HTTP message via browser - http

Is it possible to send a HTTP message to client via browser by typing
If so could you give me some link to such project or example code ?

Yes, it is, provided you have a http server listening on port 7777 of host that will get your message and do something with it.

Yes, you will get the message as the route or path in the server. The specific variable will vary depending on the language and framework you’re using.


Cannot send request from Postman via my IP

Strange thing - I have host API on localhost it works proper (via browser). It's a part of bigger project.
I use Postman for testing endpoints, and when I make request via localhost or 127:
Postman gives me Status 200 OK and fine data from API, but if I send request via my IP adress:
- then I see error like this: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
What does it cause? Is it correct or no?
Ok, I need to host my application on the outside.

Why Wireshark display filter does not show http packets?

When I use display filter for HTTP it shows only HTTP packets when HTTP message is on standard port i.e. on port 80. But, when message is not using standard port, then display filter not works for HTTP and I need to filter for TCP and then need to find out HTTP packets manually.
I want to know why this happen? Is it standard behavior or I am doing (or expecting) it wrongly.
I had to enable the HTTP protocol by doing the following:
"Analyze -> Enabled Protocols"
This solution was for version 1.12.2 (and disabled by default in
version 2.0.2) but should work for any variant of version 1 and 2.
If you have HTTP not on its usual port, you can use the "Analyze -> Decode As" tool in Wireshark to tell it to treat all traffic on this port as a certain protocol.
The well-known port for HTTP is port 80. If you're looking at traffic on a different port Wireshark would normally expect traffic to be in the form for whatever service normally uses that port (if any). It has no way to know that traffic on, say, port 1080 is actually HTTP. This is not a bug, but a limitation of the way you are trying to use TCP
I am using version 1.10.2 and it will classify any port as HTTP as long as it sees HTTP data in it.

QNetworkAccessManager and DNS resolution

I'm using qnetworkaccessmanager for making HTTP requests. The hostname (FQDN) of the server I connect to, has two IP addresses in DNS and I need to control which one to use. The obvious solution (change the URL's hostname to IP address) does not work, because the server sends back a 302 redirect with the original hostname in the location field. If I follow the redirect, QT seems to randomly choose which IP it connects to.
Is there a way to tell qnetworkaccessmanager to use a given IP address on the TCP connect() level and use the Host header from the URL ? If not, any workaround suggestions are appreciated.
Edit: using QT 4.7.4
This seems to work and is a simple workaround: set the QNetworkRequest's URL to contain the desired IP address to connect to in the host part, but also use setCustomHeader("Host", "<server hostname>") to avoid the redirection. In my tests, QT will always use the IP set in the URL.
You should be able to build a custom QNetworkRequest and specify the QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader to force a specific destination URL in case of a redirect. If you look at QNetworkAccessManager::sendCustomRequest (QNetworkAccessManager::sendCustomRequest doc), and QNetworkRequest::Attribute::RedirectionTarget and QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders it should give you some hints about it.
(footnote: I'm using the harmattan documentation as the proper Qt documentation is down as of time of answer)

How can i debug HTTP sessions using Fiddler, just like i did with TcpTrace?

Im trying to stop using TcpTrace and start working with Fiddler.
But i just can't setup fiddler to just start listening specified port and redirect all requests to the specified WS with another port.
All i want is just redirect and monitor all traffic from localhost:4747 -> webservice-ip:10000
Is there any solution for my problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Set Fiddler to listen on port 4747, and then edit your CustomRules.js (menu->Rules->Customize Rules). Putting something like this into the OnBeforeRequest method should help:
if ("localhost:4747") {"external:1000";
if you want all traffic passing through Fiddler to go to the external host, you can simply use"external:1000";
(where external is the hostname of the external host)

sending email using http protocol?

i've read on that it would be possible sending email using the http protocol - where can i find info about it?
i'm looking for a way to send a personalized newsletter off my server withouth putting heavy traffic on my webserver. would this be possible?
You can build such System. Run a Server side Script in PHP/perl/.net or anything that takes inputs like from, to, subject, body from GET/POST arguments and send the mail. and them use curl or do something similer to convey the information to that page and that page will eventually send the mails for You.
However If The SMTP server have an Web Interface then that one can also be used Similar way.
You cant. smtp or imap. At best you can have an http server which accepts mail and then talks smtp/imap with some mail server. Why do you think http would be less overhead?
In fact you don't have to increase the load on your webserver to send mail from your webserver domain. If the newsletter isn't too frequent you could simply have someone send it from any mail client.
If you want to automate. There's a php function too.
(also for java and perl)
