How to use Markdown format in QML 5.14 - qt

Recently Qt 5.14 was released. In this version they have added support for the Markdown format.
Added support for the Markdown format (including CommonMark and GitHub dialects) to Text and TextEdit as an alternative to HTML. This includes the GitHub checklist extension, allowing to toggle checkboxes in a TextEdit.
I expect that I can enter text in TextEdit or Text and my text will look like this. Same result you could see in Discord or StackOverflow.
But I have problem with this. I can't find any documentation or any references on how to use it. I have thought, that I can found information in TextEdit textFormat or Text textFormat, but there're only old html tags (they were replaced by Markdown format).
Here's some part of my code, if you need it. (Code can be bugged, because I haven't tested it after changed it.)
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
Item {
width: 100
height: 100
Text {
id: messageText
height: 50
width: 100
text: msgLine.text
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
textFormat: Text.StyledText
font.pointSize: 13
lineHeight: 1.15
TextEdit {
id: msgLine
height: 50
width: 100 messageText.bottom
Text.RichText // I have changed this value to others
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
I want to ask if there is any documentation on how to use it or any example. Thanks in advance!

It seems to be a bug of the Qt documentation(QTBUG-80749), if you want to use markdown in Text or TextEdit then you must set TextEdit.MarkdownText in the textFormat property:
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
Window {
id: root
visible: true
width: 960
height: 480
id: internals
property string markdown_text: "*Italic* **Bold**
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
* List
* List
* List
- [x] #mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported)
- [x] this is a complete item
- [ ] this is an incomplete item
First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column
anchors.fill: parent
id: te_output
Layout.fillWidth: true
textFormat: TextEdit.MarkdownText
text: internals.markdown_text
id: t_output
Layout.fillWidth: true
textFormat: TextEdit.MarkdownText
text: internals.markdown_text


QML ComboBox - displayed text left-alignment

In QML my ComboxBox has items with large words which cannot be fully displayed in the textfield.
When opening the drop-down the items are getting cut at the right end. For that I use elide: Text.ElideRight. This works fine.
But when I select an item and it is getting displayed on the ComboBox, the Text is "scrolled" to the right and I cannot see the beginning. But I have to see the beginning of the display-text and not the end.
I tried several things with my contentItem-delegate, but thats just for the Items in the DropDown-List and not for the ComboBox-own TextField when the Popup ist closed.
The selected Item has the cursor at the right and the text is scrolled to the right. I want it to be scrolled to the left and maybe cut it at the right end.
Maybe using the proper contentItem? This is working for me.
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 300
height: 300
ComboBox {
width: 300
contentItem: Text {
text: parent.displayText "Arial";
font.pixelSize: 39;
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter;
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft;
elide: Text.ElideRight
model: ListModel {
id: model
ListElement { text: "This is an example 0123456789 0123456789" }
ListElement { text: "Another example with long text" }
ListElement { text: "Last example" }

QML Glow Inside a RowLayout

I am using Qt 5.15 Quick 2 QML to create a row of custom buttons in a window. When I have a standalone custom button things appear to work fine, but when I put them in a RowLayout there appears to be severe clipping and artifacting issues.
A minimum reproducible example might look like:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
anchors.margins: 25
text: "Click Me"
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "That Boy Don't Glow Right"
x: 100; y:100
text: "Click Me"
Layout.fillWidth: true
with the custom control
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
Button {
id: control
text: "Click Me"
Glow {
anchors.fill: control
radius: 64
spread: 0
samples: 128
color: "red"
source: control
visible: true
with example output:
One potential fix is to add change the Glow to
Glow {
anchors.fill: control
width: parent.width
parent: control.parent
But this doesn't seem right. First, it's not obvious to me where parent.width and control.x and control.parent are bound from and what happens in single and multiple nesting. If a CustomButton is placed inside another control with id control, would it rebind the property? And it appears if a RowLayout is placed inside a RowLayout, then it would require parent: control.parent.parent. In my actual code there is some non-trivial positioning to allow margins for a drop shadow, too, and the CustomButton is in another container so the actual code that works is: x:control.x + parent.pad/2 and parent:control.parent.parent.parent which is, frankly, ridiculous and assumes that non-standard fields in the parent are always available.
Is there a better way? Was hoping I could keep the button's ability to glow itself.
According to the docs:
"Note: It is not supported to let the effect include itself, for instance by setting source to the effect's parent."
So it's fortunate that you were able to get your example to work at all. One way to avoid using the parent as a source is to point the Glow object at the Button's background object:
Button {
id: control
Glow {
source: control.background

Strange behaviour with Text in Rectangle

I have a problem with a Rectangle that should contain Text. Text should be in the Rectangle defined but it goes beyond it.
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: parent.width/2.7
height: parent.height/2.5
color: "dimgray"
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.topMargin: Math.round(parent.height)/12
anchors.margins: Math.round(parent.width)/50
Text {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("QML (Qt Modeling Language) is a user interface markup language. It is a declarative language for designing user interface–centric applications.")
How can I get Text to be only in Rectangle?
By default, the Text will display its content as it is. So, if the text doesn't contain enough new line and it's too long, the text will be display outside the rectangle.
Use wrapMode: Text.WordWrapto wrap the text in the bounds of the rectangle and
elide: Text.ElideRight to elide the text if it's too long to fit in the rectangle.
Using a wrapMode (a max width)
Or maybe a simple solution that is not elegant, but work. Use "\n" for a new line when is it possible without other over-complicated methods if is just only for a simple small text line.

Property contentItem in Qml

The following Qml code gives the following output (expected):
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
Window {
height: 200
width: 200
visible: true
Button {
id: root
text: "Text"
anchors.centerIn: parent
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
Text {
text: "Item.Text"
color: "red"
The following code (using contentItem) produces a different output:
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
Window {
height: 200
width: 200
visible: true
Button {
id: root
text: "Text"
anchors.centerIn: parent
contentItem: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
Text {
text: "Item.Text"
color: "red"
The Qt documentation is not very clear, at least for me. The question is what does the property contentItem do? When it should be used?
Short answer: The contentItem is meant for customizing the control and replaces the existing implementation of the visual foreground element by your text.
Long answer:
A Quick Item has a so called "default property" - the data property. By definition, if you add an item as child of another item, it is instead assigned to the default property. Which means the following example:
Item {
Text { text: "test1"}
Is actually identical to:
Item {
data: [
Text { text: "test2"}
If you know look at your example, in the first variant, you simply append a child item to the root button. Since no further information is given, it is placed at the coordinates (0,0) within it's parent.
The contentItem property however is defined in the documentation as follows:
This property holds the visual content item.
In case of a Button it is an internally used Label to display the text property of the button. It exists to modify the appereance of the button.
In your second example, you "customize" the button by replacing the internal label with your custom Text - but without any code to properly position or fill the item. The correct way to declare a content item can be found in the customization guide:
Button {
id: control
text: qsTr("Button")
contentItem: Text {
text: control.text
font: control.font
opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
color: control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
elide: Text.ElideRight
// ...
You could either define it as part of a custom style, or create a MyButton.qml where do exactly this and can then use MyButton in other QML files, giving you a custom styled button whilest keeping the API intact (like beeing able to set the text via the text property etc.)
I hope this was sufficient enough to help you understand how it works.

QML - setting width and height has no effect

Quick Controls 2, Qt 5.10.
I created table control based on ListView item.
One of its columns is displayed using this component:
import QtQuick 2.10
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
id: root
implicitHeight: item1.implicitHeight
id: item1
visible: !model.finished
width: parent.width
text: "38%"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
text: "Paused"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
from: 0; to: 100; value: 40
// Variant A
/*Layout.preferredWidth: 30
Layout.preferredHeight: 10*/
// Variant B
width: 30
height: 10
Can somebody please explain me why Variant B does not "work". I may specify any width/height values or even just remove them - no effect. Variant A (Layout.preferredWidth/Layout.preferredHeight) works fine.
Variant A:
Variant B:
The ...Layout items alter the dimensions of their children. That is their purpose, and the behavior is documented.
As per documentation of the ColumnLayout Layout.preferredWidth the behavior is:
This property holds the preferred width of an item in a layout. If the preferred width is -1 it will be ignored, and the layout will use implicitWidth instead. The default is -1.
Since the default is -1, it will take the implicitWidth - it is not written "and use width instead".
If you don't want to use Layout don't use Layout. You can just take Column instead.
