Is AMP possible with WordPress website built with Timber (Twig) - wordpress

I tried different approaches( Wordpress Plugins) to make a WordPress site AMP compatible which is built on Timber(Twig). I did try "AMP by AMP Project Contributors" + "AMP for WP by Ahmed Kaludi, Mohammed Kaludi" but both of them didn't come up with the expected output.
"AMP by AMP Project Contributors" won't be picking the WP post images, Menus, etc.
"AMP for WP by Ahmed Kaludi, Mohammed Kaludi" gives lot of options like their layouts for AMP Pages but we might need to keep the look and feel in an identical way.
Does it needs to develop from scratch to make this AMP-compatible or is there other workarounds we can easily implement?

AMP Pages but we might need to keep the look and feel in an identical way
That is really hard to achieve. The complete AMP Project is based upon rules wich regulates the output in the frontend of a website to achive the boost of performance. Your complete Backend setup (Timber(Twig)) doesn't have a direct touchpoint to your problem.
I would recommend this two options:
Choose a AMP ready theme wich is close to your current one
Develop a Theme from scratch / edit the theme as a childtheme in order to achieve an identical design (both of your plugins might will help you - not together for sure)


Intergrating WordPress Plugins into a bootstrap site

I hope you do not mind if I ask a general questions regarding bootstrap and WordPress.
I have created a website using just bootstrap. I am trying to set up an Appointment Booking System on it. I know that in WordPress there is a good plugin for this that would work well.
I have two questions regarding the above statement.
Is there a way that I can keep my customized bootstrap theme and integrate a WordPress plug in into my site without having to build the site from scratch in WordPress.
2) Is there a way to load my bootstrap code into the WordPress portal (so it is a customized bootstrap site) but that I would be able to use all of the available WordPress plugins.
Unfortunatly, if you want to use your custom html you need to create a custom WordPress theme. By the way, this is not difficult at all, and if you have already your static files setted up, splitting them in a theme is almost straigth forward.
Before stepping into it and start trying some good starter blank themes (underscores, timber, root etc..) my advice is: follow a simple guide and learn core WordPress theme hierarchy, then you'll be able to do almost anything.
This is the first guid I found but - ehi - Google is your best friend!

Wordpress theme not appears as shown

I have been trying to develop my first WordPress theme. When I added a theme "primer" and started customizing it, it appears as an image.
The primer theme appearing as shown not as it is shown in demo
Can you give a little more detail. Normally themes are generally blank and often never look like the picture. Its up to you to use the themes composer, purchase a composer if your theme does not have one, or hand codde the site only using the theme for an overall look. For instance my theme I use a mix. I installed it and got a blank theme. I then used the composer to add elements and build out the page. Some themes even offer templates which is likely what you saw when you bought the theme. Your theme should have some sort of templates for free or premium templates for purchase you can add on top of your theme to get a prebuilt layout. I would highly enocourage watching a few youtube videos over themes and customizations and using to our advantage. Wordpress is a beast most people dont realize. Its not a change words and done. There are multiple other sites for that. I just finished my first one and its a bear. It take patience creativity and a basic understanding of Wordpress to operate, and some coding experience would greatly benefit to.

Is it possible to use a regular wordpress theme without wordpress functionality

First of all i don't have any experience on wordpress.. So please forgive my ignorance.. I've found a theme on themeforest. Unfortunately it's a wordpress theme. I want to develop my own admin panel. I don't want to use wordress. Is it possible?
Anything is possible, however this is a gum in hair scenario. Ask the theme author if there is an HTML version which is common on ThemeForest. If you do try to "extract" the layout:
Begin with the stylesheet and match up the styles with each page template's markup.
Also, why not use WordPress? The Redux theme options framework is very easy to use.
Since a wordpress theme is just a bunch of html/css/js/php files, yes, it is possible. Depending on what language/framework will used backend side, the easiest way would be to extract the html/css/js parts of the theme and than add your own "content-placeholders" which will be used by your own backend.
But: Think twice about doing this. First, there could be a conflict with the license of the theme (depending on what type of license is used by the author of the theme). And more important, second, you should think twice about building your own backend.
For the case this isn't an experiment and you're building a productive website, building you're own backend is a lot of work. Unless you need some special functionalities (or you would like to keep it very slim and basic), I would suggest using a ready made CMS for this - like wordpress.
My opinion: 95% of self-made backends for basic cms features I've seen (and was forced to work with) are very messy and far beyond available open source cms. It seems like many people don't balance the pros and cons of building an own CMS-backend and undervalue the effort to build a state-of-the-art CMS.

Adding a CMS (wordpress) to a website?

I have made a site using html, css and javascript and is only on my local machine and have not put it onto a server yet, but i was wondering if i could use a cms on this site like wordpress? The site is only 5 pages but i have done all the styling myself.
Would i just have to install wordpress to the server and add the files there maybe? Or is there a lot of changes needed to make this work?
I have very little knowledge of PHP but i am a quick learner if that counts for anything.
Thanks for help.
Simple answer: yes
More complicated answer: why?
If your site is only 5 pages, and you've custom designed and built your layout, then I'm not sure what WordPress will add for you.
That said, if you want to add a blog or the like, WP would certainly be nice to have.
If you want to go that route, you have a few options:
use WordPress for everything, using the 5 pages you made as 'pages' inside of WordPress. You'll have to modify what you built for that to some extent.
leave the 5 pages as-is but add WordPress 'next to it' and run the blog/cms content from there. It can look the same, or maybe you want it to look a bit different.
leave your 5-page site as-is, and use WordPress or another CMS product on a separate server. You can set it up as a subdomain and then either install your own, or leverage something like Posterous or
The short answer to your question is:
it will take some effort, you won't be able to just drop the files and install wordpress and have everything work immediately. With some work, though, it is definitely possible.
If you've done the styling and you want to incorporate that into wordpress you'll have to go through the process of creating your own theme. Try this site to see what that requires. Alternatively, google "creating your own wordpress theme" or something similar.
It will require some extensive PHP work, but a lot of these tutorials have already done that heavy lifting for you. In any case, it will be worth it for your to pick up some PHP skills, enough to follow along the tutorials.
I had to do this myself and what you can do is integrate your design into an existing design. You could just create your own theme, which takes some time but it is the correct way to do it.
I knew 0 php and I was able to create my own theme in a few hours. Best of luck.
I'm not sure what you mean "add the files there", I assume you means that use a WordPress-based website to display your site, then you can simple create a page by WordPress and then link this page to your site.
But if you means to create a wordpress theme which based on your existing site, then you can search a tutorial and follow it to create a wordpress theme by yourself. Making a wordpress theme will needs some PHP work, but not complicate, wordpress has very detailed documations and API.
I would suggest using the Umbraco CMS for it. The advantage is that you start with an empty site, add your css, js, and create your own content types, paste in your HTML for the templates, and you're ready to go. It is a perfect CMS for few page sites to larger sites and also has a great community around it, including lots of documentation and screencasts. Templating is done with the Razor syntax, very easy to learn and lots of documentation. You'll need to have a Microsoft-based server to host it and this may be a barrier depending on your hosting scenario.

Can a WordPress site be made to be more than a blog?

I want to use WordPress for my personal website, but it isn't going to be structured like a blog. Can someone help me with a few concerns I have before I get too deep into it?
I want it to have a main page, and a hierarchy of content pages. Can I make the default page be a home page, and not a big chronological listing of posts?
I see that the DotNetNuke CMS has built-in support for auto generating your menus based on the pages you create. Does WordPress have anything like this?
Can I make the blog post section come up in a sub-directory like
Is there anything about WordPress that makes it an obvious bad choice for a general purpose website? Does it have extensibility for thinks like shopping carts or whatever in case I want to add them in the future? I just want to make sure I am not doing something stupid by choosing a blogging software for a general purpose website with future requirements that aren't yet known.
Yes, current versions of Wordpress support designating a content page as the home page.
Yes, Wordpress will generate a set of nested lists that represent your content pages; it would be the job of the theme to style this into an appropriate menu (and most themes do not).
You can set up your permalink structure to do this, yes.
Wordpress is a good choice up to a point for many kinds of web sites, but if you want to integrate with a shopping cart or other complex application, I'd suggest looking at Drupal instead. Wordpress's developer ecosystem is mostly set up around extending its existing capabilities (blogging and content management) not on adding other unrelated functionality. Drupal is much more of a general-purpose framework for any kind of application or site.
I've set up Wordpress for several non-blog sites without issue.
Yes, you can create a static Page in Wordpress and set it as the default page. Read more about Wordpress Pages here:
Yes, you can generate menus of Pages, both flat and hierarchal. Most themes will include a Page sidebar that will show Pages you have created. You can of course code and style your own to your liking. For example, this bit of php will pull out the top level Pages in your hierarchy and generate html for a series of <li> elements:
Yes, you can have the blog section come up as a subdirectory.
Wordpress is a fine choice for a general purpose personal or even small business website. It only takes a little effort to convert your own custom layout into a Wordpress Theme, or you can choose from thousands of ready made Themes. You can do a lot with the base install, and its always being updated. Plugins and Widgets allow you to add all sorts of new functionality to Wordpress with ease. If all else fails, you can always write your additions own with a little effort.
That said, Wordpress is primarily blogging software. It has some decent CMS features, but its not the core focus. If you aren't going to do any actual blogging, Drupal is a solid option.
I'm not a heavy user of WordPress but my feeling for it is that it is primarily a blogging tool. It sounds like you want a full CMS. I'd have a look at Drupal (as PSU_Kardi suggests) or Joomla. Both have built-in support for or add-ons for blogs, e-Commerce, ...
2: Multi-level navigation plugin:
4: Some e-commerce plugins:
Yes, available by default, configurable via control panel
Yes, it's usually on by default on modern templates (unless you're using something extremely exotic)
Yes, you can do pretty much everything with permalinks
I really don't see a reason why wouldn't you choose wordpress... many plugins available for this platform can do almost everything - even more than standard cms solutions. There are SEO plugins, e-commerce plugins, security plugins, forum plugins, modern anti-spam protection, design enhancements, advanced templates with easy to use control panels...
