symfony annotations access to another field - symfony

I wanna have a start date and end date field in the database, but start date cant be greater than end date (logically) but is there any way to use Entity to make a comparison (with Assert/Constraints) or I have to do it elsewhere(and where)
in this example I use
* #ORM\Column(type="date")
* #Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual("today")
private $start_date;
* #ORM\Column(type="date")
private $end_date;
is it possible at $end date to have #Assert\GreaterThan($start_date) somehow
can I access that or I need to have some custom function for that kind of check, and what is best practice to create that kind of check in Symfony

You would need to implement a class constraint validator for your entity. In that validator your can get the whole entity as an argument and then you can compare the dates like this:
if ($value->getStartDate() > $value->getEndDate()) {
Look at


Symfony - access object of non related tables

How can i access the object of second table when joined (non-related tables)?
I have two table which are not related and I want to get the object of the second class (from below dump output)
My repository with dump
For example:
my controller:
$ProductSet_Repo = $em->getRepository('MyTestBundle:Product\ProductSet')->FindProductSet($productid);
Normally when the tables are related I can simple do
$productSet = $ProductSet_Repo->getproductid()->getProduct(); to get the object of Product class From ProductSet Class.
See My Dump
However since the tables are not in relationship and when i dump the data i get the objects of two classes is there a way I can access the Object My\TestBundle:Products\Entity\Product\ProductSet and \My\TestBundle\Entity\Product\Product?
Note: i don't want to do establish relationship between the two tables as I am working on already existing table for which i don't want to make any changes
Also I know I can select the fields which i want to retrieve. (I dont want to do that)
You write:
i don't want to do establish relationship between the two tables as I am working on already existing table for which i don't want to make any changes.
But with doctrine you are very well able to make a association between two entities without changing the tables. As far as I can see from your query you have a product_id column in your product_set table. That is all you need to make an association between Product and ProductSet.
In your ProductSet class you can do:
namespace My\TestBundle\Entity\Product;
class ProductSet
//... other properties
* #var Product
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="My\TestBundle\Entity\Product\Product")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="product_id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $product;
* Set the product.
* #param Product $product
* #return ProductSet
public function setProduct(Product $product)
$this->product = $product;
return $this;
* Get the product.
* #return Product
public function getProduct()
return $this->product;
//... other setters and getters
Now you can do:
$repository = $em->getRepository('MyTestBundle:Product\ProductSet')
$productSets = $repository->findBy(array('product' => $productid));
foreach($productSets as $productSet){
$productSet->getProduct()->getId() === $productId; // true
You can still join them (despite of strange naming convention you have id of corresponding object in the other entity) using query builder or native sql, but it's a really bad way.
it was developed by previous webdeveloper and i dont want to spend more time as i work as free lancer
That's not an excuse. You should create a relation and migration for these data. Getting money for a poorly designed and developed app is not cool.
Probably additional work when working with that poor design will take your more time than doing it in a proper way.

How do I implement dynamic (i.e. not cached) Doctrine Asserts in Symfony2?

I have a Doctrine-Entity in my Symfony2-Project, which uses a custom Assert/Constraint to check, if a given date value is before and/or after a given date. This looks like the following simplified code:
In my entity class:
* #var \DateTime
* #ORM\Column(name="entry_entered_at", type="date", nullable=true)
* #AppBundleAssert\DateRangeConstraint(max = "today")
private $entryEnteredAt;
The relevant snippet of the corresponding DateRangeConstraint-class:
new \DateTime($this->max)
As you can see, I want to check, if a date is before today. The \DateTime-constructor is able to resolve this to a DateTime-object of today. Nice thing, works fine.
The problem
But it turns out, that Symfony2 caches all those Doctrine-annotations, so today is always resolved to the day, the cache was lastly cleared and my constraint produces nice form errors.
As a workaround for now, I clear the cache on a daily basis, but I need a better solution.
The question
So the question is, what would you suggest, how to implement such a dynamic assert/constraint in Symfony2?
I could implement the constraint inside the form, but it should be in the domain of the entity.
I posted as answer and marked it as solution.
The solution and some answers
It turned out, that the built in Range validator is also able to validate a date-range. So I don't need my custom validator at all.
Digging a bit deeper into the built in Range constraint and the base Constraint class gives the reason, why the built in validators can use dynamic parameters like today, but not my incorrect implemented custom validator. The Constraint base class has a __sleep() method that just stores the object vars and its current values on serialization. Thus, when we don't reinitialize the object with a custom __wakeup() method, which would be a false workaround, we only get the cached parameters.
So besides the fact, that the builtin Range constraint already solves my problem, I simply should have done my dynamic new \DateTime($constraint->max) stuff inside the custom DateRangeConstraintValidator and not the cached custom DateRangeConstraint. Just have a look into Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Range and Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\RangeValidator to see this in action.
Lessons learned
Your custom Constraint class will be serialized and cached and thus shouldn't do any dynamic things. Just validate the options and define the messages and stuff. Your dynamic validation things (and especially the initialization of dynamic parameters) must be done within your custom ConstraintValidator class.
I suggest you to look at Custom validator, especially Class Constraint Validator.
I won't copy paste the whole code, just the parts which you will have to change.
Extends the Constraint class.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
* #Annotation
class CheckEntryEnteredAt extends Constraint
public $message = 'Your error message.';
public function validatedBy()
return 'CheckEntryEnteredAtValidator';
public function getTargets()
return self::CLASS_CONSTRAINT;
Define the validator by extending the ConstraintValidator class, entryEnteredAt is the field you want to check:
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;
class CheckEntryEnteredAtValidator extends ConstraintValidator
public function validate($entity, Constraint $constraint)
$today = new \Datetime('today'); // = midnight
if ($entity->entryEnteredAt < $today) {
$constraint->message, array(), null);
Use the validator:
- Acme\DemoBundle\Validator\Constraints\CheckEntryEnteredAt: ~
(adapted from a previous answer)
public function __construct()
$this->entryEnteredAt = new \DateTime();
is something like that a solution for your use case? (on new YourEntity() you'll have a today date set for the entryEnteredAt property)
You could also use LifecycleCallbacks, here is an exemple with preUpdate (there is some more, like PrePersist):
on top of your class entity:
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
* Set updatedAt
* #ORM\PreUpdate
public function setUpdatedAt()
$this->updatedAt = new \DateTime();

Symfony2 data fixtures

very new to Symfony2 so trying to working things out. Got a couple of tables. First one is called availability_alert. This table has the usual stuff like an id, but the important thing to note is that it does not have a link to anything.
The second table is call booking_class. This one has a couple of fields, one of which is availability_alert_id. This value is linked to the id field in my first table.
I had a working application, but decided to move it to Symfony. I used my existing database to produce some entity classes. In my BookingClass Entity, I have a link to the AvailabilityAlert id.
* #var \AlertBundle\Entity\AvailabilityAlert
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="\AlertBundle\Entity\AvailabilityAlert")
* #ORM\JoinColumns({
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="availability_alert_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $availabilityAlert;
Now for some reason, it set the setter to this field like so
public function setAvailabilityAlert(\AlertBundle\Entity\AvailabilityAlert $availabilityAlert = null)
$this->availabilityAlert = $availabilityAlert;
return $this;
So I first want to make sure this is correct?
Next, I am doing some Data Fixtures, so I do
$alert = new AvailabilityAlert();
And then set a few other bits and pieces. I then do one for the other table
$bookingClass = new BookingClass();
However, when I try to set the id
It tells me it is expecting an AvailabilityAlert but instead it is getting a String.
So I was just wondering what I am doing wrong here?
The problem is that you're trying to add a string instead of an AvailabilityAlert object to your BookingClass object.
Instead of this:
Simply try this:

Symfony2 - One ManyToOne relation on one field referencing two entities

I have an entity which stores "removal requests" to either studios or models. An object (Studio or model can have many requests).
Entity RemovalRequest has a field named : object.
I would like to know if it's possible to do something like this in RemovalRequest entity:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Project\GestionBundle\Entity\Studio", inversedBy="requests")
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Project\GestionBundle\Entity\Model", inversedBy="requests")
private $object;
I can't find anything about this special case over Internet..
If it's not possible, I'm open to any suggestions you might have !
Do you realy need a new entity to store information about removal? Maybe just add a flag to Studio and Model:
* #ORM\Column(name="is_to_remove", type="boolean")
$isToRemove = false;
If you need RemovalRequest entity you should add two properties fore each type like this:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Project\GestionBundle\Entity\Model", inversedBy="requests")
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Project\GestionBundle\Entity\Studio", inversedBy="requests")
It is bed idea to store two different classes in one property

Symfony/Doctrine 2 - Use config parameter in Entity

I have a tree of Employee objects (they are in a tree-like hierarchy, with everyone having one leader, and all leaders having more employees). All the Employees have a integer parameter called units.
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\Table(name="employees")
class Employee
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\Column(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Employee", mappedBy="leader")
protected $employees;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity("Employee", inversedBy="employees")
protected $leader;
I need to get all the employees, who have at most N units, where N is defined in config.yml. At first, I was trying to push $configContainer into $GLOBALS, and use it in ArrayCollection::filter()'s Closure. Now I found a method, so I can use variables in the Closure:
public function getBestEmployees(&$configContainer)
return $this->getAllEmployees()->filter(
function bestEmployees($employee) use ($configContainer)
return ($employee->getUnits() >= $configContainer->getParameter('best_unit_count'));
Now I wonder if there is any other way to access the configuration parameters from an Entity, or do I really have to pass the whole configContainer as a reference? Or am I doing it totally wrong?
You shouldn't be accessing the service container at all inside entities. The value itself should be passed instead
public function getBestEmployees($bestUnitCount)
return $this->getAllEmployees()->filter(function ($employee) use ($bestUnitCount) {
return $employee->getUnits()->count() >= $bestUnitCount;
Of course, we haven't actually solved the problem yet: the parameter still needs to be fetched from the container somewhere. If this method gets invoked mostly in controller actions, I wouldn't bother doing any extra work to make things cleaner and would pass the container parameter straight in the controller action.
However, should there be a need to get the best employees in a Twig template, for example, it would be nice if it wouldn't be necessary to pass the parameter. One possibility would be using a setter method and passing the parameter down beforehand to each and every entity that gets retrieved from the database. You could do this either in repositories or entitiy managers. The most advanced solution would be to listen to the postLoad event and pass the parameter in an event listener.
