How can I use ::theme pseudo-element? - css

I've found an article about this pseudo-element here. So, I tried use it in my project, but it doesn't work.
Maybe it has an experimental version? If so, how can I use it?

I have found a solution!
In my case, I need to use the PolymerLabs/part-theme module.
Thank you all for your help.


What is bsPrefix in React-Bootstrap?

I want to change the css design of bootstrap's <Form.Control> component, but I couldn't do it even though I used the css module. I found bsPrefix related to this. I couldn't quite understand when I reviewed the document, can you help?
My code;
enter image description here
*When I use bsPrefix the code works but I don't understand how it works.
thank you very much in advance :)

bottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemReselectedListener is deprecated

I'm Working with bottomNavigationView and now stuck at this point I want to use setOnNavigationItemReselectedListener but it is deprecated. Anyone can guide what I should use instead.
Thanks in anticipation
Use the monitoring method of the parent component

How many fonts can i use in Qt?

Like setFont(QFont("Helvetica",16,1)),I want to summerize these fonts.However,I dont't know how many fonts there are.
Is there any guy tell me ? or give me a link. Thank you !!
Use QFontDatabase to find out the fonts installed on the system. In particular, check QFontDatabase::families().

Console/Terminal Widget for Qt?

Anyone know of any widget in Qt4 that acts as a terminal/console? Open-source would be good.
Thanks in advance.
QConsole used to do something like that. (Not sure the project is active anymore, but you might want to have a look).
Found some decent source code here. Very basic functionality, but I've been adding to it some and I think it has promise to do what I need it to.
NOTE: I have only tested this code in Win32.
Here is a link to my new question concerning this code.
If you are on Qt6, you can use the QLightTerminal.
If you're on Qt5 now, there's the QTermWidget widget from the LXQt project.

Adobe Flex DeepLinking

Why By default Flex does not come up with Deeplinking. we need to write separate code to achieve this. Could anyone please come up with a Simple example with brief description. Any hepl would be highly appreciated.
Flex can support Deeplinking by using BrowserManager. Take a look at:
