How to to print a plot based on function arguments in R? - r

I am trying to build a savings calculator. Eventually, I want to create an RShiny app, but before I do that, I want to make sure the code is perfect. Do what I want to do, I have to use three chunks, which are:
ks <- function (x) { number_format(accuracy = 1,
scale = 1/1000,
big.mark = ",")(x) }
savings <- function(years,apr,initial,investment) {
value <- numeric(years + 1)
value[1] <- initial
for (i in 1:years) value[i + 1] <- (value[i] + investment) * apr
data.frame(year = 0:years, value)
ggplot(data=savings(45,1.07,45000,15000),aes(x=year,y=value))+geom_line()+ scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 5)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = ks, breaks = seq(0, 400000000, by = 250000))+labs(x="Year",y="Value (thousands)")
I want to produce the ggplot as part of the "savings" function but I do not know how to integrate it.

You can save the dataframe in an object and use it in ggplot
savings <- function(years,apr,initial,investment) {
value <- numeric(years + 1)
value[1] <- initial
for (i in 1:years) value[i + 1] <- (value[i] + investment) * apr
df <- data.frame(year = 0:years, value)
ggplot(data=df,aes(x=year,y=value))+ geom_line() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 5)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = ks, breaks = seq(0, 400000000, by = 250000)) +
labs(x="Year",y="Value (thousands)")


Visualising evolution of SOM learning in 2-D

I am relatively new to data visualisation using R. However, I would like to use R to provide a visual demonstration of how a self-organising map (SOM) learns.
I wondered if someone could help with how to reproduce this types of examples in R, or direct me to reproducible code?
Just even some good pointers would be very help. I can't find anything like this in SOM documentation or R visualisation documentation.
Would be greatly appreciated.
rm(list = ls())
nx <- 20; ny <- 20
som.input <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x = seq(-1, 1, length.out = nx), y = seq(-1, 1, length.out = ny))) %>%
x.grid <- 10; y.grid <- 10
sgd <- somgrid(x.grid, y.grid,'hexagonal')
som.output <- list()
epoch <- 100
initial.matrix <- matrix(rnorm(x.grid * y.grid * ncol(som.input), 0, .1), nrow = x.grid * y.grid)
training.alpha <- seq(1, .01, length.out = epoch)
som.output[[1]] <- som(som.input, sgd, rlen = 1, init = initial.matrix, alpha = training.alpha[1], mode = 'online')
for(a in 2:epoch) {
som.output[[a]] <- som(som.input, sgd, rlen = 1, init = som.output[[a-1]]$codes[[1]], alpha = training.alpha[a], mode = 'online')
no.picture <- 16
index <- as.integer(seq(1, epoch, length.out = no.picture)) <- lapply(index, function(input) {
codes <- som.output[[input]]$codes[[1]] %>%
scale(attr(som.input, 'scaled:center'), attr(som.input, 'scaled:scale'))
data.frame(codes * (input / epoch), index = input),
expand.grid(column = 1:y.grid, rows = 1:x.grid)
}) <-,
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x, y),, color = 'red', size = 1.1) +
geom_point(aes(x, y),, size = 1.9) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = column), +
geom_path(aes(x, y, group = rows), +
facet_wrap(index ~ .) +
theme_bw() +
coord_equal() +
xlab('') + ylab('')

gam plots with ggplot

I need to create some gam plots in ggplot. I can do them with the general plot function, but am unsure how to do with ggplot. Here is my code and plots with the regular plot function. I'm using the College data set from the ISLR package.
train.2 <- sample(dim(College)[1],2*dim(College)[1]/3) <- College[train.2,] <- College[-train.2,] <- gam(Outstate~Private+s(Room.Board)+s(Personal)+s(PhD)+s(perc.alumni)+s(Expend)+s(Grad.Rate),
plot(, se=TRUE,col="blue")
See update below old answer.
Old answer:
There is an implementation of GAM plotting using ggplot2 in voxel library. Here is how you would go about it:
train.2 <- sample(dim(College)[1],2*dim(College)[1]/3) <- College[train.2,] <- College[-train.2,] <- gam(Outstate~Private+s(Room.Board)+s(Personal)+s(PhD)+s(perc.alumni)+s(Expend)+s(Grad.Rate),
vars <- c("Room.Board", "Personal", "PhD", "perc.alumni","Expend", "Grad.Rate")
map(vars, function(x){
p <- plotGAM(, smooth.cov = x) #plot customization goes here
g <- ggplotGrob(p)
}) %>%
{grid.arrange(grobs = (.), ncol = 2, nrow = 3)}
after a bunch of errors: In plotGAM(, smooth.cov = x) :
There are one or more factors in the model fit, please consider plotting by group since plot might be unprecise
To compare to the plot.gam:
plot(, se=TRUE,col="blue")
You might also want to plot the observed values:
map(vars, function(x){
p <- plotGAM(, smooth.cov = x) +
geom_point(data =, aes_string(y = "Outstate", x = x ), alpha = 0.2) +
geom_rug(data =, aes_string(y = "Outstate", x = x ), alpha = 0.2)
g <- ggplotGrob(p)
}) %>%
{grid.arrange(grobs = (.), ncol = 3, nrow = 2)}
or per group (especially important if you used the by argument (interaction in gam).
map(vars, function(x){
p <- plotGAM(, smooth.cov = x, groupCovs = "Private") +
geom_point(data =, aes_string(y = "Outstate", x = x, color= "Private"), alpha = 0.2) +
geom_rug(data =, aes_string(y = "Outstate", x = x, color= "Private" ), alpha = 0.2) +
scale_color_manual("Private", values = c("#868686FF", "#0073C2FF")) +
g <- ggplotGrob(p)
}) %>%
{grid.arrange(grobs = (.), ncol = 3, nrow = 2)}
Update, 08. Jan. 2020.
I currently think the package mgcViz offers superior functionality compared to the voxel::plotGAMfunction. An example using the above data set and models:
viz <- getViz(
print(plot(viz, allTerms = T), pages = 1)
plot customization is similar go ggplot2 syntax:
trt <- plot(viz, allTerms = T) +
l_points() +
l_fitLine(linetype = 1) +
l_ciLine(linetype = 3) +
l_ciBar() +
l_rug() +
print(trt, pages = 1)
This vignette shows many more examples.

saving ggplot in a list gives me the same graph

I am trying to plot 12 different plots on a 3 by 4 grid. But,it only plots the last one 12 times. Can any one help me? I am so fed up with it. Thanks
K_min = 0.0017
T = seq(100,1200,by=100) ## ISIs
lambda =1/T
for(i in (1:length(lambda))){
p[[i]]<-ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0, 1)), aes(x = x)) +
stat_function(fun = function (x) (lambda[i]*(1-(1-pmax))/K_min)*(1-x)^((lambda[i]/K_min)-1)*
(1-(1-pmax)*x)^-((lambda[i]/K_min)+1),colour = "dodgerblue3")+
scale_x_continuous(name = "Probability") +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Frequency") + theme_bw()
main <- grid.arrange(grobs=p,ncol=4)
This code produces the correct picture but I need to use ggplot since my other figures are in ggplot.
par( mfrow = c( 3, 4 ) )
for (i in (1:length(lambda))){
f <- function (x) ((lambda[i]*(1-(1-pmax))/K_min)*(1-x)^((lambda[i]/K_min)-1)*
(1-(1-pmax)*x)^-((lambda[i]/K_min)+1) )
curve(f,from=0, to=1, col = "violet",lwd=2,sub = paste0("ISI = ",round(1/lambda[i],3), ""),ylab="PDF",xlab="R")
Correct plot using curve:
ggplot objects created in a loop are evaluated at the end of the loop. Since all the ggplot objects in this case use data calculated with lambda[i], they get the same result based on the last i value (12). Here are two possible workarounds:
Workaround 1. Convert each ggplot object into a grob within the loop, & save that to the list:
for(i in (1:length(lambda))){
# code for generating each plot is unchanged
g <- ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0, 1)), aes(x = x)) +
stat_function(fun = function (x) (lambda[i]*(1-(1-pmax))/K_min)*(1-x)^((lambda[i]/K_min)-1)*
(1-(1-pmax)*x)^-((lambda[i]/K_min)+1),colour = "dodgerblue3")+
scale_x_continuous(name = "Probability") +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Frequency") + theme_bw()
p[[i]] <- ggplotGrob(g)
main <- grid.arrange(grobs=p, ncol=4)
Workaround 2. Put all the data in a data frame, & create a single ggplot with a facet for each ISI:
pmax = 0.85
K_min = 0.0017
ISI = seq(100, 1200, by = 100) # I changed this; using `T` as a name clashes with T from TRUE/FALSE
lambda = 1/ISI
df <- data.frame(
x = rep(seq(0, 1, length.out = 101), length(ISI)),
ISI = rep(ISI, each = 101),
l = rep(lambda, each = 101)
) %>%
mutate(y = (l * pmax / K_min) * (1-x) ^ ((l / K_min) - 1) *
(1 - (1 - pmax) * x)^-((l / K_min) + 1))
aes(x = x, y = y, group = 1)) +
geom_line(colour = "dodgerblue3") +
facet_wrap(~ISI, nrow = 3, scales = "free_y") +
labs(x = "Probability", y = "Frequency") +

Different colours for values above / below a linear trend line

I'm using ggplot to plot a time series with a linear regression line. I would like to have different colours for my time series depending on whether it is above or below the trend line.
Here is a code example to plot the series and the corresponding trend line with different colours for the series and the line:
x <- seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), as.Date("2010/1/1"), "years")
y <- rnorm(length(x),0,10)
df <- data.frame(x,y)
ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
stat_smooth(method = 'lm', aes(colour = 'Trend'), se = FALSE) +
geom_line(aes(colour = 'Observation') ) +
theme_bw() +
xlab("x") +
ylab("y") +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue","red"))
Have a nice day!
I got rid of the dates, since they were driving me nuts. Perhaps someone can add a solution for that. Otherwise it seems quite doable, with some basic high school maths.
df <- data.frame(x = 2000:2010,
y = rnorm(11, 0, 10))
fm <- lm(y ~ x, data = df)
co <- coef(fm)
df$under_over <- sign(fm$residuals)
for (i in 1:(nrow(df) - 1)) {
# Get slope and intercept for line segment
slope <- (df$y[i + 1] - df$y[i]) / (df$x[i + 1] - df$x[i])
int <- df$y[i] - slope * df$x[i]
# find where they would cross
x <- (co[1] - int) / (slope - co[2])
y <- slope * x + int
# if that is in the range of the segment it is a crossing, add to the data
if (x > df$x[i] & x < df$x[i + 1])
df <- rbind(df, c(x = x, y = y, under_over = NA))
#order by x
df <- df[order(df$x), ]
# find color for intersections
for (i in 1:nrow(df))
if ($under_over[i]))
df$under_over[i] <- df$under_over[i + 1]
ggplot(df) +
geom_abline(intercept = co[1], slope = co[2]) +
geom_path(aes(x, y, col = as.factor(under_over), group = 1)) +

How to get something like Matplotlib's symlog scale in ggplot or lattice?

For very heavy-tailed data of both positive and negative sign, I sometimes like to see all the data on a plot without hiding structure in the unit interval.
When plotting with Matplotlib in Python, I can achieve this by selecting a symlog scale, which uses a logarithmic transform outside some interval, and linear plotting inside it.
Previously in R I have constructed similar behavior by transforming the data with an arcsinh on a one-off basis. However, tick labels and the like are very tricky to do right (see below).
Now, I am faced with a bunch of data where the subsetting in lattice or ggplot would be highly convenient. I don't want to use Matplotlib because of the subsetting, but I sure am missing symlog!
I see that ggplot uses a package called scales, which solves a lot of this problem (if it works). Automatically choosing tick mark and label placing still looks pretty hard to do nicely though. Some combination of log_breaks and cbreaks perhaps?
Edit 2:
The following code is not too bad
sinh.scaled <- function(x,scale=1){ sinh(x)*scale }
asinh.scaled <- function(x,scale=1) { asinh(x/scale) }
asinh_breaks <- function (n = 5, scale = 1, base=10)
function(x) {
log_breaks.callable <- log_breaks(n=n,base=base)
rng <- rng <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
minx <- floor(rng[1])
maxx <- ceiling(rng[2])
if (maxx == minx)
return(sinh.scaled(minx, scale=scale))
big.vals <- 0
if (minx < (-scale)) {
big.vals = big.vals + 1
if (maxx>scale) {
big.vals = big.vals + 1
brk <- c()
if (minx < (-scale)) {
rbrk <- log_breaks.callable( c(-min(maxx,-scale), -minx ) )
rbrk <- -rev(rbrk)
brk <- c(brk,rbrk)
if ( !(minx>scale | maxx<(-scale)) ) {
rng <- c(max(minx,-scale), min(maxx,scale))
minc <- floor(rng[1])
maxc <- ceiling(rng[2])
by <- floor((maxc - minc)/(n-big.vals)) + 1
cb <- seq(minc, maxc, by = by)
brk <- c(brk,cb)
if (maxx>scale) {
brk <- c(brk,log_breaks.callable( c(max(minx,scale), maxx )))
asinh_trans <- function(scale = 1) {
trans <- function(x) asinh.scaled(x, scale)
inv <- function(x) sinh.scaled(x, scale)
trans_new(paste0("asinh-", format(scale)), trans, inv,
asinh_breaks(scale = scale),
domain = c(-Inf, Inf))
A solution based on the package scales and inspired by Brian Diggs' post mentioned by #Dennis:
symlog_trans <- function(base = 10, thr = 1, scale = 1){
trans <- function(x)
ifelse(abs(x) < thr, x, sign(x) *
(thr + scale * suppressWarnings(log(sign(x) * x / thr, base))))
inv <- function(x)
ifelse(abs(x) < thr, x, sign(x) *
base^((sign(x) * x - thr) / scale) * thr)
breaks <- function(x){
sgn <- sign(x[which.max(abs(x))])
if(all(abs(x) < thr))
else if(prod(x) >= 0){
if(min(abs(x)) < thr)
sgn * unique(c(pretty_breaks()(c(min(abs(x)), thr)),
log_breaks(base)(c(max(abs(x)), thr))))
sgn * log_breaks(base)(sgn * x)
} else {
if(min(abs(x)) < thr)
unique(c(sgn * log_breaks()(c(max(abs(x)), thr)),
pretty_breaks()(c(sgn * thr, x[which.min(abs(x))]))))
unique(c(-log_breaks(base)(c(thr, -x[1])),
pretty_breaks()(c(-thr, thr)),
log_breaks(base)(c(thr, x[2]))))
trans_new(paste("symlog", thr, base, scale, sep = "-"), trans, inv, breaks)
I am not sure whether the impact of a parameter scale is the same as in Python, but here are a couple of comparisons (see Python version here):
data <- data.frame(x = seq(-50, 50, 0.01), y = seq(0, 100, 0.01))
data$y2 <- sin(data$x / 3)
# symlogx
ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + geom_line() + theme_bw() +
scale_x_continuous(trans = symlog_trans())
# symlogy
ggplot(data, aes(y, x)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
# symlog both, threshold = 0.015 for y
# not too pretty because of too many breaks in short interval
ggplot(data, aes(x, y2)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
scale_y_continuous(trans=symlog_trans(thr = 0.015)) +
scale_x_continuous(trans = "symlog")
# Again symlog both, threshold = 0.15 for y
ggplot(data, aes(x, y2)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
scale_y_continuous(trans=symlog_trans(thr = 0.15)) +
scale_x_continuous(trans = "symlog")
