how to display only single date in kibana date histogram - kibana

In Kibana Date Histogram date is displaying multiple times like below
2019-12-11 2019-12-11 2019-12-12 2019-12-12 2019-12-13 2019-12-13 -> but i need only one time to appear like this
2019-12-11 2019-12-12 2019-12-13

For your date histogram try selecting minimum interval as "Daily". It should not be Auto as that may select the interval in different way.


Calculating time between different rows

I am having issues coming up with a solution to calculate the difference in time between two dates that are not in the same row. For instance I have the following data:
dates_edited end_fast_c start_fast_c
1 4/1/21 2021-04-01 12:00:00 2021-04-01 21:30:00
2 4/2/21 2021-04-02 12:30:00 2021-04-02 23:30:00
I was using mutate(hours_fasted = difftime(start_fast_c,end_fast_c))
Which will only calculate between the same line. Is there a way for me to calculate between line 2 and 1 so that I could do the time between 2021-04-01 21:30 and 2021-04-02 12:30?
You could use difftime as already suggested by camille:
In case your datetimes are not in dttm format you could use ymd_hms function from lubridate package
Using window function lag from dplyr package gives you the possibility to calculate the difference from one row below.
adding units argument you could get the difference in minutes with mins or hours with hours etc...
df %>%
mutate(across(ends_with("_c"), ymd_hms)) %>%
mutate(time_diff_min = difftime(end_fast_c, lag(start_fast_c), units = "mins"))
dates_edited end_fast_c start_fast_c time_diff_min
<chr> <dttm> <dttm> <drtn>
1 4/1/21 2021-04-01 12:00:00 2021-04-01 21:30:00 NA mins
2 4/2/21 2021-04-02 12:30:00 2021-04-02 23:30:00 900 mins
You can generate a sheet in a spreadsheet and populate it with formulas and data, then retrieve results programmatically if a sheet is not your preferred output.
In Google Sheets (and maybe others), you can label a calculated cell as 'duration' using the '123' dropdown menu.
I entered your four time values in A1, A2 and B1 B2, changing their display formats to make sure they were entered correctly.
Then in cell C1 I entered the formula B1-A2 and got 9:00:00
Cell C1 can be formatted differently and\or used as the source of further formulas obviously.

Plot the values of different days of a variable in one same plot from 0-24h

I need to overlay multiple days of a variable onto one plot. The values are recorded in a non-uniform way. Say there can be two values with a second of difference and others with a minute from the prior value.
I have a dataset called eventos which has a column named fecha as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss and a column named velocidad, both as a factor and I need to compare the values recorded according to the time of the day.
I have created and xts variable xts.velocidad using the dates as POSIXct which, just for visualization purposes, I can separate in days to plot alone as xts.velocidad["20180924"].
The post that follows by Bruno Caram Muller and answered by Jimbou almost answer my question but not close enough to what I am looking for:
How to plot data in R from different days overlayed in only one day (based on hours:minutes)?
[1] 2018-09-27 13:32:45 2018-09-27 13:32:46 2018-09-27 13:32:48
[4] 2018-09-27 13:32:49 2018-09-27 13:32:54 2018-09-27 13:32:55
1407340 Levels: 2018-09-27 13:32:45 2018-09-27 13:32:46 ... 2019-02-26 13:33:34
[1] 2222 2222 2340 2340 2570 2570
I wish to have a code to simply plot one day on top of another where I can differentiate each day`s record.

Binning and making histogram for dates in R

I am new to using dates in R so sorry if this is a basic question. I have a data set that has the name of fracking wells and their job end date as listed below:
df =
`WellName JobEndDate
1 WILLIAM VALENTINE 1 5/19/1982 12:00:00 AM
2 LIZARD HEAD 1-8H RE 2/7/1995 12:00:00 AM
3 North Westbrook Unit/Well No. 3032 6/11/1996 12:00:00 AM
4 Olene Reagan 3-1 12/13/2001 12:00:00 AM
5 CNX3 9/22/2008 12:00:00 AM
7 CNX2 1/22/2009 12:00:00 AM`
It is a large file with about 100,000 entries that go until 2017. I want to create a histogram based on the job end date. To do that, I figured I would place the dates into bins, breaking by months. However, I am struggling with placing them into bins so that each month has a number corresponding to how many wells were finished in each month. Therefore, I am also struggling with the histogram. I would appreciate any help!! Thank you!
First, extract month from every date
df$months <- month(df$JobEndDate)
Then, make your plot:
ggplot(df, aes(x='months')) + geom_histogram()
# alternate

Expression in SSIS - Derived column to change the Date from the last SIX days

I am working on SSIS and my question is I am having an XML file data in that data one column header is TIMESTAMP and the TIMESTAMP sample data is here:
2013-08-02 00:15:00
2013-08-03 00:30:00
2013-08-04 00:45:00
2013-08-05 08:45:00
2013-08-06 08:45:01
2013-08-08 08:45:02
In the above data, I have to change the Date to:
2017-06-02 00:15:00
2017-06-03 00:30:00
2017-06-04 00:45:00
2017-06-05 08:45:00
2017-06-06 08:45:01
2017-06-08 08:45:02
So, How can I write an Expression in the Derived Column to change the Date from last six days? Without Changing the 'TimeReading' that is side to the Date.
That means the Date should change and pop up from previous 6 days and TimeReading next to the Date should be same as previous data.
What I did:
In the Expression, if I give GETDATE() output is populating with today's date and the TimeReading is populating with 00:00:00.
If I give GETDATE()-1, output is populating with the previous date and TimeReading is populating with 00:00:00,
But I need to get the continuous date from the last six days with the same TimeReading.
Can anyone help?
I believe what you want to look at is the DateAddFunction. I think you are asking to subtract 6 days from the date in TimeReading (not sure because your example shows 2 days or 1 day). But regardless, for 6 days:
Create a new field using DerivedColumn to contain this new value.

r time interval plot

time count
2017-03-08 19:33 1
2017-03-23 22:11 1
2017-03-30 3:30 10
2017-03-09 19:33 13
2017-03-23 22:11 1
2017-03-31 3:30 1
this data is about how fast consumers comments write
so I want to make a plot which I can easily know about how fast comments on.
For example,
In X axis, time series starts from 2017-03-08
through same interval(seconds or minute) there is a bar plot
so if the comments write speed is fast, the bar plot is dense.
and then time goes on, spped is not that fast, the bar plot is not dense
how can I make it?
cc5<-dt[, tdiff := difftime(cc, shift(cc, fill=cc[1L]), units="secs"),
using this code, I can make difftime column
I have one more problem time column is character type
so I try to change it to date type using as.Date it doesn't work
so I change it to POSIXct type
I think to make X axis in time series I need to change date type
I'm not 100% sure that I'm really understanding the result that you want,
but generally when I want to put dates in the x-axis, I go to Understanding dates and plotting a histogram with ggplot2 in R
and use Gauden's Code v1. If you have successfully changed the character into a POSIXct time, as.Date() should work fine.
