Is it possible to create a constructor inside of a Javafx controller class?
My code was running well, and only gave me a runtime error when I created a constructor inside one of the controller classes
I'm having some problems with accessing org.springframework.ui.Model in a bean not annotated by #Controller Using #AutoWired fails in this bean and it isn't created. Similarly, if I try to make Model a parameter to a method in this bean it is not injected and the method call fails silently.
The reason for the need is to supply dynamic data to some views in my site such as allowed links for a user, or custom welcome messages. Theses elements may not be on every page. I've seen some tempting frameworks like Tiles. View templates were working, but needed model element on partial views was not being populated.
I've seen similar posts such as Add attributes to the model of all controllers in Spring 3 but this would add to all views which is not correct in this case. Any help or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.
I have a gui that i'm creating for a college project. The project has a main class that loads a fxml file which is a login page and sets it as the scene. what I'm trying to do is call a method in the the login fxml controller when the red X button on the top right of the gui is clicked, the main class extends Application so i'm able to override the stop method in there but i cant find a way to call the method in login controller that i want to call when the tool is being exited. I know i can do this easily with an actually button but i need it to work on the X button to.
The reason i need to call this method is so i can store the info the user entered in the page into a text file. also using the FXMLLoader.load wont work aswell, as this creates a new instance of the fxml file which wont contain any of the details entered by the user.
You have to obtain an instance of your controller class from the loader and store it for later use. Then you can call any method of your controller class from the stop method. In order to achieve this you also have to use an instance of the FXML loader to load your FXML and not the static load methods. From the instance of the FXML loader you can get your controller.
Is it possible to render partial view without ViewContext or ControllerContext?
I'm trying to get PartialView Html as string from outside of Controller Action.
Is it possible to call Controller Action from another method? (this will allow me to execute controller action and get partial view html this way).
You can try the Razor Generator Visual Studio Extension. Basically you run the custom tool on your view and it will generate a class that you can pass a model into and it will generate a string.
I am now working on my first symfony2 project. I have created a service, and I need to call it for every controllers to generate a html which is necessary throughout the all pages in my website.
So I created a BaseController class which extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller class and tried to place the code in this BaseController class. Now whenever I call from the constructor:
$my_service = $this->get('my_service');
$my_service = $this->container->get('my_service');
I got error:
Call to a member function get() on a non-object.
The container object has not been initialized. What is the solution to this problem? How DRY method is followed in symfony2, if I want to place left panel or header in all pages which contains dynamic data?
Thanks in advance.
You shouldn't use the constructor in your controller class, especially when you inherit from Symfony Controller: that way you get the container after the object instantiation (the DIC will call the setContainer method inherited from Symfony's Controller).
In general, for your first experiments, use the services in the action methods; if there is some cross-cutting logic that you need to execute in every request you could consider registering some event listeners (see the "Internals" docs in the Symfony website).
When you get more confidence with the framework you can start thinking about not inheriting Symfony's Controller, registering your controller classes in the DIC and injecting the services that you need manually (eventually implementing some logic in the constructor).
I know this is not the answer you desire, but if you need some html on all pages, I think using a service the way you do is the wrong way.
I guess you know about twig and the possibility to use a layout to place common code. But you can also embed a controller:
{% render "AcmeArticleBundle:Article:recentArticles" %}
Within the recentArticlesAction, you can place your specific code and return a template. By this, you can get custom html into each of your templates! See the symfony docs for more:
Business logic is all the custom code you write for your app that's not specific to the framework (e.g. routing and controllers). Domain classes, Doctrine entities and regular PHP classes that are used as services are good examples of business logic. Ref
I'm trying to use a Model with my page. But im not using MVC. I get an error when trying to inherit the model from a customcontrol. The error is
ViewModel: interface name expected.
public partial class CustomControl : UserControl, ViewModel
You cant do multiple inheritance in C#. UserControl and ViewModel are both classes and you are only able to inherit from a single class.
You can however implement as many interfaces as you like.