TornadoFX:proper way to bind model - javafx

I was taking a look at this :
and tried to expand on it with database connection and little more options, (not all of them make sense, but its just playing in a sandbox).
Even though table can be directly edited and the data will persist in database, i did try to do edit through text fields too. actual table editing would happen through different view and not table itself, as i said its just example.
Database used is Jetbrains Exposed.
object Categories : IntIdTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 64).uniqueIndex()
val description = varchar("description", 128)
class Category(id: EntityID<Int>) : IntEntity(id) {
companion object : IntEntityClass<Category>(Categories)
var name by
var description by Categories.description
override fun toString(): String {
return "Category(name=\"$name\", description=\"$description\")"
now controller looks something like this, functions are just rudimentary and picked as an example.
typealias ModelToDirtyState = Map.Entry<CategoryModel, TableColumnDirtyState<CategoryModel>>
class CategoryModel() : ItemViewModel<Category>() {
val name: SimpleStringProperty = bind(Category::name)
val description: SimpleStringProperty = bind(Category::description)
class DBController : Controller() {
val categories: ObservableList<CategoryModel> by lazy {
transaction {
Category.all().map {
CategoryModel().apply {
item = it
init {
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver",
user = "test", password = "test"
TransactionManager.manager.defaultIsolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
fun deleteCategory(model: CategoryModel) {
runAsync {
transaction {
fun updateCategory(model: CategoryModel) {
transaction {
Categories.update {
fun commitDirty(modelDirtyMappings: Sequence<ModelToDirtyState>) {
transaction {
modelDirtyMappings.filter { it.value.isDirty }.forEach {
println(it.key)// commit value to database
it.value.commit() // clear dirty state
Just to quickly comment on controller, delete method works as "intended" however the update one does not, it does not work in sense that after using delete item is remove both from database and tableview(underlying list) itself, and when i do update its not, now i know the reason, i call remove manually on both database and list, now for update perhaps i could do change listener, or maybe tornadofx can do this for me, i just cant set it up to do it. Following code will make things clearer i think.
class CategoryEditor : View("Categories") {
val categoryModel: CategoryModel by inject()
val dbController: DBController by inject()
var categoryTable: TableViewEditModel<CategoryModel> by singleAssign()
var categories: ObservableList<CategoryModel> by singleAssign()
override val root = borderpane {
categories = dbController.categories
center = vbox {
buttonbar {
button("Commit") {
action {
button("Roll;back") {
action {
// This model only works when i use categorytable.tableview.selected item, if i use categoryModel, list gets updated but not the view itself
// Question #1 how to use just categoryModel variable without need to use categorytable.tableview.selecteditem
button("Delete ") {
action {
val model = categoryTable.tableView.selectedItem
when (model) {
null -> return#action
else -> dbController.deleteCategory(model)
//And here no matter what i did i could not make the view update
button("Update") {
action {
when (categoryModel) {
null -> return#action
else -> dbController.updateCategory(categoryModel)
tableview<CategoryModel> {
categoryTable = editModel
items = categories
onUserSelect() {
//open a dialog
categoryModel.rebindOnChange(this) { selectedItem ->
item = selectedItem?.item ?: CategoryModel().item
// Question #2. why bindSelected does not work, and i have to do it like above
// bindSelected(categoryModel)
column("Name", CategoryModel::name).makeEditable()
column("Description", CategoryModel::description).makeEditable()
right = form {
fieldset {
field("Name") {
fieldset {
field("Description") {
button("ADD CATEGORY") {
action {
dbController.addCategory(, categoryModel.description.value)
I apologize for huge amount of code, also in last code snipped i left questions in form of comments where i fail to achive desired results.
I am sure i am not properly binding code, i just dont see why, also i sometimes use one variable to update data, my declared one "categoryModel" and sometimes i use tableview.selecteditem, it just seems hacky and i cant seem to grasp way.
Thank you!


How can I concat a call that returns an array and multiple calls for each element of this array?

Sorry if that title is not clear enough but I didn't know how to sum it up in one sentence.
I have a webservice that returns an ArrayList of objects named Father.
The Father object is structured like this:
class Father {
ArrayList<Child> children;
I have another webservice that returns me the detail of the object Child.
How can I concat the first call that returns me the arraylist of Father and the multiple calls for the multiple objects Child ?
So far I can make the calls separately, like this:
Call for ArrayList of Father
.observeOn( DisposableSingleObserver<List<Father>>() {
multiple call for ArrayList of Child
.flatMap((Function<List<Child>, ObservableSource<Child>>) Observable::fromIterable)
.flatMap((Function<Child, ObservableSource<Child>>) this::getChildDetailObservable)
.subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<Child>() {
// do whatever action after the result of each Child
Classes / Interfaces
interface Api {
fun getFather(): Single<List<Father>>
fun childDetailInfo(child: Child): Single<ChildDetailInfo>
interface Store {
fun store(father: Father): Completable
fun store(child: ChildDetailInfo): Completable
class ApiImpl : Api {
override fun getFather(): Single<List<Father>> {
val child = Child("1")
val child1 = Child("2")
return Single.just(listOf(Father(listOf(child, child1)), Father(listOf(child))))
override fun childDetailInfo(child: Child): Single<ChildDetailInfo> {
return Single.just(ChildDetailInfo(
data class Father(val childes: List<Child>)
data class Child(val name: String)
data class ChildDetailInfo(val name: String)
val fathersStore = api.getFather()
.flatMapObservable {
}.flatMapCompletable {
val detailInfos = { child ->
.flatMapCompletable { detail -> }
On each emit of a List of fathers, the list is flatten. The next opreator (flatMapCompletable) will take an Father. The completable will get the details of each Child with Api#childDetailInfo. The result is build by calling the API one by one. There is no concurrency happening wegen "concat". When the father is stored sucessfully, the childs will be stored as-well, when retrieved successfully. If one of the API-calls fails (e.g. network) everything fails, because the onError will be propgated to the subscriber.
fun so62299778() {
val api = ApiImpl()
val store = mockk<Store>()
every {<Father>()) } returns Completable.complete()
every {<ChildDetailInfo>()) } returns Completable.complete()
val fathersStore = api.getFather()
.flatMapObservable {
}.flatMapCompletable {
val detailInfos = { child ->
.flatMapCompletable { detail -> }
verify {"1"), Child("2"))))) }
verify {"1"))))) }
verify(atLeast = 2) {"1"))) }
verify(atLeast = 1) {"2"))) }
Please provide next time some classes/ interfaces. When your question contains all vital information, you will get an answer quicker.

Async Loading of a TreeView

Hey I am very new to tornadofx struggeling with async loading of data for the treeview. I am loading categories from a rest endpoint, which I want to show in there.
It seems like there's no direct data binding to the children.
when using 'bindChildren' I can provide the observable list, but I have to convert them into Node's. which then would make the populate block kind of obsolete.
What's the recommended way of doing this? I cannot find anything about this.
// Category
interface Category<T : Category<T>> {
val id: String
val name: String
val subcategories: List<T>?
//default category:
class DefaultCategory(override val name: String) : Category<DefaultCategory> {
override val id: String = "default"
override val subcategories: List<DefaultCategory>? = null
class CategoryViewModel : ViewModel() {
val sourceProperty = SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>()
fun loadData() {
// load items for treeview into 'newItems'
sourceProperty.value = newItems
// TreeViewFactoryMethod
private fun createTreeView(
listProperty: SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>
): TreeView<Category<*>> {
return treeview {
root = TreeItem(DefaultCategory("Categories"))
isShowRoot = false
root.isExpanded = true
root.children.forEach { it.isExpanded = true }
cellFormat { text = }
populate { parent ->
when (parent) {
root -> listProperty.value
else -> parent.value.subcategories
Assuming that on a button click I call viewmodel.loadData(), I would expect the TreeView to update as soon as there's some new data. (If I would've found a way to bind)
I've never had to use bindChildren for TornadoFX before and your use of async isn't very relevant to what I think is your primary problem. So, admittedly, this question kind of confused me at first but I'm guessing you're just wondering why the list isn't appearing in your TreeView? I've made a test example with changes to make it work.
// Category
interface Category<T : Category<T>> {
val id: String
val name: String
val subcategories: List<T>?
//default category:
class DefaultCategory(override val name: String) : Category<DefaultCategory> {
override val id: String = "default"
override val subcategories: List<DefaultCategory>? = null
//Just a dummy category
class ChildCategory(override val name: String) : Category<ChildCategory> {
override val id = name
override val subcategories: List<ChildCategory>? = null
class CategoryViewModel : ViewModel() {
//filled with dummy data
val sourceProperty = SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>(listOf(
fun loadData() {
sourceProperty.asyncItems {
//items grabbed somehow
class TestView : View() {
val model: CategoryViewModel by inject()
override val root = vbox(10) {
button("Refresh Items").action {
// TreeViewFactoryMethod
private fun createTreeView(
listProperty: SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>
): TreeView<Category<*>> {
return treeview {
root = TreeItem(DefaultCategory("Categories"))
isShowRoot = false
root.isExpanded = true
root.children.forEach { it.isExpanded = true }
cellFormat { text = }
populate { parent ->
when (parent) {
root -> listProperty
else -> parent.value.subcategories
There are 2 important distinctions that are important.
1. The more relevant distinction is that inside the populate block, root -> listProperty is used instead of root.listProperty.value. This will make your list appear. The reason is that a SimpleListProperty is not a list, it holds a list. So, yes, passing in a plain list is perfectly valid (like how you passed in the value of the list property). But now that means the tree view isn't listening to your property, just the list you passed in. With that in mind, I would be considerate over the categories' subcategory lists are implemented as well.
2. Secondly, notice the use of asyncItems in the ViewModel. This will perform whatever task asynchronously, then set the items to list on success. You can even add fail or cancel blocks to it. I'd recommend using this, as long/intensive operations aren't supposed to be performed on the UI thread.

Why does my filterInput receive a formatted number containing punctuation in certain cases?

I have a text field that I want to limit to integers only. See the code below.
When the view containing the field starts, and if the model is constructed with an initial default value for someInteger, the view displays the number correctly, without extra formatting. It also filters new typed input as expected.
A problem arises when refactoring the model not to have a default value. Being an integer property, it defaults to 0. When I later assign a new value to the property, the controlNewText passed contains punctuation, such as 1,234. That causes the check to fail and the newly assigned value to be filtered out of the view.
Why is the controlNewText getting formatted in the first place? Is there a way to prevent that?
textfield(model.someInteger) {
textFormatter = TextFormatter(IntegerStringConverter(), model.item.someInteger)
filterInput { it.controlNewText.isInt() }
class SomeData {
val someIntegerProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "someInteger")
var someInteger by someIntegerProperty
class SomeDataModel : ItemViewModel<SomeData>(SomeData()) {
val someInteger = bind(SomeData::someIntegerProperty)
The formatting is performed by the TextFormatter you specified. Make sure to specify one that doesn't add thousand separators. Here is a complete runnable application that configures a NumberStringConverter inside the formatter. Notice that I've removed the filterInput statement, as that's already covered by stripNonInteger.
class MainView : View("Main view") {
val model = SomeDataModel()
override val root = borderpane {
center {
form {
fieldset {
field("Some integer") {
textfield(model.someInteger) {
textFormatter = TextFormatter(NumberStringConverter("########"), model.someInteger.value)
button("Set some value").action {
model.someInteger.value = 1234
class SomeData {
val someIntegerProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "someInteger")
var someInteger by someIntegerProperty
class SomeDataModel : ItemViewModel<SomeData>(SomeData()) {
val someInteger = bind(SomeData::someIntegerProperty)

Kotlin, how to retrieve field value via reflection

So I have hundreds of fields in a couple of classes and I'd like to write some methods on them where they automatically println each field and its corresponding value
At the moment I have this:
inner class Version(val profile: Profile) {
#JvmField val MINOR_VERSION = glGetInteger(GL_MINOR_VERSION)
fun write(file: File? = null) {
//file.printWriter().use { out -> out.pri } {
println(it.getInt(it)) }
But this is what I get:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set final int field uno.caps.Caps$Version.MINOR_VERSION to java.lang.reflect.Field
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.ensureObj(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeQualifiedIntegerFieldAccessorImpl.getInt(
Any idea?
Instead of using Java fields and Java reflection code, you can also use Kotlin properties and Kotlin reflection classes:
class Reflector {
val Foo = 1;
fun printFields() {
this::class.memberProperties.forEach {
if (it.visibility == KVisibility.PUBLIC) {
It seems that you are passing the Field variable it as a parameter getInt whereas the parameter should be the object the field belongs to this:
From the Javadoc for Field.getInt(Object obj):
obj - the object to extract the int value from
Perhaps this is what you meant to do:
class Reflector {
#JvmField val Foo = 1;
fun printFields() {
this.javaClass.fields.forEach {
fun main(args : Array<String>) {

Angular2 model binding not working

I try to update an input value in Angular 2, it works the first time the size value exceeds maxSize, but afterwords it does not work anymore. It seems like when I am setting this.size to some value the UI is not updated, am I overlooking something ?
<input type="text" class="form-control" [value]="size" (input)="size = updateValue($event)">
export class BrushSizePicker {
#Input() minValue;
#Input() maxValue;
#Input() size;
increaseValue(event) {
decreaseValue(event) {
updateValue(event) {
this.size = parseInt(;
return this.size;
private checkValue() {
if (this.size > this.maxValue) {
this.size = this.maxValue;
if (this.size < this.minValue) {
this.size = this.minValue;
I logged what happened: checkValue is called every time with the correct input, and it returns the correct value. But the new value is not set into the input field / value field
While it may not solve the problem, the way you have implemented the input event can be simplified. I would have written it like this, side-effect free functions:
updateValue(event) { // The method name with this change is a misnomer
return this.checkValue(parseInt(;
private checkValue(item) {
if (item > this.maxValue) {
return this.maxValue;
else if (else < this.minValue) {
return this.maxValue;
return item;
