Laravel generate css from scss I can't see changes - css

I have project in made Laravel. In scss file I've made changes (font-size and color) but I don't know how the css file is generated. Because I can't see changes in css file.
In Laravel documentation I see that css is generated in this way: mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
but I don't know how to run this command.

If you have installed node and npm in your machine and already run below command
npm install
Then you need to follow two step.
Step-1:In your project root folder,there is file name wbpack.mix.js or your/project/dir/wbpack.mix.js and you may edit this file as you want
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
| Mix Asset Management
| Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining some Webpack build steps
| for your Laravel application. By default, we are compiling the Sass
| file for the application as well as bundling up all the JS files.
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
Step-2: After editing this file, you need to run this command
npm run dev
with this command compiling would be start and after ending,you may reload your browser to see the changes. cntrl+F5 for fresh loading.
Otherwise download node & install it,npm will came over with node. And run first command and follow those two step.
Tip: if you changes your scss file or js constanly for the time being, you may run this command
npm run watch
Because,if you have changes in your scss and js file,you need to run over and over npm run dev to recompile your code.But if you have run npm run watch, it will automatically recompile,whenever you hit cntrl+s.

Before compiling your CSS, install your project's frontend dependencies using the Node package manager (NPM):
npm install
Once the dependencies have been installed using npm install, you can compile your SASS files to plain CSS using Laravel Mix. The npm run dev command will process the instructions in your webpack.mix.js file.
npm run dev


Single File component export - not using vuetify styling

I have a vuetify project (Windows / VSCODE).
Our plan is to create components for our internal teams to use - no NPM.
I created a hello-world.vue component and ran a script (below) from package.json to create a dist folder with that component. This works fairly well, but in another application demo.html or such the Vuetify Button v-btn does not have any of the styling from vuetify... The script creates the individual components based off the vue file.
script executed to generate components "buildSFC": "cross-env vue-cli-service build --target wc --name jcdc-sfc 'src/components/*.vue'"
What am I missing to get VUETIFY styling and such?
See GIT HUB for code:
If you pull the git down, in a vue command line execute this script: npm run buildSFC
Then look for a dist folder in the project and open the html file in chrome to see the issue.
So see what it is suppose to look like (the button) execute: nmp run serve
Your publicPath in vue.config.js probably defaults to / which is you root drive. So if you have it running on Windows and on your C: drive then your demo.html will look in C:\ for the files.
Add a publicPath: "./" to your vue config.
Also check your package-json scripts. buildLib has a ./src/ but buildSFC does not.

How to get started with NodeJS and Sass project, so I can customize bootstrap 4 theme

I want to customize Bootstrap 4 theme such as colors, fonts, etc..
I read the instructions from Bootstrap website saying that I need to create custom.scss file and import Bootstrap’s source Sass files like this
// Custom.scss
// Your variable overrides
$body-bg: #000;
$body-color: #111;
// Bootstrap and its default variables
#import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
I'm new to both Sass and NodeJS and I do not know how to get started with a NodeJS and Sass project.
I went as far as installing NodeJS and Sass on my Mac using brew. I also installed Bootstrap by typing:
npm install bootstrap
This is the most progress I have made. I do not know in which path the bootstrap files are installed when I did the command npm install bootstrap and also I do not know how to bring that Bootstrap installation into my project folder.
Could anyone please provide some information or point me to a resource on how to get started with a NodeJS and Sass project so I can customize Bootstrap 4 theme using Sass.
You have to run the npm install bootstrap command inside your project directory. Bootstrap and its files will then be installed into the directory node_modules/bootstrap inside your project directory.
Now, when placing your custom scss files into this folder, they will be able to access the node_modules directory, in which bootstrap is.
You can then create a custom building pipeline using npm tools for compiling scss files to css. This requires more in-depth knowledge on node.js and NPM, but that is the usual and recommended way of doing it.
If you just want to compile the scss once and work with the css from there without having to use node.js more in depth, you can use packages like scss-compile and then use console commands like node-sass -rw scssFiles -o cssOutputFiles to compile your custom theme once.

How to make SASS work in Symfony3 project?

I have a Symfony3 project and want to use SASS for my stylesheets.
I have looked up many pages and found Assetic related threads - but no "real" explanation, how to integrate SASS in a Symfony3 project.
Can't be too difficult, can it?
I would be glad to hear any hint or complete "how to" - thanks a bunch!
I create a separate frontend build process using NPM for this which can handle all images, SASS/CSS, and JS with compression etc. and then add a build step to generate everything.
If you don't have NPM, follow instructions to install:
Initialise the project by running npm init in your project directory.
Install some tools for compiling and compressing:
npm install node-sass --save-dev this compiles SASS to CSS
npm install postcss-cli --save-dev this processes compiled CSS
npm install cssnano --save-dev this minifies CSS and is used as a plugin for postcss
npm install autoprefixer --save-dev this adds moz, webkit and vendor prefixes and is used as a plugin for postcss
npm install npm-run-all --save-dev this isn't strictly necessary but allows you to group commands which is helpful as you add more steps.
Once you've got these dependencies installed, you can add your build scripts. Open package.json and modify the scripts key.
"name": "your-project-name",
"scripts": {
"build-task:scss-compile": "node-sass --source-map true app/Resources/sass/app.sass -o web/css",
"build-task:css-minify": "postcss web/css/app.css --use cssnano autoprefixer -d web/css",
"build": "npm-run-all -p build-task:*"
You can now run npm run build. build-task:scss-compile will compile your SASS into a single, uncompressed CSS file in the web/css directory which can be linked to in your templates. Then build-task:css-minify will compress it and add any vendor prefixes to the CSS.
You can add more build tasks as mentioned above and chain them in this way. You can also add file watchers and a watch command which will run the build scripts when any watched files are modified.
Don't forget to add node_modules to your .gitignore file.
The reason I opt for a separate process over something like Assetic and leafo/scss as outlined in the Symfony docs is that Assetic filters add a lot of overhead to responses as they compress things on the fly which will slow down development considerably. It also separates concerns between application and presentation and gives you more flexibility to later build on and adapt your front end without touching your application.
EDIT: Here is a gist of a package.json file that will also copy jQuery, FontAwesome, anything in the assets directory including any images or fonts, compile and minify JavaScripts, after checking them for errors and create required directories if they don't already exist and a file watcher for building when files are modified:

Bootstrap npm install using package.json creating huge amount of files

I am currently trying bootstrap and attempting to use grunt to process my less source files and generate my css.
I have achieved this by installing bootstrap and grunt via npm and then copying the generated bootstrap folder over to my project folder.
I have then run npm install to setup grunt based on the bootstrap package.json.
Once the install has completed the boostrap directory contains over 20 thousand files.. is this normal?
I also wanted to change the directory from a css directory within the myproject folder so my dir structure would look something like this
myproject/src/bootstrap - All the src grunt/less files would go here.
myproject/public/css/ - This would be the new dist directory for the resultant css files.
However I have attempted to adjust the Gruntfile.js in order to change the dist directory... but there I have not manged to get it to export to anything outside of the source bootstrap directory?

Error while executing grunt command

While trying to execute grunt command.
I have used yeoman, bower, generator-angular and grunt with nodejs in windows 7.
Everything worked fine. And I have added font-awesome with bower-install, and to update my html I executed grunt wiredep.
it throws the following error.
Also my bower components are outside app folder, But in index file it started with bower_compontents/jquery/dist/jquery.js instead ../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js.
The problem is with the node modules.
I just deleted it and executed npm install again. All worked well :-)
Change bower_components path
in .bowerrc file, I have changed the directory path. :-)
