Wordpress post not showing inside images - wordpress

I have a new website built on latest Wordpress. My issue is in posts, its not showing images automatically when I scroll through, but when I move mouse pointer, its showing a magnifying glass (means there is an image below) and when I click on it, image is come-up on top but not on the post. It looks like only if the image is bigger than the area in post, its doing this because I can see images on other posts where image is smaller.
One example of a post that has issue:
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you all.

Your Image path is wrong:
Your site image path is: 
actual image path is: https://icdn7.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/hp-envy-curved-34-review-9-1500x1000.jpg
You can add image again and add the same path in your website section.
Make sure Your Problem is solved


I can't add an image to the Newave - WordPress Responsive One Page Parallax template

I have purchased a theme but I can't add an image to the Newave - WordPress Responsive One Page Parallax theme. When I click on the edit flag and I want to add an image, a rather strange icon appears, but when I add an image, it appears in a strange way other than the expected way.
This strange code [parallax_quote author="Richard Johnson"]Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes Art is knowing which ones to keep[/parallax_quote]
The code appears like this enter image description here
And when I add a picture like this [enter image description here]enter image description here
Appearance becomes like this enter image description here
I tried to add the image via a link or path from the file, but to no avail
I don't know, I don't know how to add the image code, or it's the wrong way
The image should appear like thisenter image description here

Woocommerce/Wordpress: Featured Image/Product loading with background image

I'm having a problem with my product image loading with the background image. An example to what Im referring to can be found here https://www.dontcursekids.com/product/not-for-kids-tee-2/ .
I have tried deleting the product image from each individual product (which I'm assuming works the same way a featured image works) and it disappeared from the product's page background. However, it also deletes the thumbnail on the shop page and replaces it with a default picture. I've tried numerous ways with CSS, and several plugins, but I still can't remove it from the background of the product page, and keep my thumbnail of for the preview. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
If you look in the sourcecode on line 233, that's where the background image is set. You can remove that line in inspector (right click -> inspector in firefox/chrome), and you will see that it goes away, which will tell you that this line is the problem. I don't know how this line got there or how you've tried to edit css (through plugins?), but I assume somehow you injected that line of code there, or it could be in your theme files. Either way, this is the line you have to delete.

how we crop image at front end from wordpress classiads theme

I purchase a classiads template of wordpress.
everything work is fine but i stuck at one point. i wish when i submit a post from front end as a user then image automatically crop 600 * 400 size. i apply different plugin but still image size not change.
Please guide what i am doing.
Below post i attach post page screenshot
If you are looking for a plugin then try this one out. It will give you a custom button to crop and upload the image.

Ignore image via opengraph sharing?

So I am running into an issue that I cannot find an answer to. I am trying to put a tag on an image so that open graph will IGNORE that image. I have a share post button on my blog and facebook / pinterest always pulls the avatar image instead of the featured image. So I would like to put a tag on my avatar image to be ignored when sharing. I could put open graph information specifically on each image but then every post I have something to do, whereas if I could ignore the profile image it would work perfect.

NextGen-Gallery show gallery but display only one image to click on

To keep it short: I am working on a Wordpress website for a cliƫnt of mine and I want to display a gallery with the NextGen Gallery plugin.
What I want to achieve is the following: I want to display one image, and when someones clicks on that image it will open up the gallery in lightbox.
The exact same effect which I want to recreate can be find here: http://www.nextgen-gallery.com/imagebrowser/
But for some reason the Imagebrowser setting in the plugin only contains the navigation arrows underneath the image and not the lightbox effect.
The website on which I am working now can be find at: http://makramedia.beta-projects.nl/fotos/.
Also the lightbox effect is different here then on the website of NextGen Gallery and it only shows the first image of the gallery as if it was the only picture added. I have checked this in the admin but all images are added but not shown on the website.
(To make the website more clear, my client wants that every image on that webpage has its own gallery. I now have 3 images which should open 3 galleries but these don't work properly. )
I really hope someone can help me with this as I have already spent days on getting this fixed. If you need any additional info or data then please don't hessitate to ask me as I'm more than happy if someone can help me with this issue.
Your's sincerely,
Christiaan Bruinsma
Freelance Media Designer
