Stop submitted lines of code from running - r

I'm running a long R script, which takes 2 or 3 days to finish. I accidentally run another script, which, if it works as R usually does, will go in some queue and R will run it as soon as the first script is over. I need to stop that, as it would compromise the results from the first script. Is there a visible queue or any other way to stop R from running some code?
I'm working on an interactive session in R studio, on windows 10.
Thanks a lot for any help!

Assuming you're running in console (or interactive session in R studio, that's undetermined from your question) and that what you did was sourcing a script/pasting code and while it was running pasting another chunck of code:
What is ongoing is that you pushed data into R process input stream, it's a buffered input, so it will run each line once the previous line call has ended and free the process.
There's no easy way to play with an input buffer, that's R internal input/output system and mostly it's the Operating system which have those information in cache for now.
Asking R itself is not possible as it already has this buffer to read, any new command would go after.
Last chance thing: If you can spot your another chunck of code starting in your console, you can try pressing the esc key to stop the code running.
You may try messing with the process buffers with procexp but there's a fair chance to just make your R session segfault anyway.
To avoid that in the future, use scripts and run them on the command line separately with Rscript (present in R bin directory under windows too despite the link pointing to a linux manpage).
This would create one session per script and allow to kill them independently. That said if they both write to the same place (database, a file would create an error if accessed by two process) that won't prevent data corruption.

I am guessing OP has below problem:
# my big code, running for a long time
Sys.sleep(10); print("hello 1")
# other big code I dropped in console while R was still busy with above code
print("hello 2")
If this is the case, I don't think it is possible to stop the 2nd process from running.


How to stop the running cell if interupt kernel does not work in Jupyter Notebook

I have been using Jupyter Notebook for a while. Often when I try to stop a cell execution, interrupting the kernel does not work. In this case, what else can I do, other than just closing the notebook and relaunching it again? I guess this might be a common situation for many people.
Currently this is an issue in the github jupyter repository as well,
there seems to be no exact solution for that except killing the kernel
If you're ok with losing all currently defined variables, then going to Kernel > Restart will stop execution without closing the notebook.
This worked for me:
- Put the laptop to sleep (one of the power options)
- Wait 10 s
- Wake up computer (with power button)
Kernel then says reconnecting and its either interrupted or you can press interrupt.
Probably isn't fool proof but worth a try so you don't waste previous computation time.
(I had Windows 10 running a Jupyter Notebook that wouldn't stop running a piece of Selenium code)
There are a few options here:
Change the folder name of data:
Works if the cell is running already and pulling data from a particular folder. For example I had a for loop that when interrupted just moved to the next item in list it was processing.
Change the code in the cell to generate an error:
Works if the cell has not been run yet but is just in queue.
Restart Kernel:
If all else fails
Recently I also faced a similar issue.
Found out that there is an issue in Python and it was there for 6 some years and it has been resolved as of 1st March 2020.
One thing that might work is hitting interrupt a bunch of times. It's possible that a library you are using catches the interrupt signal and only stops after receiving the signal multiple times.
For example, when using sklearn's cross_val_score() I found that I have to interrupt once for each cross validation fold.
If you know in advance that you might want to stop without losing all your variables, the following solution might be useful:
In cells that take a while because of long loops, you may implement something like this in the loop:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'stop_true.txt')):
Then if you want to stop just create the file 'stop_true.txt'. And the loop stops before the next round.
Usually, the file is called 'stop_false.txt' until I rename it to stop the loop.
Additionally, the results of each loop are stored in a dictionary separately. Therefore I'm able to keep all results until the break happened and can restart the loop from this point onwards.
If the iPython kernel did not die, you might be able to inject Python code into it that saves important data using pyrasite. You need to install and run pyrasite as root, i.e. with sudo python -m pip install pyrasite or python3 as needed. Then you need to figure out the process id (PID) of the iPython kernel (e.g. via htop or ps aux | grep ipython), say 3873. Then, write a script that saves the state for example to a pickle in a file, say, it is a Pandas dataframe df in the global scope:
Finally, and inject it into the process as follows:
sudo pyrasite 3873
You may need to enable dtrace first like so:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
For me, setting up a time limit worked: Specifically, I added "model.setRealParam("limits/time", 60)" piece of code and it automatically stops calculation after 60 seconds. You can set up any time instead of 60. But this is for pyscipopt package (solving optimization model). I am not sure how to set up the time limit for your specific problem.
Try this:
Close the browser tab in which Jupyter is running
Run jupyter server list
Kill each running server with jupyter server stop <PORT>
You can force the termination by deleting the cell. I copy the code, delete the cell, create a new cell, paste, and execute again. Works like a charm.
I suggest to restart the kernel (Kernel -> Restart Kernel) as suggested by #hamdog.
It will be ready to use after that. However, it will certainly delete all variables stored in memory.

Rstudio Server run view command while command processing

I'm running Rstudio server and wondering if there is a way to run a command that may take a bit of time to complete and at the same time visually explore some of my environment's dataframes.
When I click on a dataframe it issues the view() command but if R is busy, it will not let me view the dataframe until the last command finishes. Is there a way to run the view command in parallel?
The other thing you might be able is if you have the Pro version generate a parallel session

How to run R script from command line repeatedly but only load packages the first time

I want to run an R script (in Win 7) from SQL Server 2014 each time a new record is added (to perform some analysis on the data). I saw that this can be done with the xp_cmdshell command which is like running it manually from the command line.
My problems (and questions) are:
I've made out from various websites that probably the best option is to use Rscript. This would have to be used at the command line as:
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\x64\Rscript "my_file_folder\my_file.r
Can I copy Rscript.exe to the folder where my script is, such that I can run my script independently, even if R is not installed? What other files do I need to copy together with Rscript.exe such that it would work independently?
My script loads some packages that contain functions that it uses. Is there a way to somehow include these in the script such that they don't have to be loaded every time (it takes about 5 sec so far and I need this script to be faster)? Or is there a way to only load these packages the first time that the script runs?
In case the overall approach I've described here is not the best one, I am open to doing it differently. Maybe there is a way to somehow package the R script together with all the required dependencies (libraries and other parts of the R software which the script would need to run independently).
What I ultimately need is a for the script to run silently, and reasonably fast, without any windows or anything else popping up, each time a new record is added to my database, do the analysis and exit.
Thanks in advance for any answers.
I figured out an elegant solution to running the R script. I'm setting up a job in SQL Server and inside that job I'm using "xp_cmdshell" to run my script as a parameter to Rscript.exe, as detailed at point 1 above. I can start this job from any stored procedure and the beauty of it is that the stored procedure does not wait for the script to finish. It just triggers the job (that runs the script in a separate thread) and then it continues with its business.
But questions from points 1 and 2 still remain.

Restart R session in Rstudio but continue running script

I'm currently running some queries to a database and getting back some big files as a result. I have encountered the common problem of Windows not freeing the memory, even though I 'rm()' everything and (edit) calling 'gc()'. One workaround i have found is using .rs.restartR() in Rstudio.
This though requires me to constantly watch my script, in order to continue it after the session restart. Is it possible to automate it? If not what other methods do people use to overcome this problem?
You could break the code into 2 files and write a batch file (.bat) that runs the first file through .rs.restartR() and then the remainder of the code in the next file.
You could also skip the .bat and just schedule both .R scripts to run in Task Scheduler.
Also, please see my comment regarding garbage collection (gc()).

Command to open new R Session from R source file

I run some calculations over several hours with R. After a while my memory is full of junk. The gc() and rm() command don't solve the problem. What I did is that I shut down my R session and opend a new one. This solves the memory problem. Now I want to automate this process. Is there a command to open a second R session or RGui form an existing session. Then I want to set the wd in this second session, run some code there and close it after some time. How can I do this? Alternatively, is there another way to get rid of the junk in my memory.
You may want to give Rscript a try, see Rscript --help from command line. Break down your big script into smaller parts and run them in succession using the same workspace with Rscript --restore --save yourscript.r. A new session of R will be opened for each script which may help you to keep memory use under control.
