Error publishing Temporal table using non default file group in VS 2017 SSDT - sql-server-data-tools

I use filegroup called [secondary]. I'm using VS 2017 SSDT latest version. I'm trying to alter a table to make it a temporal. When I try to publish it using DB Compare I get an error.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error SQL71567: Filegroup: [secondary] cannot be specified on Table: "TableA_History" when there is the clustered Index: on the table.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to create a history table and its index separately?

I had to maintain the main and history tables separately. That wwas the only way.


flyway schema history table name

We've been using flyway for schema migrations, versions 4.x/5.x - the table is named schema_version. Now we are looking to move to latest version, 7.x. I've seen some information that states the new table name has changed to flyway_schema_history, but then I just saw this where the table name looks to be named flyway_history_schema (
Can anyone who uses flyway confirm the schema history table name?
The default name for the table is indeed flyway_schema_history
The part of the documentation you linked to is referring to the situation when Flyway is not allowed to create new schemas by its configuration, and you need to manually create a schema for that table to live in. "flyway_history_schema" is a suggested name for the schema, not the table.

Partition a table in teradata using SAS DI studio 4.902

For ETL operations we use SAS DI studio and then finally the tables are loaded in Teradata. DDL is dynamically generated in SAS DI Studio for the tables created. But when we want to customize the DDL to include partitions it throws an error. Can anyone suggest a workaround?
Note: We cannot create the DDL in Teradata first and then register the table in SAS DI Studio to be using it.
In the table properties->Options->advanced and write custom SQL in create table option it works fine for UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX(NOTI_DT)
But when we try
it throws an error:
The "invalid option name" error appears to be due to having quotes within the option string. Try doubling the quotes:

EDMX and bridge table using oracle database

I have an oracle database connected to MVC 5 with entity framework 6 application, all things was going well, until i made a change (add a new column) in bridge table:
the table:
my constraint on table :
Sample of data:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Error 3025: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 4758:Must specify mapping for all key properties (DECC_TAB_SUB.TAB_ID, DECC_TAB_SUB.PARENT_TAB_ID, DECC_TAB_SUB.STEPROLE_ID) of table DECC_TAB_SUB. DECC.EntityModel
and here's the table in diagram
and here's the association
, I have made many searches but unfortunately i didn't find anything helps me.

Dynamics AX 2012 R2 CustClassificationGroup table is missing

I am currently working on the POS retail component of Dynamics AX 2012 R2, and it appears that some tables are missing in my store database.
For example, I need to retreive some data that used to be in the CustClassificationGroup table (in the environment from which I got the source code), but it was not created on my store database when using the database utility.
Do you know how I could generate the missing table?
Shall it be created by the AX server with the sync tool? (and if so, how?)
Thanks :)
Thomas KiTe T.
You won't have all AX tables in your StoreDB.
In StoreDB, you just have relevant tables you need in standard Retail process (cash&carry, inventory, etc...).
If you need to get other standard tables or specific tables, you have to:
- add those in StoreDB SQL schema using specific SQL script added in CreateDatabase DLL
- add those in table distribution (table and field matching, sub-jobbs, etc...)

Can not make generateChangeLog working in liquibase to export data from existing database

I read some similar questions, but I still can not figure out how to export data or schemas from an exiting database using liquibase. The database i am using is sqlite, and I always got problem.
java -jar liquibase-1.9.3.jar --driver=org.sqlite.JDBC --classpath=lib/sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar --url=jdbc:sqlite:test.db --diffTypes="data" generateChangeLog
the error is: Migration Failed: no such column: 'DECIMAL_POINTS'
I just have a testing table with 2 fields: ID (integer type), and name (VARCHAR type).
Can somebody help? Thanks.
I couldn't find more examples about using liquibase with sqlite database. So, I tested and figured out by myself, and commented below:
You need to pick up right jdbc engine for liquibase, when I changed sqlitejdbc engine from sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar to sqlitejdbc-v056.jar (, it works. So it is important to pick up right one.
