Should a DACPAC (for a DB) create a server login? - sql-server-data-tools

I just created a new DACPAC project and imported a DB. A file was created with these contents:
CREATE LOGIN [Processing]
WITH PASSWORD = N'adsf&^*lajdf', SID = 0x..., DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = [us_english], CHECK_POLICY = OFF;
Should a DACPAC create a server login? A teammate suggested that this file be deleted, but I don't want to do that if it should remain.

The question is a bit unclear, however I'll try to answer. DACPAC has everything, it will contain all database objects as well as logins and users, however you can control what exactly should you deploy by setting all needed settings via publish profiles.
Another point is that handling users and logins with SSDT is usually bad/complex idea mainly because you have different environments with different sets of users, their permissions and so on. So if you are not going to maintain users and logins via project then I agree with your teammate that it should be deleted from the project.
So, basically you need to ask yourself why do you want to have this user/login in the project.


Move Firebase project to another region

I am using Firebase for a long time (since 2018) and loving it. In that time there was not Location southamerica-east1 (São Paulo). Now I would like to store the project (web app, cloud function, and database) in southamerica to reduce cost and make it near to my end-users (also based in Brazil).
I have source control, all environment parameters values stored in Custom Environment Variables. The application works fine when no data is found. No concerns with backup data. No problem about downtime. This is not a critical app.
Anyway, I can't delete the application because I already have some users logged in there and IoT devices sending data through PubSub.
How can I rebuild my Firebase/Firestore/Web application/Function from the ground up, and make sure the new location is southamerica? If possible, I need to keep user and passwords, and web
Looking forward, (I don't think moving the bucked location would be the best solution here) but based on this page Select locations for your project I can't update the location, but since it is based on bucked location, if it doesn't break the project, I will use Google Cloud Transfer Page to Moving and renaming buckets
May is it a better solution than rebuild the app (Firebase/Firestore/Web application/Function)?
May I break my Firestore database or cloud function or web app?
May I lost my project domain or any other related URL parameter like authDomain, databaseURL, storageBucket?
May I need to update some web app parameter after the change?
They cannot be moved at present and migrating data is a manual process. Difficulty varies by product.
General guidance
Do not delete the old project before fully migrated.
This migration is nearly trivial, with the understanding that there is likely a minor service interruption while moving custom domains.
Deploy to the new site
CNAME your custom domain to the new site (
Delete custom domain from old site
Add custom domain to new site
Cloud Functions
This migration is trivial.
Create a local directory for your new project
Run firebase init and set up project normally (enable Functions)
Copy your Functions code into the new project's functions/ directory
Deploy to the new project
This migration is tricky, difficult, and highly specific to your use case and tolerance for downtime. What follows is a general template to adapt.
Reference docs for import/export: Firestore import/export, Realtime Database backups
In the old project:
Lock the database using security rules to prevent changes
Export existing database
In the new project:
Import the database backup
You probably need to migrate existing users (see account export/import) as well so user ids stored in your DB will still reference the correct accounts
Point existing apps to the new project
If downtime is not an option, or if you'll be deploying a new mobile app version and need time for changes to propagate, then you'll need to set up a dual write model:
Dual sync: Create a Cloud Function on both the new and old database that duplicate all create/update/delete operations on the respective partner endpoint.
Sync pre-existing data: Perform the export/import process as above on all data created before the dual sync was implemented, excluding the step to lock the old database
Shut down your old mobile app version (once enough accounts have migrated)
Shut down the dual sync Functions and turn down the old site
Based in your information, the main issue is Firestore because other products are globally balanced like Cloud IoT Core and Hosting (these can't be configured on a specific region)
Other products like Functions can be redeployed with the same code and name into another region.
I think that you can create another project only to move the database to the new region and configure all Cloud resources to reach the new located database.
As a caveat, you need to add another domain/subdomain and create new credentials to work with the new project; this step can´t be skipped because it is required for authentication.
On the application side you can add the access to the new database
In case you need assistance during your migration you can start a case with GCP/Firestore support.
This is a hard pill to swallow, but maybe the costs and the time to migrate to another region will be higher than keeping your application as is working today.

Different user for migrations

I'm trying to run
dotnet ef database update
When I do so, I get an error about not being allowed to CREATE TABLE. Not entirely surprising as I don't want the user I have the website running under to be able to create tables. So, after a bit of searching I found a solution that basically created an inherited context, and with that context used a different set of credentials. So, I tried;
dotnet ef database update --context ScaffoldContext
And I got the same error. I checked my connection string, yes, it's a user I can use to create a table with. Confirmed through SQL CLI. So, I added CREATE TABLE privileges to my site user, and the error changed. Suggesting that the base connection string was the one that mattered and it's ignoring using my elevated user. I tried moving the configuration into the OnConfiguring override in my inherited scaffold context, instead of services.AddDbContext in my Startup.cs. However, looking this up it looks like the wrong way to go about that. When I added CREATE TABLE privilege to my site user, I got a different exception about not being allowed to touch dbo.
This is driving me nuts, I don't want to use my site user as my migration user and it seems every example I find is from older versions of EF or dotnet core. Does anybody have any solid guides on how to go about managing users correctly using migrations with 2.1?
Note: If I change my connection string to be my sa user, it works fine. So the migration will go through. I'm just not wanting to give either full privileges to my site user or swapping credentials around in connection strings every time I need to run a migration.

Sharing data files between users in a Universal Windows Platform application

I am about to embark on the development of a line of business application using the Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10). One of the requirements of the application is the synchronisation of data from a server to a local SQLite database; this is required because the application needs to be usable where there is no network connectivity.
It is likely that multiple (windows domain) users will be accessing the application on the same device, sometimes simply by "swapping users", other times by logging off the first user and logging on as a new user.
I realise that UWP applications are installed at a user level, however I would like to be able to share the SQLite database between these users instead of forcing each user to download their own copy of the data.
Is this possible? I am struggling to find any reference to this kind of sharing within the Microsoft documentation - but of course that documentation is new and far from complete!
I guess at the end of the day I am looking for access to a folder that is accessible by any user running that application on the same device, such as the "x:\Users\Public" folders that are available from the desktop, but without having to ask the user to provide access to that folder via any picker control - instead simply being able to "open" it.
In case anyone runs across this, this functionality is now available as described in this blog post:
We introduced a new storage location Windows 10, ApplicationData.SharedLocalFolder, that allows multiple users of one app to share local data. Obviously this feature is only interesting with devices that will be used by more than one person. For such scenarios, for example in educational uses, it may make sense to place any large downloads in Shared Local. The benefits will be two-fold: any user can access these files without the need to re-download them, also there will be storage space savings
Keep in mind that Shared Local is only available if the machine has the right group policy, otherwise when you call ApplicationData.Current.SharedLocalFolder you will get back a null result.
In order to enable Shared Local the machine administrator should enable the corresponding policy.
Alternatively, the administrator could create a REG_DWORD value called AllowSharedLocalAppData with a value of 1 under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateManager
Note that data store in ShareLocal will only be persisted as long as the app is installed on the device and won’t be backed up by the system.
In Solution Explorer , Right click on Package.appxmanifest then click on ViewCode , end of this file in both projects add below code :
<Extension Category="windows.publisherCacheFolders">
<Folder Name="FolderName" />
After that in code you can access this folder with below line of code :
StorageFolder sharedDownloadsFolder = ApplicationData.Current.GetPublisherCacheFolder("FolderName");
It`s so important that the folder you will share between two these Apps depend on same publisher info at Certificate File [ProjectName]_TemporaryKey.pfx , if this Certificate File and publisher Info of app is same in both Projects , then you can access the same SharedFolder in both application and use it for create or use dataBase file(like SQLite Database file) or other files that need to be share in both applications.

Where should a .NET Web Application store it's (non database) setting

I am building a Web Application that will be installed many times. The application needs to be able to save certain setting itself upon request.
I have an installer (InnoSetup) but I want to very careful about what permissions I give the Web Application.
I can't use a database.
A default install always leaves the web.config as read-only. (Most secure)
The registry can be problematic. Unless there is a set of keys a DotNet webapp can always write to by default (IIS_IUSR)...
I was considering App_Data, but the default permissions are no longer useful and Inno-Setup can't easily fix it correctly:
Security and Ease of Setup are both big issues..
I also don't want to make a mess of the machines I install to.
A FAILED solution was to write to the user portion of the registry:
var reg = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\MyCo\\MyApp", true);
reg.SetValue("MyValue", (string)dataString, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String);
But I found out that writing to HKEY_CURRENT_USER is also not allowed by default on Server 2012 and likely others. The server error page is helpful and gives options such as explicitly giving the IUSR_{MachineName} explicit permission but this is a no go for me.
So my final solution is to have the installer create a user configurable folder and then assigning all users Read/Write access to that folder. The administrator can always lock it down more if they want.
If anyone has a better option then let me know.
With InnoSetup I created a new Wizard page to suggest and collect a Data folder from the user. The installer then:
Created that folder and gave All Users Read/Write access,
Added a HKLM registry key telling the Web App where to look for the folder,
Notified the user that they should lock the folder down further to prevent abuse.

How to Rollback Asp.Net Membership Configuration(Tables&Procedures)

I'm developing a project that works on remote server database tables. But there were no membership, only one admin panel with 1 admin user. So I tried to use Asp.Net membership for this, but when I did that according to tutorials(on C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version\aspnet_regsql.exe"), I guess there was a conflict so my project didn't work. I found "Windows authentication" line in my web.config, commented out, fixed it.
Then I decided to use a master password inside the code, with text boxes. This is really simple application, no high-level security needed. So I did it so. But when I opened the database, I realized that Asp.Net created its own tables and stored procedures. Now I want to rollback my Asp.Net (Membership) configuration. I can manually delete the tables and procedures but I fear of doing something wrong. What should I do?
Thanks in advance.
Run aspnet_regsql from .NET command prompt and it will start a wizard. You can either configure or remove the tables.. The wizard gives you option for both.. Select the one you need and your tables etc will be deleted from the database...
If you're not using membership, then it will do no harm to manually delete them.
