I have created view with 3 fields.
title: type: text.
image. type: image.
video. type: file.
How to get the value of each of these fields in my view twig.
Here's my code:
{% for row in rows %}
<div>{{ row.content.title}}</div>
<img src="{{ row.content.image}}"/>
<video controls="controls" src="{{ row.content.video }}"></video>
{% endfor %}
for any one have struggled with this is how I found it.
{% for row in rows %}
<div>{{ row.content['#row']._entity.title[0].value }}</div>
<img src="{{file_url(row.content['#row']._entity.field_image.entity.fileuri)}}"/>
<video controls="controls" src="{{file_url(row.content['#row']._entity.field_video.entity.fileuri)}}"></video>
{% endfor %}
I'm building my first Timber Wordpress theme and using the timber-starter-theme. I have a custom content type with custom fields (fields added using WCK plugin). I haven't touched single.php file, just building the twig template. 'team_church_slide' is a repeating field to add images to go into a Slick carousel. My template section is:
{% set slickSlider = post.team_church_slideshow %} {# the field group #}
{% set slickSlide = post.get_image('team_church_slide') %} {# the field #}
{% if slickSlider %}
<div class="slick-slider">
{% for slides in slickSlider %}
<li><img src="{{ slickSlide.src }}" alt="{{ slickSlide.alt }}"></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
This returns the image correctly, but three copies of the first image, not the three different images which are uploaded. If I remove an uploaded image, two copies of the first image are shown.
Is there something to change in the twig to get all the images?
Figured this out thanks to something in this post:
Get first row from ACF Repeater using Timber
Here's my final working template section:
{% set slickSlider = post.team_church_slideshow %}
{% if slickSlider %}
<div class="slick-slider">
{% for slides in slickSlider %}
{% set slickSlide = TimberImage(slides.team_church_slide) %}
<li class="slide">
<img src="{{ slickSlide.src }}" alt="{{ slickSlide.alt }}">
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
The only real change was 'post.get_image' to 'TimberImage' & moving the set inside the for-loop.
I encounter a problem with the way Drupal renders Global Custom text.
I need to use Custom text field in my view to wrap fields. The body field has some "style" element inside the HTML but they are removed.
{% if field_titre_rubrique is defined and field_titre_rubrique|length %}
<div class="ancre" id="{{ field_ordre_rubrique }}">
<h1 class="ancreMenu">{{field_titre_rubrique}}</h1>
{% if body is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if field_pdf is defined %}
{% endif %}
<div>{{ edit_node }}</div>
{% endif %}
Do I have a solution to keep "style" elements ?
You can use {{ body|raw }} but be sure that you can do this safely.
More about this topic: https://www.drupal.org/node/2296163
I want to use an if statement in my twig for cycle - if object(variable) contains one element(row) - then add this html code snippet,
And here's what I'm trying,
{% for course in courses %}
<a href="{{ course.courseLink }}"class="courses">
<div class="picture"><img src="{{ asset('/bundles/dproc/assets/images/courses- example.jpg') }}" alt="news-1" title="news-1" /></div>
<div class="title"><h2>{{ course.courseTitle }}</h2></div>
<div class="info">
{{ course.courseContent }}
{% endfor %}
at the moment courses contains only one element. My task is to add a div element if it contains only one element.
How can I do that in twig?
You can use this function to check the length of an array
{% if courses|length == 1 %}
{# print div#}
{% endif %}
I'm attempting to make a form that builds a slider. It can have any number of images and I'd like to show a preview of already-uploaded images. Getting the multiple image field set up was easy enough, but I'm getting caught up on showing a preview of the image.
I'm using this template to render the "Slider Image" field:
{% block form_widget_simple %}
{% spaceless %}
<div class="form-widget slider">
{% set type = type|default('text') %}
{% if type == 'file' and value is not empty %}
<img src="{{ value }}" width="200"/><br/>
{% endif %}
<input type="{{ type }}" {{ block('widget_attributes') }} {% if value is not empty %}value="{{ value }}" {% endif %}/>
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock form_widget_simple %}
The value variable is always empty on file input types, so I'm not sure how I can get at the url of the uploaded images. I am using a custom field type that simply adds a file field and hooks up the data source (which is just a simple wrapper around Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File). If you need this code let me know, but its all boilerplate stuff so I doubt you do.
Thanks in advance.
Symfony2 FileType doesn't have value, its owerwritten in buildView method.
But you access it via forms.vars.data
{% if type == 'file' and form.vars.data is not null %}
{# Here you should somehow generate url to file but let assume
you have it in "/path/to/file/" folder that is accessible through web server #}
<img src="/path/to/file/{{ form.vars.data.name }}" /><br/>
{% endif %}
I want to add some content in Symfony 2. I do it as follow:
{% embed "sub.html.twig" %}
{% block sourcecode %}
<div class="tab-pane" id="5" name="textsource">
<textarea id="source" class="span6"></textarea>
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
When I run this then it is showing that it is unable to find sub.html.twig. What should I do??
And in sub.html.twig I am using the following code:
{% embed 'AcmeTaskBundle:Default:index.html.twig' with {} %}
Please try to change
{% embed "sub.html.twig" %}
{% embed "AcmeTaskBundle:Default:sub.html.twig" %}