R: creating multiple new variables based on conditions of selection of other variables with similar names - r

I have a data frame where each condition (in the example: hope, dream, joy) has 5 variables (in the example, coded with suffixes x, y, z, a, b - the are the same for each condition).
df <- data.frame(matrix(1:16,5,16))
names(df) <- c('ID','hopex','hopey','hopez','hopea','hopeb','dreamx','dreamy','dreamz','dreama','dreamb','joyx','joyy','joyz','joya','joyb')
df[1,2:6] <- NA
df[3:5,c(7,10,14)] <- NA
This is how the data looks like:
ID hopex hopey hopez hopea hopeb dreamx dreamy dreamz dreama dreamb joyx joyy joyz joya joyb
1 1 NA NA NA NA NA 15 4 9 14 3 8 13 2 7 12
2 2 7 12 1 6 11 16 5 10 15 4 9 14 3 8 13
3 3 8 13 2 7 12 NA 6 11 NA 5 10 15 NA 9 14
4 4 9 14 3 8 13 NA 7 12 NA 6 11 16 NA 10 15
5 5 10 15 4 9 14 NA 8 13 NA 7 12 1 NA 11 16
I want to create a new variable for each condition (hope, dream, joy) that codes whether all of the variables x...b for that condition are NA (0 if all are NA, 1 if any is non-NA). And I want the new variables to be stored in the data frame. Thus, the output should be this:
ID hopex hopey hopez hopea hopeb dreamx dreamy dreamz dreama dreamb joyx joyy joyz joya joyb hope joy dream
1 1 NA NA NA NA NA 15 4 9 14 3 8 13 2 7 12 0 1 1
2 2 7 12 1 6 11 16 5 10 15 4 9 14 3 8 13 1 1 1
3 3 8 13 2 7 12 NA 6 11 NA 5 10 15 NA 9 14 1 1 1
4 4 9 14 3 8 13 NA 7 12 NA 6 11 16 NA 10 15 1 1 1
5 5 10 15 4 9 14 NA 8 13 NA 7 12 1 NA 11 16 1 1 1
The code below does it, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution (e.g., for a case where I have even more conditions). I've tried with various combinations of all(), select(), mutate(), but while they all seem useful, I cannot figure out how to combine them to get what I want. I'm stuck and would be interested in learning to code more efficiently. Thanks in advance!
df$hope <- 0
df[is.na(df$hopex) == FALSE | is.na(df$hopey) == FALSE | is.na(df$hopez) == FALSE | is.na(df$hopea) == FALSE | is.na(df$hopeb) == FALSE, "hope"] <- 1
df$dream <- 0
df[is.na(df$dreamx) == FALSE | is.na(df$dreamy) == FALSE | is.na(df$dreamz) == FALSE | is.na(df$dreama) == FALSE | is.na(df$dreamb) == FALSE, "dream"] <- 1
df$joy<- 0
df[is.na(df$joyx) == FALSE | is.na(df$joyy) == FALSE | is.na(df$joyz) == FALSE | is.na(df$joya) == FALSE | is.na(df$joyb) == FALSE, "joy"] <- 1

Here is an option with tidyverse
df %>%
mutate(hope = select(., starts_with('hope')) %>%
is.na %>%
`!` %>%
rowSums %>%
is_greater_than(0) %>%
# hopex hopey hopez hopea hopeb dreamx dreamy dreamz dreama dreamb joyx joyy joyz joya joyb hope
#2 1 1 4 3 2 3 5 4 5 2 5 NA 4 3 1 1
#3 2 NA 4 4 4 3 5 NA 5 5 4 NA 4 5 1 1
#4 4 3 NA 1 1 1 5 2 NA 5 1 2 1 1 1 1
#5 1 NA 4 NA NA 2 1 5 1 2 NA 3 1 2 5 1
Or with rowSums
df %>%
mutate(hope = +(rowSums(!is.na(select(., starts_with('hope'))))!= 0))
For multiple columns, we can create a function
f1 <- function(dat, colSubstr) {
dplyr::select(dat, starts_with(colSubstr)) %>%
is.na %>%
`!` %>%
rowSums %>%
is_greater_than(0) %>%
df %>%
mutate(hope = f1(., 'hope'),
dream = f1(., 'dream'),
joy = f1(., 'joy'))
Or using base R
cbind(df, sapply(split.default(df, sub(".$", "", names(df))),
function(x) +(rowSums(!is.na(x)) != 0)))
If we want to subset columns
nm1 <- setdiff(names(df), "ID")
cbind(df, sapply(split.default(df[nm1], sub(".$", "", names(df[nm1]))),
function(x) +(rowSums(!is.na(x)) != 0)))
df <- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(c(NA, 1:5), 5 * 15, replace = TRUE),
ncol = 15, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0(rep(c("hope", "dream", "joy"),
each = 5), c('x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b')))))
df[1,] <- NA


Fill missing values (NA) before the first non-NA value by group

I have a data frame grouped by 'id' and a variable 'age' which contains missing values, NA.
Within each 'id', I want to replace missing values of 'age', but only "fill up" before the first non-NA value.
data <- data.frame(id=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3),
id age
1 1 NA
2 1 6 # first non-NA in id = 1. Fill up from here
3 1 NA
4 1 8
5 1 NA
6 1 NA
7 2 NA
8 2 NA
9 2 3 # first non-NA in id = 2. Fill up from here
10 2 8
11 2 NA
12 3 NA
13 3 NA
14 3 7 # first non-NA in id = 3. Fill up from here
15 3 NA
16 3 9
Expected output:
1 1 6
2 1 6
3 1 NA
4 1 8
5 1 NA
6 1 NA
7 2 3
8 2 3
9 2 3
10 2 8
11 2 NA
12 3 7
13 3 7
14 3 7
15 3 NA
16 3 9
I tried using fill with .direction = "up" like this:
data1 <- data %>% group_by(id) %>%
fill(!is.na(age[1]), .direction = "up")
You could use cumall(is.na(age)) to find the positions before the first non-NA value.
data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(age2 = replace(age, cumall(is.na(age)), age[!is.na(age)][1])) %>%
# A tibble: 16 × 3
id age age2
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 NA 6
2 1 6 6
3 1 NA NA
4 1 8 8
5 1 NA NA
6 1 NA NA
7 2 NA 3
8 2 NA 3
9 2 3 3
10 2 8 8
11 2 NA NA
12 3 NA 7
13 3 NA 7
14 3 7 7
15 3 NA NA
16 3 9 9
Another option (agnostic about where the missing and non-missing values start) could be:
data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(rleid = with(rle(is.na(age)), rep(seq_along(lengths), lengths)),
age2 = ifelse(rleid == min(rleid[is.na(age)]),
age[rleid == (min(rleid[is.na(age)]) + 1)][1],
id age rleid age2
<dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 1 NA 1 6
2 1 6 2 6
3 1 NA 3 NA
4 1 8 4 8
5 1 NA 5 NA
6 1 NA 5 NA
7 2 NA 1 3
8 2 NA 1 3
9 2 3 2 3
10 2 8 2 8
11 2 NA 3 NA
12 3 NA 1 7
13 3 NA 1 7
14 3 7 2 7
15 3 NA 3 NA
16 3 9 4 9

Avoid the for loops-R

I have two data frames, x and y. For each value of x[,2], I look if the value is equal to the value of the elements of y[,1]. If so, I add a third column in the first data frame that contains the values of y[,2].
I managed to do that with loops, but how can I do this using vectors?
for ( i in 1:nrow(x)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(y)) {
if (x[i,2]==y[j,1]){
Use a join instead of loops - based on the loop comparision, the second column of 'x' is compared with the first column of 'y', thus those columns are used in the on, assign (:=) the second column (col2) from the second dataset to create the new column 'col3' in first data
setDT(x)[y, col3 := i.col2, on = .(col2 = col1)]
> x
col1 col2 col3
1: 1 15 NA
2: 2 14 NA
3: 3 13 NA
4: 4 12 NA
5: 5 11 NA
6: 6 10 NA
7: 7 9 NA
8: 8 8 NA
9: 9 7 NA
10: 10 6 NA
11: 11 5 0.3
12: 12 4 8.5
13: 13 3 7.2
14: 14 2 NA
15: 15 1 NA
x <- data.frame(col1 = 1:15, col2 = 15:1)
y <- data.frame(col1 = 3:5, col2 = c(7.2,8.5,0.3))
Update: Many thanks to #TrainingPizza (who has drawn my attention to the false output of my first answer and also provided how it could work:
x %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(col3 = ifelse(col2 %in% y$col1, y$col2[y$col1==col2], NA))
col1 col2 col3
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 15 NA
2 2 14 NA
3 3 13 NA
4 4 12 NA
5 5 11 NA
6 6 10 NA
7 7 9 NA
8 8 8 NA
9 9 7 NA
10 10 6 NA
11 11 5 0.3
12 12 4 8.5
13 13 3 7.2
14 14 2 NA
15 15 1 NA
First answer (not correct)
Here is dplyr way how to avoid the for - loop:
x %>%
mutate(V3 = ifelse(V2 %in% y$V1, y$V2, NA))
V1 V2 V3
1 1 15 NA
2 2 14 NA
3 3 13 NA
4 4 12 NA
5 5 11 NA
6 6 10 NA
7 7 9 NA
8 8 8 NA
9 9 7 NA
10 10 6 NA
11 11 5 8.5
12 12 4 0.3
13 13 3 7.2
14 14 2 NA
15 15 1 NA

Is there a way to group values in a column between data gaps in R?

I want to group my data in different chunks when the data is continuous. Trying to get the group column from dummy data like this:
a b group
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1
3 3 3 1
4 4 NA NA
5 5 NA NA
6 6 NA NA
7 7 12 2
8 8 15 2
9 9 NA NA
10 10 25 3
I tried using
test %>% mutate(test = complete.cases(.)) %>%
group_by(group = cumsum(test == TRUE)) %>%
select(group, everything())
But it doesn't work as expected:
group a b test
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
1 1 1 1 TRUE
2 2 2 2 TRUE
3 3 3 3 TRUE
4 3 4 NA FALSE
5 3 5 NA FALSE
6 3 6 NA FALSE
7 4 7 12 TRUE
8 5 8 15 TRUE
9 5 9 NA FALSE
10 6 10 25 TRUE
Any advice?
Using rle in base R -
transform(df, group1 = with(rle(!is.na(b)), rep(cumsum(values), lengths))) |>
transform(group1 = replace(group1, is.na(b), NA))
# a b group group1
#1 1 1 1 1
#2 2 2 1 1
#3 3 3 1 1
#4 4 NA NA NA
#5 5 NA NA NA
#6 6 NA NA NA
#7 7 12 2 2
#8 8 15 2 2
#9 9 NA NA NA
#10 10 25 3 3
A couple of approaches to consider if you wish to use dplyr for this.
First, you could look at transition from non-complete cases (using lag) to complete cases.
test %>%
mutate(test = complete.cases(.)) %>%
group_by(group = cumsum(test & !lag(test, default = F))) %>%
mutate(group = replace(group, !test, NA))
Alternatively, you could add row numbers to your data.frame. Then, you could filter to include only complete cases, and group_by enumerating with cumsum based on gaps in row numbers. Then, join back to original data.
test$rn <- seq.int(nrow(test))
test %>%
filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
group_by(group = c(0, cumsum(diff(rn) > 1)) + 1) %>%
right_join(test) %>%
arrange(rn) %>%
a b group
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1
3 3 3 1
4 4 NA NA
5 5 NA NA
6 6 NA NA
7 7 12 2
8 8 15 2
9 9 NA NA
10 10 25 3
Using data.table, get rleid then remove group IDs for NAs, then fix the sequence with factor to integer conversion:
setDT(test)[, group1 := {
x <- complete.cases(test)
grp <- rleid(x)
grp[ !x ] <- NA
# a b group group1
# 1: 1 1 1 1
# 2: 2 2 1 1
# 3: 3 3 1 1
# 4: 4 NA NA NA
# 5: 5 NA NA NA
# 6: 6 NA NA NA
# 7: 7 12 2 2
# 8: 8 15 2 2
# 9: 9 NA NA NA
# 10: 10 25 3 3

trying to calculate sum of row with dataframe having NA values

I am trying to sum the row of values if any column have values but not working for me like below
df$summ <- ifelse(is.na(c(df[,"x3"] & df[,"x4"])),NA,rowSums(df[,c("x3","x4")], na.rm=TRUE))
the output should be like
An alternative solution:
setDT(df)[!( is.na(x3) & is.na(x4)),summ:=rowSums(.SD, na.rm = T)]
You can do :
df <- transform(df, summ = ifelse(is.na(x3) & is.na(x4), NA,
rowSums(df, na.rm = TRUE)))
# x3 x4 summ
#1 2 0 2
#3 3 NA 3
#4 5 6 11
#5 4 5 9
#6 6 6 12
#8 NA 0 0
#9 3 4 7
#10 3 2 5
In general for any number of columns :
cols <- c('x3', 'x4')
df <- transform(df, summ = ifelse(rowSums(is.na(df[cols])) == length(cols),
NA, rowSums(df, na.rm = TRUE)))
Try the code below with rowSums + replace
df$summ <- replace(rowSums(df, na.rm = TRUE), rowSums(is.na(df)) == 2, NA)
which gives
> df
x3 x4 summ
1 2 0 2
3 3 NA 3
4 5 6 11
5 4 5 9
6 6 6 12
8 NA 0 0
9 3 4 7
10 3 2 5
This is not much different from already posted answers, however, it contains some useful functions:
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(Count = ifelse(all(is.na(cur_data())), NA,
sum(c_across(everything()), na.rm = TRUE)))
# A tibble: 10 x 3
# Rowwise:
x3 x4 Count
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2 0 2
3 3 NA 3
4 5 6 11
5 4 5 9
6 6 6 12
8 NA 0 0
9 3 4 7
10 3 2 5

How to replace 0 or missing value with NA in R [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Replace all 0 values to NA
(11 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
this is what i have already done so far
data is numeric data type
if (is.na(data) || attribute==0){replace(data,NA)}
it gives me error message that
Error in replace(attribute, NA) : argument "values" is missing, with no default
With mutate_all:
df %>%
mutate_all(~replace(., . == 0, NA))
or with mutate_if to be safe:
df %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, ~replace(., . == 0, NA))
Note that there is no need to check for NA's, because we are replacing with NA anyway.
> df %>%
+ mutate_all(~replace(., . == 0, NA))
1 1 5 <NA>
2 4 4 2
3 2 3 2
4 5 5 2
5 5 3 <NA>
6 NA 4 <NA>
7 3 3 1
8 5 3 2
9 3 1 1
10 2 NA 5
11 5 5 <NA>
12 2 5 2
13 4 4 4
14 3 4 <NA>
15 NA NA 3
16 5 2 1
17 1 4 <NA>
18 NA 1 4
19 1 1 5
20 5 1 2
> df %>%
+ mutate_if(is.numeric, ~replace(., . == 0, NA))
1 1 5 0
2 4 4 2
3 2 3 2
4 5 5 2
5 5 3 0
6 NA 4 0
7 3 3 1
8 5 3 2
9 3 1 1
10 2 NA 5
11 5 5 0
12 2 5 2
13 4 4 4
14 3 4 0
15 NA NA 3
16 5 2 1
17 1 4 0
18 NA 1 4
19 1 1 5
20 5 1 2
df <- data.frame(X = sample(0:5, 20, replace = TRUE),
Y = sample(0:5, 20, replace = TRUE),
Z = as.character(sample(0:5, 20, replace = TRUE)))
You could just use replace without any additional function / package:
data <- replace(data, data == 0, NA)
This is now assuming that data is your data frame.
Otherwise you can simply insert the column name, e.g. if your data frame is df and column name data:
df$data <- replace(df$data, df$data == 0, NA)
Assuming that data is a dataframe then you could use sapply to update your values based on a set of filters:
new.data = as.data.frame(sapply(data,FUN= function(x) replace(x,is.na(x) | x == 0)))
