Endpoint is not supported - microsoft-cognitive

I am trying to use the Face API of Microsoft Cognitive services.
And when I attempt to consume createALargeFaceList, I receive:
Enpoint https://mycompany.cognitiveservices.azure.com/ is not supported.
How can I solve this?

Pls have a check that if you created a Face API service correctly on Azure portal :


WorkFront API - How to create Project Request object

I am trying to use the WorkFront API. I got the API key created and am able to create a project with a name and status. However, what we need is creation of Project Request with request type being a drop down of one of the Request Queues. Does Workfront APIs support this. If so, can anyone provide guidance on this. I went through API Basics and API Explorer and do not see any objects for Project Request under API Explorer.
I figured it out later. A project request is nothing but an issue. We just needed to use the issue API to create the project request.

Need help to configure API connect with datapower

I wanted to secure my microservices built in api connect using Oauth for that i need to use datapower as authorization server.
Is there any step by step document/example to configure API connect to use Datapower Gateway API gateway.
Any help will be appreciated.
Using the API Designer from API Connect, you can create OAuth-based security for your microservice app that uses DataPower as the OAuth provider. Are you familiar with the API Designer and the API Connect toolkit?
OAuth 2.0 is supported by the Micro Gateway only from version 5.0.3 and onwards but as you have DataPower you are fine. The interface/GUI is much better though in later versions of v5.
Did you see this: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSFS6T/com.ibm.apic.toolkit.doc/tutorial_apionprem_security_OAuth.html
Or this:
Check out Lab 4 here:
The Lab software/setup is also found in that GitHub account!
Reinstalling and Configuring DataPower worked for me it concludes that there was a problem with initial configurations.

How to send data from rest api to a kaa server

How to send data from rest api to kaa server without using the sdk
the above it is possible or i only can push new data using the sdk ?
I tried use the api methods but i don't know what is the appropriate
Don't think you would be able to use anything other than example SDK to send data to Kaa. Kaa SDKs have implicit info about the schemas used in the kaa server. You can use a sample SDK and modify for your own use.
REST log appender provided with kaa is very easy to use. If you face any problem then you can search for other questions related to kaa REST log appender and you would be able to find a solution. If not, pls ask for help on your specific error msg or issue. You can also refer to the question asked here

How to protect REST API with wso2 IS?

I now have a NodeJS REST API. It is CRUD service.
Does anyone know how to secure/protect my APIs step by step with wso2 OAuth2?
If you simply want to protect your REST API with OAuth2 use the WSO2 API Manager.
You can follow the quick start guide to get started.
Details related to adding your API and enabling OAuth2 protection is mentioned here in the quick start guide.

Push data in Microsoft Health Cloud Service

The available API provided only exposes methods for getting activity details information. Is there an option to push data in this service ?
Microsoft Health Cloud API
No, the current preview version of the Microsoft Health Cloud API does not expose a means to add data to the service.
