingset,
method = "glmnet",
trControl = tcontrol)
It still produces a similar error.
Error in { :
task 1 failed - "error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method
for function 'as.matrix': object of invalid type "character" in
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first
When I tried to make none of the predictors factors (but keep outcome as factor), this is the error I get:
Error: At least one of the class levels is not a valid R variable name; This
will cause errors when class probabilities are generated because the
variables names will be converted to X0, X1 . Please use factor levels that
can be used as valid R variable names (see ?make.names for help).
How can I fix this? How can I use my predictors (both the numeric and categorical ones) without producing an error?
glmnet does not handle factors well. The recommendation currently is to dummy code and re-code to numeric where possible:
Using LASSO in R with categorical variables

error with rda test in vegan r package. Variable not being read correctly

I am trying to perform a simple RDA using the vegan package to test the effects of depth, basin and sector on genetic population structure using the following data frame.
The "ALL" variable is the genetic population assignment (structure).
In case the link to my data doesn't work well, I'll paste a snippet of my data frame here.
I read in the data this way:
RDAmorph_Oct6 <- read.csv("RDAmorph_Oct6.csv")
My problems are two-fold:
1) I can't seem to get my genetic variable to read correctly. I have tried three things to fix this.
gen=rda(ALL ~ Depth + Basin + Sector, data=RDAmorph_Oct6, na.action="na.exclude")
Error in eval(specdata, environment(formula), enclos = globalenv()) :
object 'ALL' not found
In addition: There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
so, I tried things like:
> gen=rda("ALL ~ Depth + Basin + Sector", data=RDAmorph_Oct6, na.action="na.exclude")
Error in colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) : 'x' must be numeric
so I specified numeric
> RDAmorph_Oct6$ALL = as.numeric(RDAmorph_Oct6$ALL)
> gen=rda("ALL ~ Depth + Basin + Sector", data=RDAmorph_Oct6, na.action="na.exclude")
Error in colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) : 'x' must be numeric
I am really baffled. I've also tried specifying each variable with dataset$variable, but this doesn't work either.
The strange thing is, I can get an rda to work if I look the effects of the environmental variables on a different, composite, variable
MC = RDAmorph_Oct6[,5:6]
H_morph_var=rda(MC ~ Depth + Basin + Sector, data=RDAmorph_Oct6, na.action="na.exclude")
Note that I did try to just extract the ALL column for the genetic rda above. This didn't work either.
Regardless, this leads to my second problem.
When I try to plot the rda I get a super weird plot. Note the five dots in three places. I have no idea where these come from.
I will have to graph the genetic rda, and I figure I'll come up with the same issue, so I thought I'd ask now.
I've been though several tutorials and tried many iterations of each issue. What I have provided here is I think the best summary. If anyone can give me some clues, I would much appreciate it.
The documentation, ?rda, says that the left-hand side of the formula specifying your model needs to be a data matrix. You can't pass it the name of a variable in the data object as the left-hand side (or at least if this was ever anticipated, doing so exposes bugs in how we parse the formula which is what leads to further errors).
What you want is a data frame containing a variable ALL for the left-hand side of the formula.
This works:
df <- read.csv('~/Downloads/RDAmorph_Oct6.csv')
ALL <- df[, 'ALL', drop = FALSE]
Notice the drop = FALSE, which stops R from dropping the empty dimension (i.e. converting the single column data frame to a vector.
Then your original call works:
ord <- rda(ALL ~ Basin + Depth + Sector, data = df, na.action = 'na.exclude')
The problem is that rda expects a separate df for the first part of the formula (ALL in your code), and does not use the one in the data = argument.
As mentioned above, you can create a new df with the variable needed for analysis, but here's a oneline solution that should also work:
gen <- rda(RDAmorph_Oct6$ALL ~ Depth + Basin + Sector, data = RDAmorph_Oct6, na.action = na.exclude)
This is partly similar to Gavin simpson's answer. There is also a problem with the categorical vectors in your data frame. You can either use library(data.table) and the rowid function to set the categorical variables to unique integers. Most preferably, not use them. I also wanted to set the ID vector as site names, but I am too lazy now.
RDAmorph_Oct6 <- read.csv("C:/........../RDAmorph_Oct6.csv")
#remove NAs before. I like looking at my dataframes before I analyze them.
RDAmorph_Oct6 <- na.omit(RDAmorph_Oct6)
#I removed one duplicate
RDAmorph_Oct6 <- RDAmorph_Oct6[!duplicated(RDAmorph_Oct6$ID),]
#Create vector with only ALL
ALL <- RDAmorph_Oct6$ALL
#Create data frame with only numeric vectors and remove ALL
dfn <- RDAmorph_Oct6[,-c(1,4,11,12)]
#Select all categorical vectors.
dfc <- RDAmorph_Oct6[,c(1,11,12)]
#Give the categorical vectors unique integers doesn't do this for ID (Why?).
dfc2 <-, 2, function(x) rowid(x)))
#Bind back with numeric data frame
dfnc <-, dfc2)
#Select only what you need
df <- dfnc[c("Depth", "Basin", "Sector")]
#The rest you know
rda.out <- rda(ALL ~ ., data=df, scale=T)
plot(rda.out, scaling = 2, xlim=c(-3,2), ylim=c(-1,1))
#Also plot correlations
plot(, df))
Sector and depth have the highest variation. Almost logical, since there are only three vectors used. The assignment of integers to the categorical vector has probably no meaning at all. The function assigns from top to bottom unique integers to the following unique character string. I am also not really sure which question you want to answer. Based on this you can organize the data frame.

Subscript out of bound error in predict function of randomforest

I am using random forest for prediction and in the predict(fit, test_feature) line, I get the following error. Can someone help me to overcome this. I did the same steps with another dataset and had no error. but I get error here.
Error: Error in x[, vname, drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds
training_index <- createDataPartition(shufflled[,487], p = 0.8, times = 1)
training_index <- unlist(training_index)
train_set <- shufflled[training_index,]
test_set <- shufflled[-training_index,]
accuracies<- c()
n= floor(nrow(train_set)/k)
for(i in 1:k){
sub1<- ((i-1)*n+1)
sub2<- (i*n)
subset<- sub1:sub2
train<- train_set[-subset, ]
test<- train_set[subset, ]
test_feature<- test[ ,-487]
True_Label<- as.factor(test[ ,487])
fit<- randomForest(x= train[ ,-487], y= as.factor(train[ ,487]))
prediction<- predict(fit, test_feature) #The error line
correctlabel<- prediction == True_Label
t<- table(prediction, True_Label)
I had similar problem few weeks ago.
To go around the problem, you can do this:
df$label <- factor(df$label)
Instead of as.factor try just factor generic function. Also, try first naming your label variable.
Are there identical column names in your training and validation x?
I had the same error message and solved it by renaming my column names because my data was a matrix and their colnames were all empty, i.e. "".
Your question is not very clear, anyway I try to help you.
First of all check your data to see the distribution in levels of your various predictors and outcomes.
You may find that some of your predictor levels or outcome levels are very highly skewed, or some outcomes or predictor levels are very rare. I got that error when I was trying to predict a very rare outcome with a heavily tuned random forest, and so some of the predictor levels were not actually in the training data. Thus a factor level appears in the test data that the training data thinks is out of bounds.
Alternatively, check the names of your variables.
Before calling predict() to make sure that the variable names match.
Without your data files, it's hard to tell why your first example worked.
For example You can try:
names(test) <- names(train)
Add the expression
dimnames(test_feature) <- NULL
prediction <- predict(fit, test_feature)

bic.glm predict error: "newdata is missing variables"

I've spent a lot of time trying to solve this error and searching for solutions without any luck, and I thank you in advance for your help.
I'm trying to create predicted values from the coefficients created via BMA. Whenever I run my predict function, I am getting a "newdata is missing variables" error. All variables included in the original model are present in the new dataframe, so I'm not quite sure what the problem is. I'm working with a fairly large dataset with many independent variables. I'm fairly new to R, so I apologize if this is an obvious question!
bic.glm<-bic.glm(x, y, strict=FALSE, OR=20,"binomial", factortype=TRUE)
predict(bic.glm.bwt, x)
I've also tried it this way:
bic.glm<-bic.glm(y~., data=df, strict=FALSE, OR=20,"binomial", factortype=TRUE)
predict(bic.glm, x)
And also with creating a new data frame...
bic.glm<-bic.glm(y~., data=df, strict=FALSE, OR=20,"binomial", factortype=TRUE)
predict(bic.glm, newdata=x)
Each time I receive the same error message:
Error in predict.bic.glm(bic.glm, newdata=x) :
newdata is missing variables
Any help is very much appreciated!
First, it is bad practice to call your LHS the same name as the function call. You may be masking the function bic.glm from further use.
That minor comment aside... I just encountered the same error. After some digging, it seems that predict.bic.glm checks the names vs. the mle matrix in the bic.glm object. The problem is that somewhere in bic.glm, if factors are used, those names get a '.x' or just '.' appended at the end. Therefore, whenever you use factors you will get this error.
I communicated this to package maintainers. Meanwhile, you can work around the bug by renaming the column names of the mle object, like this (using your example):
fittedBMA<-bic.glm(y~., data=df)
colnames(fittedBMA$mle)=colnames(model.matrix(y~., data=df)) ### this is the workaround
predict(fittedBMA,newdata=x) ### should work now, if x has the same variables as df
Okay, so first look at the usage section in the cran documentation for BMA::bic.glm.
This example is instructive for a data.frame.
Example 2 (binomial)
y <- birthwt$lo
x <- data.frame(birthwt[,-1])
x$race <- as.factor(x$race)
x$ht <- (x$ht>=1)+0
x <- x[,-9]
x$smoke <- as.factor(x$smoke)
x$ptl <- as.factor(x$ptl)
x$ht <- as.factor(x$ht)
x$ui <- as.factor(x$ui)
bic.glm.bwT <- bic.glm(x, y, strict = FALSE, OR = 20,"binomial",
predict( bic.glm.bwT, newdata = x)
bic.glm.bwF <- bic.glm(x, y, strict = FALSE, OR = 20,"binomial",
predict( bic.glm.bwF, newdata = x)

Use of randomforest() for classification in R?

I originally had a data frame composed of 12 columns in N rows. The last column is my class (0 or 1). I had to convert my entire data frame to numeric with
training <- sapply(training.temp,as.numeric)
But then I thought I needed the class column to be a factor column to use the randomforest() tool as a classifier, so I did
training[,"Class"] <- factor(training[,ncol(training)])
I proceed to creating the tree with
training_rf <- randomForest(Class ~., data = trainData, importance = TRUE, do.trace = 100)
But I'm getting two errors:
1: In Ops.factor(training[, "Status"], factor(training[, ncol(training)])) :
<= this is not relevant for factors (roughly translated)
2: In randomForest.default(m, y, ...) :
The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do regression?
I would appreciate it if someone could point out the formatting mistake I'm making.
So the issue is actually quite simple. It turns out my training data was an atomic vector. So it first had to be converted as a data frame. So I needed to add the following line:
training <-
Problem solved!
First, your coercion to a factor is not working because of syntax errors. Second, you should always use indexing when specifying a RF model. Here are changes in your code that should make it work.
training <- sapply(training.temp,as.numeric)
training[,"Class"] <- as.factor(training[,"Class"])
training_rf <- randomForest(x=training[,1:(ncol(training)-1)], y=training[,"Class"],
importance=TRUE, do.trace=100)
# You can also coerce to a factor directly in the model statement
training_rf <- randomForest(x=training[,1:(ncol(training)-1)], y=as.factor(training[,"Class"]),
importance=TRUE, do.trace=100)
