Unable to query Azure SQL Server from RStudio - r

I am trying to query an SQL Server database deployed on Azure from RStudio.
I established a connection. I can see all of the tables and get a preview of the data from the RStudio GUI. However, when I try to query the data I get an error.
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server",
Server = "#.database.windows.net",
Database = "loremipsum",
UID = "loremipsum",
PWD = "loremipsum",
Port = 1433)
First query I tried:
users <- as.data.frame(sqlQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM AspNetUsers"))
The error I got:
Error in sqlQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM AspNetUsers") :
first argument is not an open RODBC channel
I also tried this query
result <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM AspNetUsers")
first_100 <- dbFetch(result, n = 100)
With the following error:
Error in result_fetch(res#ptr, n) :
nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:2966: 07009: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid Descriptor Index
It strange because the connection must be valid, given that it gets access to the data through the GUI.
Any hints?

Congratulations you have solved the issue:
I eventually solved the issue by switching to another libary - RODBC. It seems that thats a bug in the way odbc handles character columns as point:R DBI ODBC error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:3110: 07009: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid Descriptor Index
I post this as answer and this can be beneficial to other community members.


R teradata DBI:dbConnect() error: TimedOut: No response received when attempting to connect to the Teradata server

I am going to ask and answer this question because I spent more time than I'd like to admit searching for a response and couldn't find one. I installed Teradata ODBC Driver 16.20. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, I added a Data Source. I named it teradata, put in the name of the Teradata Server to connect to and my username and password for authentication. When I tried running the following code in RStudio:
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
I would get an error:
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1021: HY000: [Teradata][WSock32 DLL] (434) WSA E TimedOut: No response received when attempting to connect to the Teradata server
To solve this, I needed to pass a timeout argument:
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
timeout = 20)

Import Tables from SQL Server into R

I am trying import tables in SQL Server 2017 into R. So, I wrote down these codes. Connection seems okay.
But when I import tables I get an error and a warning message like below. I can solve this problem by write sqlQuery or dbGetQuery in R but I would like to understand what is problem with dbReadTable. Finally I kindly ask you help me to list tables within particular schema in R.
# Making proper conection.
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server",
Database = "AdventureWorks2017",
Trusted_Connection = "True")
#Import data wihtin the table into R.
dbReadTable(con, SQL("HumanResources.Department"))
dbReadTable(con, SQL("HumanResources.Employee"))
Warning message:
In dbClearResult(rs) : Result already cleared
Error in result_fetch(res#ptr, n) :
nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:3186: 07009: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid Descriptor Index

Connect to teradata using DBI Package in R

Can you anyone help me with how to connect to Teradata using DBI ODBC Package?
I use the code below,
con <- dbConnect( drv = dbDriver('Teradata'),
MechanismName = TD2)
but it throws the following error:
Error: Couldn't find driver Teradata. Looked in:
* global namespace
* in package called Teradata
* in package called RTeradata
Looks like Teradata ODBC driver, DBCName is a network name (which for other drivers would typically supplied as Server)
con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = DRIVER,
Database = defaultDatabase,
UID = Sys.getenv("tera_user"),
PWD = Sys.getenv("tera_pass"))
After quite a looot of research, I finally found this in an answer by #Fred to another question:
R-Studio - connection to Teradata is not working

R ODBC nanodbc error when not using DSN

Running into an issue between using the DSN versus non DSN with the R package ODBC.
Using the DSN, I am successfully able to make a connection to the server and away the code goes. However, using the non DSN odbc connection string, I am receiving:
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:950: IM002: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data >source name not found and no default driver specified
The connection appears to be syntactically correct and all of the required fields are populated according to multiple function documentations, including: https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/214510788-Setting-up-R-to-connect-to-SQL-Server-
odbc_con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "SQLServer",
Server = server,
Database = test,
Uid = 'username',
Pwd = 'password',
Port = 1433)
Both server and test are defined earlier in the code.
I have tried removing the odbc:: and just using odbc().
Using semi-colons, removing caps.
Bit stuck, any suggestions?
When I switched from a Linux to a Windows box for R (note nothing else changed) I was getting
"Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:950: IM002: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
The ODBC connection issue was fixed by changing
Driver = "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server"
Driver = "SQL Server"
Hope this saves you some time.

Error connecting to DB2 via ODBC

I'm having trouble connecting to a DB2 database via ODBC. I'm on a Windows system, and have configured a Data Source Name within the ODBC Administrator. When I test the connection there I get Connection tested successfully.. I can also successfully test the connection within IBM's DB2 Configuration Assistant, using both CLI and ODBC.
I'm not able to connect within R. I've tried both the RODBC & odbc packages, the result is the same. My intent is to execute a simple query to verify the connection. When I run the following R script I get an error. Here's my pseudocode.
cnxn <- odbcConnect('myDSN')
data <- sqlQuery(channel=cnxn, query=myQuery)
Here's the error that I get.
Error in sqlQuery(channel = cnxn, query = myQuery) :
first argument is not an open RODBC channel
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=myDSN") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 58031, code -1031, message [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1031N The database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system. SQLSTATE=58031
2: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=myDSN") : ODBC connection failed
I've learned through experimentation that my script never gets to the point of sending the query. This error is generated at the odbcConnect command.
I don't have access to the server itself, only the database. Is there anything that I can do or try to resolve this on my own, without having to go through support?
I've now cataloged my database, and test connection is successful in 3 places, ODBC Data Source Administrator, Db2 Command Line & Db2 Configuration Assistant. I know that there's no issue with permissions, as I can execute queries via IBM Query Management Facility. I believe this is an issue with either my driver or my system's PATH statements, but I'm not sure how to trace that down.
Taking a non-RODBC approach, the below method works for connecting R and DB2. Assuming you know all the information below, you'll need to download an IBM DB2 jar file and locate it, in this case, in a folder on my machine called "IBM".
Note: there are two types of available jar files, db2jcc.jar and db2jcc4.jar. The below example is using db2jcc.jar.
#Enter the values for you database connection
dsn_driver = "com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"
dsn_database = "" # e.g. "BLUDB"
dsn_hostname = "" # e.g.: "awh-yp-small03.services.dal.bluemix.net"
dsn_port = "" # e.g. "50000"
dsn_protocol = "TCPIP" # i.e. "TCPIP"
dsn_uid = "" # e.g. "dash104434"
dsn_pwd = "" # e.g. "7dBZ39xN6$o0JiX!m"
jcc = JDBC("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver", "C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/java/db2jcc.jar");
jdbc_path = paste("jdbc:db2://", dsn_hostname, ":", dsn_port, "/", dsn_database, sep="");
conn = dbConnect(jcc, jdbc_path, user=dsn_uid, password=dsn_pwd)
query = "SELECT *
FROM Table
rs = dbSendQuery(conn, query);
df = fetch(rs, -1);
According to the DB2 Manual here
SQL1031N The database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system.
The system database directory or local database directory could not be found. A database has not been created or it was not cataloged correctly.
The command cannot be processed.
User response
Verify that the database is created with the correct path specification. The Catalog Database command has a path parameter which specifies the directory where the database resides.
sqlcode: -1031
sqlstate: 58031
