Form Recognizer label tool request form link appears to be broken - microsoft-cognitive

I am trying to request the Label Tool to help with training a new form, but the link on the tutorial site appears to be incorrect. It redirects to the main Microsoft site.
I am working off this page and using the link under the second bullet point of Prerequisites. is the url that is on that link.
I'd like to try using this tool rather than training using Python. Any help is appreciated.

The link is working on my side, see capture below:


Custom Google Form? Example of Google Form API?

I'm trying to make a google form look like my own site. I found examples of how to do this on How to style Google Forms and google-custom-form (GitHub project), but I tried both of the examples they give and they seem to fail now.
I had a look at Class Form - Google Apps Script which seems to be like an API, but I can't get my head around the documentation. Does anyone have an example of it working. Or has found another way of getting this to work? It would be really handy to do as embedded forms look really out of sync with the rest of the site.
The API you're linking to is an apps script API. This is needed if you want to create dynamic forms (dynamic amount of questions, dynamic answers,...) but not for custom styling. An intro to appscript can be found on this page:
You could just create a form manually on
You can change the styling and colors in the top-right of the page. When you are ready to embed the form on your own page you have to press "SEND", an select the embed icon <> at the top.
I've worked with this a ton, and still have issues with it. Been learning the new api v4 for sheets but still having trouble, it is still in beta too. For now I can recommend this solution though by heaversm on github.
The example fully works as long as you find the entry.xxxxxxx for each field and replace in the appropriate js. To avoid the embed issues, give your form submit on a click function that has the event as the input and then preventDefault on the event like so:
$('#submit-button').on('click', function(event){
// continue code from heaversm
Hope this works for you. Cheers

How to pass link data from one page to another page using querystring in asp net

can you help with this please?
This link would be set up something like this:
When it is clicked, the code implemented needs to pass the source and medium info (facebook /social) into the gaps (_____) in link url.
How can i do this?
ASP is not my environment and all I know has not worked.
Can some help me please.

Spam in email form using .aspx language C# - how to add CAPTCHA

---- Final Solution ----
Since I am not familiar with asp - I decided to go with a jquery captcha ( thanks for all your help )
Edit New
I am using the reCaptcha with ASP.NET doc's found here:
Okay I added the code the the page see screen shot here.
I am now getting this error.
The first step of the docs asks me to:
Download and Add Recaptcha.dll to the root.. how do I link it without visual studio?
Let me know
Old Below
I need help with a client with aspx - I am only familiar with PHP.
He keeps getting spam with this old form the past web guy coded.
I am looking into ways to add reCAPTCHA or an easy method to stop spam... even just adding a simple validation for whats 5+6 or something.
I tried looking into the documentation for reCAPTCHA or some other free online CAPTCHA scripts but keep getting error - I am probably installing it wrong.
Whats the correct way to do this?
This is the fiddle of the linked code.
Thanks in advance.
I think you may have skipped step 1.
Add a reference on your website to library/bin/Release/Recaptcha.dll:
On the Visual Studio Website menu, choose Add Reference and then click
the .NET tab in the dialog box. Select the Recaptcha.dll component
from the list of .NET components and then click OK. If you don't see
the component, click the Browse tab and look for the assembly file on
your hard drive.

Register/Login popup form for WordPress site

Hi I'm building a site using the WPTUBE4 theme in WordPress. I'd put the link but I'm creating it on my localhost using WebMatrix. My issue is i can't get a register/login popup form to work. I just want to have a button or link in my header that says Login and another that says Register and when you click have a form popup in a "lightbox" lets say and then the user can Register using their email and a password like most other sites have. Then from then on they can just login to the site. To complicate it a bit more I would like to set up a "log in using facebook option" much like how StackOverflow has. I've just been having a hard time finding the right tutorial or plugin online and I'm hoping that this newbie question can be answered and/or someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks and sorry for it being such a simple thing to ask. Not sure if i should be using jQuery for this or something like it, I might just redirect to another page with the form there but i wanted to avoid this, i wanted to keep users on the same page and just overlay (Lightbox effect) the form then when they're done they could return to exactly where they were. Regardless of what i use i would like to learn the skill to use both. Thanks.

Using the facebook popup design in my app

I am developing a Facebook App and I want use the exact design (style) that facebook has, to show a post - picture, link, status etc. So for example I show a link to a post on the wall that has a picture in it and when the user wants to see details about it, a popup shows all info (picture, likes, comments etc) exactly how Facebook shows it if you would click the picture in your wall. My question is: am I allowed to copy the exact design of the pop up, or is there a way I can do this by just calling a function with the parameter being the post id?
Thank you.
Yea - you can recreate their UI. Checkout this answer I gave a little while back - it might be useful to you.
The only issue with recreating their UI (IMO) is to start altering their brands.
