I am using ionic DevApp (ionic v4) for the first time, i’m trying to display a json object using the function console.log(). when i run the application in ionic DevApp i see the object only displays in the commande line console (cli) not in the remote devices from google.
Please, is there anyone of you who knows how to solve this issue.
Thank you in advance.
As far as I know, this is not possible. If you want to see the console output, add the parameter -c to the ionic serve:
ionic s -c --devapp
this will output the console in the terminal, but you will not have it as pretty as in Chrome.
Anyway, in my experience, DevApp is not a good solution whatsoever. On one hand, you have the console issue, on the other, plugins will not work. There is no significant pro compared to see your app in the browser directly.
I think you would rather use the --livereload modifier when running the app. This will make the app to quick recompile and reload every time you save some change (just like in ionic serve). You will get the Chrome inspector, your plugins will work normally and your app will quickly recompile and reload on any change save. Just run this:
ionic cordova run android --device --livereload
I have a multi-page web application written in Flutter which uploaded on Firebase hosting . All the pages work fine but half of the homepage is grey. Photo attached. Really appreciate for help.
Also, I'm getting this error when I run: flutter run -d chrome --release
Oops; flutter has exited unexpectedly: "ProcessException: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event
log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
Command: C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --user-data-dir=C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Temp\flutter_tools.2b59d482\flutter_tools_chrome_device.4fad7966 --remote-debugging-port=2576 --disable-background-timer-throttling --disable-extensions --disable-popup-blocking --bwsi --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check
--disable-default-apps --disable-translate http://localhost:11541".
I have also faced same issue while host web app in firebase.
the issue is not in firebase host. the issue is in your code. your code will completely work in debug mode. but not in released mode.
check every warning in logs.
it is mostly happen because of wrong use of expanded or flexible widget
Does anyone know if it's possible to start an android app with appium using just the intentAction and URL as optionalIntentArguments? This is to test against an expo app in local dev mode running in the Expo client app; I am basically copying what the expo-cli does, but in appium/webdriver tests.
I can get it to work via adb directly (e.g. adb shell am start -a "android.intent.action.VIEW" -d "exp://" but I have to leave out the appPackage and appActivity, which are (I think!) mandatory with appium desktop app at least. I actually hacked in changing appium's validation to not require an appPackage and appActivity when the intent is provided, and then leave that out of the subsequent adb command, which works, but was wondering if there was an intended/official way to do it? I'm happy to PR what I have if not, but figured someone else might be trying to do the same thing.
(If anyone knows how to launch dev expo for iOS I am also currently trying to work that out!)
I'm having some trouble integrating my app with the parse4cn1 lib. I followed the tutorial published on this link and the app registers normally on the Parse Server as an installation but when I try to send a push to Android devices they simply aren't being sent.
I haven't tried on iOS yet, since I figured I'd start with Android, and I'm working with a new GUI Builder app if maybe that affects something for any reason.
Thanks for your help.
Ok, I have found the problem, it was related to parse not the parse4cn1 lib. I'm actually new with parse and backend in general, I wasn't aware I had to run the pm2 restart command after modifying the cloud code.
It's working now, thanks!
It runs just fine on the iPhone. When I select the Watch App Target, however, it simply won't run on the watch.
I don't get any errors or anything. I can see the app downloading on the Watch sometimes; when it does download, it deletes itself the moment the download is complete.
I've tried uninstalling the watch app and reinstalling via the Apple Watch app on the iPhone, and the same thing happens: it downloads and deletes itself before I can run it.
I've also reset the watch, reset Xcode, deleted the iOS app, and just about everything else I could possibly think off, but I'm starting to lose my mind.
The problem started happening when I (attempted to) set up the Watch Connectivity framework. I don't know if this is related. I've been unable to verify that WC is working properly as I can't open the app.
I've been lucky enough to get it to actually load on the watch only a few times since integrating WC framework, but even when I have, all I got was the loading screen for about a minute each time.
I'm now seeing some consistent behavior.
I'm now able to debug my app by launching the watch app via Xcode. The app icon does not appear at all on the watch when this happens, however. (Weirdly enough, it shows the launch screen for a different watch app when launching.) So I can't run the app at all unless it is launched from Xcode.
Also, I am not able to download the app to the watch via the phone. I want to be able to run it outside of debug mode, and I can't. When I attempt to install it from the Apple Watch iOS9 app, the install begins, I see the icon on the watch as it downloads, and just as it finishes, it deletes itself from the watch before I can run it. This just keeps happening.
Please help!
Make sure your Apple Watch device ID is in your provisioning profile.
So, this kind of sucks as an answer, but I've had enough.
I decided to copy all of my code and storyboards into a new Xcode project. The Watch App now works exactly as it should. Hopefully Apple sorts out these bugs in an update.
I believe repairing the watch would help as well. I had the same problem before and the only thing which helped was repairing the watch.
I also have other issues debugging the watch app properly - see my question here Proper way to debug watchos2 app in XCode7
I made an complicated app that captures screen shot by html2canvas.js on Meteor.
It works well except the below condition.
1. deployed to the server without --debug option. and,
2. client is iOS Safari.
(If you make a simple capturing app by html2canvas.js, it works well for all conditions. So I said "an complicated app", mean that the app includes other libraries.)
What is the essential difference between without --debug option and with --debug option?
(it may be joined or separated, or uglified or not, but they are equivalent.)
Apparently this phenomenon shows they are not equivalent.
Are there any possibilities that the code has interferences by joining files just on iOS?
And how can I debug this problem efficiently?
The problem disappeared once I deployed with --debug option and re-deployed without --debug.
It might be related to browser cache policy on iOS.
In debug mode your code isn't minified and packaged into single files. So there are two modes debug and production. When you use meteor deploy without --debug your code is heavily optimized for speed. You would notice this with the time it takes for your app to load on your phone.
If the app works with the --debug option only it means you have some kind of javascript error in your app.
When an app is minified all the files are concatenated into a single file. If there is a single error in your code somewhere the rest of the code will not execute. In --debug mode the error is still there but because the files are seperated the other files aren't affected by the error.
You should use the javascript console in chrome/safari to look for the error and fix it before you deploy your app. If you're on a mac the easiest way to bring it up is Cmd + Alt + J.
Typically in meteor this is caused by you accessing the collection before its downloaded. Something like trying to get doc.date and doc is still undefined so it throws a null reference exception.