Cicular contour map using Plotly - r

I am trying to create contour plots of film thicknesses on a wafer using plotly, but would like the outputted plot to be a circle since it is a wafer instead of the default square. Do I have to somehow overlay a circle on to the plot and then exclude anything outside of it after the plot is generated? I prefer using plotly if possible since it looks nice. I've tried using ggplot as well but for some reason my data doesn't work with it since the x and y coordinates are apparently irregularly spaced. I've searched around but have not seen any results at least using R.


Define the plotting area of an igraph plot

I'm trying to plot igraph objects for which I have set the xy coordinates.
It's been working fine, but when the plot is produced it is stretched in either the x or y so the network looks distorted.
Does anyone know a way that I can define the plotting area (i.e. tell igraph that I want it to plot on a square of set dimensions)? Or any other way of avoiding this problem?

Control contour line transparency plot.kde

I'm using plot.kde in library(ks) to extract contour levels of kernel density plots. I'd like to overlay multiple plots so I'm making the contour fills semi-transparent. However, there is a border/contour line whose color I just can't seem to control.
I have tried changing all of the different col,cont.col,color (etc) options in the plot.kde function and just can't seem to hone in on the color of the contour itself. I could probably use some work around by extracting the coordinates of the contour from the kde object and then plotting this using the polygon() function, but I'd really like to control this from within plot.kde. It's something I'll be running many times.
This is likely super simple but I'm just missing it! In the figure below, it's the thicker red line I'm trying to control.
H.scv <- Hscv(x=unicef)
fhat <- kde(x=unicef, H=H.scv, compute.cont=TRUE)
plot(fhat, display="filled.contour2", cont=c(10),col=c(NA,rgb(1,0,0,0.5)))

R non gridded filled contour

I have a set of data that I'm trying to create a surface plot of. I have an x,y point and a to colour by.
I can create a xy plot with the points coloured but I can't find a way to create a surface plot with my data. The data isn't on a normal grid and I would prefer to not normalize it if possible (or I could just use a very fine grid).
The data won't be outside the a radius=1 circle so this part would need to be blank.
The code and the plot is shown below.
I've tried using contour, filled.contour as well as surface3d (not what I wanted). I'm not real familiar with many packages in R so I'm not even sure where to begin looking for this info.
Any help in creating this plot would be appreciated.
With regards to the plot I was trying to create is below. I believe the link in the first comment should get me where I'm trying to go.

R: How to overlay pie charts on 'dots' in a scatterplot in R

Using R I would like to replace the points in a 2d scatter plot by a pie chart displaying additional values.
The rational behind is that I have time series data for hundreds of elements (proteins) derived from a biological experiment monitored for 4 conditions. I would like to plot the elements (categorial data) on the y axis and occurrence of a event in time on the x axis. To visualize the relative occurrence between the 4 conditions I would like to visualize this in form of a pie chart or doughnut chart overplayed onto the respective point in the scatter plot.
The overall data density is low so overlapping won't be an issue.
Is this possible in R?
I was thinking of using a manual scale in ggplot2 but could not figure out how to define a pie chart as a scale.
Also of interest would be how to best cluster this data and sort it accordingly.
Yes. pieGlyph() is one ready-to-go function from the Rgraphviz package.
Also, I would check out this Q/A for how to do things like this more generally:
How to fill a single 'pch' point on the plot with two-colours?
Especially check out ?my.symbols from the TeachingDemos package.
Lastly, in regards to ggplot2, you should check out this blog post about possible upcoming features:
See also Paul Murrell. Integrating grid graphics output with base graphics output. R News, 3(2):7-12, October 2003.
The code on pp 10-11 sets up the main plot axes, labels and legend, and then opens a series of smaller windows centered at each individual point on the plot and plots a small graph in each window. I've tried pie charts, mosaics and barplots, but the method is not limited to these types.

plotting points on top of image in R

These days I am extensively using R to scatter plots.
Most of the plotting is concerned with image processing,
Recently I was thinking of plotting the scatter plots over an image.
For example, I want something like this,
The background needs to be filled with my image. With a particular scale.
And I should be able to draw points (co-ordinates) on top of this image ...
Is this possible in R?
If not, do you guys know of any other tool that makes this easy ...
I'm not 100% sure what you have in mind, but I think first you want to load and plot an image in R. You can do that with the ReadImages package:
picture <- read.jpeg("avatar.jpg")
Then you can do a scatter plot on top of it:
points(runif(50,0, 128), runif(50,0,128))
A step-by-step tutorial to this kind of plotting is in the R-wiki
