Pass Parameter to twigExtension - symfony

I would like ot pass a parameter from twig to an twig extension.
Actually, the parameter or twig-Variable looks like
{{ myparameter }}
and my extension-call looks like this:
{{ 'name'|myextension()}}
If I try to pass the parameter like
{{ 'name'|myextension(myparameter)}}
it won't work, similar to
{{ 'name'|myextension({{myparameter}})}}
How can I pass my parameter? I'm stucking
Thank you in advance


How to change template of controller rendered in twig file (Symfony 3)?

I know that we can render the content of a controller in twig file like this:
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"baseTemplate": true})) }}
However, I don't know if we can pass the new template so that the controller will use it instead of the default. Anyone tried to override template in this way?
I don't really understand the issue here
If you do
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"baseTemplate": true})) }}
You could aswell do:
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"template": "your_template.html.twig"})) }}
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"templateNumber": "4"})) }}
Where templateNumber is used in a condition inside your controller ?

Translate the value of twig variable

Is it possible to translate the value of twig variables in a template with the 'trans' tag?
Say for instance I am passing a product to my template. This product has a definition with a trans tag e.g {{ product.definition|trans }}. This definition could either be in EN or DE or some other language. How could I translate the definition.
What are you trying to do is not a good way, It would look like this:
some_value1: Some value 1
some_value2: Some value 2
and in template, you would do something like this:
{% set definition_value = product.definition %}
{% set trans_definition = 'product.definition.' ~ definition_value %}
{{ trans_definition|trans }}
it'll work, if it finds the key. What if it cant find it?
That's why you should use DoctrineBehaviors from KnpLabs, which handles all the dynamic translations for you..
If {{ product.definition }} equals 'cellphone' the following should work.
'cellphone': This will work!
However if you want to map it with the 'product' key in your message file like this:
'cellphone': This also works
add the key to the twig template like so:
{{('product.'~product.definition)|trans }}

Passing all parameters as array and changing one of them

I am passing an array of get arguments from controller to twig template, and then create a link:
{{ url('route_name', array_of_get_parameters) }}
It works, but what if I want to pass all BUT ONE of those parameters unchanged? Something like:
{{ url('route_name', array_of_get_parameters, {'param1': 'value'}) }}
The example above doesn't work of there a way to do this?
Use twig merge filter like this:
{{ url('route_name', array_of_get_parameters|merge({'param1': 'value'})) }}
You cannot do this.
Instead override the value in the controller (<- better) or in the twig template, before the url generation.

Keep leading 0 in Twig

In my database, I have a field containing the following data : 000010 (the type is integer)
In my twig tpl, I want to display it, then I do : {{ spending.documentName }}
But the browser displays "10". As if Twig was automaticcaly performing a trim on my data.
I tried {{ spending.documentName|raw }} but it doesn't work. I dont find anything on Google about how to keep leading 0 with Twig.
Does anyone know how to proceed ?
I think you must force the format (as your type is integer).
You can use the format filter :
{{ "%06d"|format(spending.documentName) }}
Or better create a twig extension (
public function strpad($number, $pad_length, $pad_string) {
return str_pad($number, $pad_length, $pad_string, STR_PAD_LEFT);
It's clearer in your template :
{{ spending.documentName | strpad(6,'0') }}
You need to use the format filter.
Since placeholders follows the sprintf() notation, you should be able to convert sprintf('%06d', $integer); in PHP to {{ '%06d'|format($integer) }} in Twig.
Kinda late here, but ran into the same.
With twig 3.x you can use:
{{your.number | format_number({min_integer_digit:'2'})}}

Pass variables to Twig Translator

In messages.en.yml:
variable_name: Welcome to %site_name% - %other_info%
In Twig
{{ 'variable_name'|trans( -here- ) }}
It's the -here- part I'm struggling to know how to pass data in. I must do it this way (above is just an example).
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question but if I understand correctly, you only need to give an array as the first parameter of the trans filter.
{{ 'variable_name'|trans({'%site_name%': 'My Website'}) }}
And of course, values can be variables if you don't put them between quotes :
{{ 'variable_name'|trans({'%site_name%': 'My Website', '%other_info%': page_name}) }}
